I don't think MMR should ever be added

Either the MMR system + the emblem system has to be completely revamped and polished properly, or this whole MMR thing should not be a thing at all

I legitimately can't play solo queue survivor anymore. Before the MMR it was always enjoyable, sometimes i'd get a baby teammate, sometimes i'd get absolute gods, and EVERY game was different and FUN no matter whether I died or not.

Now I just keep getting baby survivors nonstop who I have to babysit or who get themselves killed before I can even finish a gen, giving up on hook, rescuing in front of the killer, crouching on the side of the map- or just straight up leaving with a key after I save them from hook. I thought maybe the MMR just needed me to play a few matches before it started putting me with people in my skill range, but I was so wrong

Every single match now has either been:

  • Baby teammates and baby killer who camps and tunnels
  • Baby teammates and s-tier killer who destroys us

I don't even want to try playing killer, knowing how everyone has been saying that their matches have been painfully sweaty and stressful. I just want my normal, random matches that had a nice and chill mix each time I played.


  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I've really enjoyed MMR and the game feels so much more fair now. It definitely should become a permanent thing.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I disagree.

    It's miserable as Killer.

    They need to balance high Ranks before they implement MMR.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,988

    Survivor has been fine although it made killer gameplay significantly less fun once mmr is permanent I'm probably never touching the killer role

  • Popett
    Popett Member Posts: 5

    It's great to hear that YOUR games have been feeling better and more fun, but the fact that the MMR can be so painfully different between your gameplay and mine is very telling about how broken it is. At the very least i'd want to have an option to disable it and play with other people who also have it disabled

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    No matter how many people argue against it Behavior will push this live calling it now just like Dedicated Servers So many people hated how bad they were when they just pushed them on us without a warning. They will do the same here and there's nothing we can do they're only listening to those praising MMR they aren't giving these posts the time of day trust me we've been here before.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Well you're saying that MMR shouldn't be added based on your experiences alone. I'm trying to give you a different perspective and that a lot of people think MMR is a good thing.

  • Popett
    Popett Member Posts: 5

    I hope we're in the rare timeline where they, for once, don't implement such a ######### idea. I really love playing this game, but I dont wanna be forced to group up with my friends anytime I wanna play it. I love going solo survivor :/

  • Popett
    Popett Member Posts: 5

    Not only my experience, but also based on the negative experiences from my friends and a looot of other people online. If I was the singular person who was getting ######### over by MMR, then i'd only be asking for it to get fixed, but seeing how so many people hate it (and then seeing other people who it has worked fine for) I much rather not having it at all or having it as an option, like crossplaying

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    It's Behavior they think they know what's best for the game, sorry man, it's coming either way, too many supports of it which is very concerning how that many people support it tells me a lot of them aren't getting the miserable games I and Many others have gotten from it. The sweat High MMR brings is boring and how I know I'm High MMR is when i check profiles I see people ranging from 1k hours all the way to 6k and these are good players who stick to gens and the games go by quickly once people get these players which they will ranking in MMR is a 100% so one day they'll get these players and soon they will be complaining just like everyone else was.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,214

    We just need balance changes to quickly follow up this MMR system, based on these new results. If the devs can't do it, then it's all pointless.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    MMR has been fine for me besides for killers I haven't played a lot of, maybe cause I need to play them more for proper matchmaking. High mmr for me has been fine outside of the issue that most people I've seen at high mmr isn't cause of skill but cause of items, perks, offerings, and being in a constant swf both as survivor and killer. I'm sure that my opinion would probably change once I go against a ridiculous good team.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Personally I don't think it's the MMR so much as solo sucks in this game. I almost never play survivor solo anymore because of terrible teammates. If friends are on I play swf, if I am alone I'm the killer.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    It's been unbalanced as hell for me as survivor. It's either Team Potato for the 4K or we run over the killer completely.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,258

    MMR has made my trials much better in terms of how my team plays, what skill my opponents are like and overall a much better experience than the previous system.

    However, as many players as there are, like me, who are happier with the new system, it's clