We need a time limit per match

BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809
edited December 2018 in General Discussions

Like the Death Skulls in nostalgic Bubble Bobble game:


some matches take too long to end (trolls not willing to do gens...) for the people that still have life

make it no more than 15/20 minutes, then the SWAT come to stun the killer and/or the entity goes after you!



    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    @Someissues said:
    Yep 100%

    Devs did nothing to these trolls for the past 2 years, refusing to leave cuz you camp, tunnel etc.

    Or just give instant leave option for killers without punishing them with no points earn after a set amount of minutes

    I got trolled often cuz my builds are troll I guess but thats not a reason to hide for 30+minutes

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    The afk mechanic should start 5 minutes after the gates were powered. Giving the killer a clear indication of where the survivors are.
    Hell even if no gens are done and the survivors don't try to repair them for 5 minutes. 
    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    @Tsulan said:
    The afk mechanic should start 5 minutes after the gates were powered. Giving the killer a clear indication of where the survivors are.
    Hell even if no gens are done and the survivors don't try to repair them for 5 minutes. 

    in my case it is not afkers but trolls

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
    Hard limits are tricky. I could play three gen hag or doctor and the game would cut me off with a "that's all folks" and send me on my way.

    If someone is doing it to grief, though, please report it. That is holding the game hostage and is treated the same as a killer blocking survivors in somewhere and not allowing the game to end.
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Peanits said:
    Hard limits are tricky. I could play three gen hag or doctor and the game would cut me off with a "that's all folks" and send me on my way.

    If someone is doing it to grief, though, please report it. That is holding the game hostage and is treated the same as a killer blocking survivors in somewhere and not allowing the game to end.
    Why not have it in effect if the gates are open you have 2 mins to get out if it's a hatch you have 5 mins to find it before it shuts and relocates to a new spot (does three things gives survivor's a chance to escape with the hatch will kill a hatch standoff as it moves and if your still inside after 2 mins of opening a gate then your all exposed and a bloodwarden activates locking you in as punishment with no timer unless your saved from a hook (though if somone been slugged or hooked when the warden activates then it won't activate on them or there healer/unhooker as there risking there game to save somone But others would be locked out so you have to make the choice help and risk death or leave) which means no more refusing to leave no more teabagging the gates for a chase out as they end up being killed for it or all end up slugged and on a hook though if they save somone they are free to go
  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    It could be as soon as the gates open there is a countdown timer. Fail to leave and the entity eats you anyway. Doesn't count toward blood points but at least you arent stuck for 20 min waiting for survivors to leave.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    @Onionthing said:
    It could be as soon as the gates open there is a countdown timer. Fail to leave and the entity eats you anyway. Doesn't count toward blood points but at least you arent stuck for 20 min waiting for survivors to leave.

    I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but a group that's committed to griefing could leave the gates at 99% and then hide around like normal. Then if you get caught, they just tap it and leave. I'd also be concerned with late game saves. If the timer is too strict, it could punish players for even trying to go for them. Those situations are pretty tense and I've seen them go both extremely successfully and turn into 4Ks.

    To give a scenario: Someone is hooked, gates get powered. A survivor goes for the save, waits for an opening, unhooks them with borrowed time. The killer has NOED and instantly downs the rescuer, the other guys runs out. Now the other survivors run around the map looking for NOED, cleanse it, and go in for the save.

    That could easily take a couple minutes, so there's a good chance that the timer would cut that off. The obvious move would be to make the timer longer, but if you do that the timer runs the risk of being too long. If it's too long, not much has really changed. If you're stuck sitting around for five minutes waiting for the timer to kick in, you're still not going to be having much fun.

  • Alien
    Alien Member Posts: 25
    edited December 2018

    Yes. Something like this needs to happen. It pisses me off when survivors don't leave. 1 time I spend a good 10 min looking for the little ######### after everyone else had left, managed to down them but then got hit with DS and they got the hatch. It is so frustrating especially if u have a bad game and you just want to move on.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    I got today game as traper wher i menage to kill 2 ppl 3 one got ds but i hook him becose hook was close.And what happend was 2 gens to end game and one on hook one free runing.This free one wait until this with ds on hook got all phase on hook untill he die.Dont even think about save him just camp close to hatch.I patrol person on hook and hatch.Hooked person finaly die becose he strugle and second one jump into hatch.Gues who got flame from survs? Me becose i patrol hook person and hatch.This is not killer bad end game suck! From devs we hear all time we got idea for end game we work on this but nothing go on PTB and to game just ideas.Like we make somthing with this but not right now not ever like ds.
  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    @Peanits said:

    @Onionthing said:
    It could be as soon as the gates open there is a countdown timer. Fail to leave and the entity eats you anyway. Doesn't count toward blood points but at least you arent stuck for 20 min waiting for survivors to leave.

    I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but a group that's committed to griefing could leave the gates at 99% and then hide around like normal. Then if you get caught, they just tap it and leave. I'd also be concerned with late game saves. If the timer is too strict, it could punish players for even trying to go for them. Those situations are pretty tense and I've seen them go both extremely successfully and turn into 4Ks.

    To give a scenario: Someone is hooked, gates get powered. A survivor goes for the save, waits for an opening, unhooks them with borrowed time. The killer has NOED and instantly downs the rescuer, the other guys runs out. Now the other survivors run around the map looking for NOED, cleanse it, and go in for the save.

    That could easily take a couple minutes, so there's a good chance that the timer would cut that off. The obvious move would be to make the timer longer, but if you do that the timer runs the risk of being too long. If it's too long, not much has really changed. If you're stuck sitting around for five minutes waiting for the timer to kick in, you're still not going to be having much fun.

    Well that problem can easily be solved by some line of codes. Let the game check if some requirements are achieved like:
    no survivor at a gen for 5 min ()
    one gate open ()
    no survivors at totems for 5 min ()
    no totems available ()
    no survivor hooked for 3 min and above requirements are set ()

    If check then revel aura to the killer, apply exposed status on survivors,
    after 120s block exit and disable hatch. you had your chance now die. (if you are really nice let them mori them)

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677
    Peanits said:

    @Onionthing said:
    It could be as soon as the gates open there is a countdown timer. Fail to leave and the entity eats you anyway. Doesn't count toward blood points but at least you arent stuck for 20 min waiting for survivors to leave.

    To give a scenario: Someone is hooked, gates get powered. A survivor goes for the save, waits for an opening, unhooks them with borrowed time. The killer has NOED and instantly downs the rescuer, the other guys runs out. Now the other survivors run around the map looking for NOED, cleanse it, and go in for the save.

    That could easily take a couple minutes, so there's a good chance that the timer would cut that off. The obvious move would be to make the timer longer, but if you do that the timer runs the risk of being too long. If it's too long, not much has really changed. If you're stuck sitting around for five minutes waiting for the timer to kick in, you're still not going to be having much fun.

    I think the solution would seem obvious here, basically just extend the time with the amount of time that particular victim has left on the hook + possibly the amount of time it takes for the victims to run directly to the closest exit. This way the particular save can still be done while allowing a chance to escape, where if more gets hooked then it's the same deal, this basically ensures that the match can be prolonged for "legitimate" reasons. 
  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Additionally to the afk croes one could arguably add crows/reveal to survivors who didnt interact with objectives in a certain period of time.
    This could hselp with hidden griefers but not with buttdancers.

    Lets give survivors a punishment they always want for killers, let them start losing bp per second that get added to the killer then, if they stay too long/ around the exit gates ( not just inside the exit area)

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    it seems the solution is more complicated than expected~

    I didn't mean trolling only after gates are opened, not even that...

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    The standart time limit is in my opinion not a viable addition to this gmae.

    Imagine you have only 2minutes left but still 2 gneerators to do? Ehat are the survivors to do in such a situation.
    Normally I'd be fine with survivors suffering but that somehow wouldnt work.

    A time limit after opening the gates would simply get ignored by 99'ing the gates as they are now.

    A first step would be disabling the hatch after a gate is opened imo. (Or turning it into a deathtrap)

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469
    edited December 2018

    Or after a certain amount of time (I still say 5 minutes is enough time to get your teabaggin butts through the door.) once the gates have been opened the location of both the survivor and the killer are shown to each other on the map (Still allowing toxic survivors the ability to loop, play grab-a--, butt dance, whatever.. just not hide for 30 minutes.) and the hatch disappears after the gates are opened (Is supposed to be a "last guy gets away" kinda thing anyway.)

    And yes like a previous poster said, if Survivors want to punish killers for camping/tunneling the exact same punishment the survivors create, should be used on them for dragging out a game after the doors have been opened.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Tsulan said:
    The afk mechanic should start 5 minutes after the gates were powered. Giving the killer a clear indication of where the survivors are.
    Hell even if no gens are done and the survivors don't try to repair them for 5 minutes. 

    in my case it is not afkers but trolls

    Yeah, I know. They keep hiding and won't trigger ravens. So after 5 minutes they should spawn nevertheless. Even if they keep moving. 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Peanits said:

    @Onionthing said:
    It could be as soon as the gates open there is a countdown timer. Fail to leave and the entity eats you anyway. Doesn't count toward blood points but at least you arent stuck for 20 min waiting for survivors to leave.

    I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but a group that's committed to griefing could leave the gates at 99% and then hide around like normal. Then if you get caught, they just tap it and leave. I'd also be concerned with late game saves. If the timer is too strict, it could punish players for even trying to go for them. Those situations are pretty tense and I've seen them go both extremely successfully and turn into 4Ks.

    To give a scenario: Someone is hooked, gates get powered. A survivor goes for the save, waits for an opening, unhooks them with borrowed time. The killer has NOED and instantly downs the rescuer, the other guys runs out. Now the other survivors run around the map looking for NOED, cleanse it, and go in for the save.

    That could easily take a couple minutes, so there's a good chance that the timer would cut that off. The obvious move would be to make the timer longer, but if you do that the timer runs the risk of being too long. If it's too long, not much has really changed. If you're stuck sitting around for five minutes waiting for the timer to kick in, you're still not going to be having much fun.

    Simple solution: keep the counter on hold as long as someone is hooked.
  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    There's an easy solution for this. Just treat it like they did killer hook proximity. If you go two minutes without doing anything (totems, gens, unhooks, chests, etc), you start to slowly lose lightbringer emblem points. It requires a stream of work to prevent it or stop - you can't just tap a gen, you'll need to work on it for at least 15-20 seconds, do a full totem, do a full chest, etc.

  • Karkadann
    Karkadann Member Posts: 56
    edited December 2018

    Like the Death Skulls in nostalgic Bubble Bobble game:

    some matches take too long to end (trolls not willing to do gens...) for the people that still have life

    make it no more than 15/20 minutes, then the SWAT come to stun the killer and/or the entity goes after you!


    This is strongly advised as it gets abused at times for a ridiculous duration and for the slightest reasons.

    Justicar said:

    There's an easy solution for this. Just treat it like they did killer hook proximity. If you go two minutes without doing anything (totems, gens, unhooks, chests, etc), you start to slowly lose lightbringer emblem points. It requires a stream of work to prevent it or stop - you can't just tap a gen, you'll need to work on it for at least 15-20 seconds, do a full totem, do a full chest, etc.

    The funny thing is that this is already implemented on the DbD-inspired game on phone and it works. There it reveals the survivor as crows circle around the head of a survivor who did not interact with the pendents of generators for a certain duration.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    The timer needs to start when the gates are powered and run similar to the reverse bear trap. It gives time for altruism, but also urges survivors to ######### leave.

    Frankly any survivors not staying for altruism need to be automatically sacrificed when the timer expires.
    Or at least exposed, and vulnerable to mori no matter what.
  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Maybe not per match, but definitely when the gates are powered because it makes people take the game hostage and is very annoying to deal with.

    I also think this should happen when there is only one survivor left, Hatch or not, it's very very boring to try to find the last immersed claudette.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Orion said:

    @Peanits said:
    Hard limits are tricky. I could play three gen hag or doctor and the game would cut me off with a "that's all folks" and send me on my way.

    If someone is doing it to grief, though, please report it. That is holding the game hostage and is treated the same as a killer blocking survivors in somewhere and not allowing the game to end.

    The problem arises primarily when the Killer doesn't want to do the monkey dance for teabagging Survivors at the gates. They won't leave because they want to humiliate the Killer, and the Killer doesn't want to give them the satisfaction. However, because the Killer technically can stop it by going to the exits and playing the clown, you don't consider it griefing, despite being 100% used to grief.

    Lol I wanted to derank after reset to practise Nurse since I've got no experience with her. Went afk, let survivors win, go make a sandwhich, watch a youtube video, come back about 10 minutes larer and 3 survivors are still in the game diving over pallets for attention. How long have they been doing it? Who knows.

    But some people are just that sad. Thry HAVE to be chased out. They need the killer to see them leave.
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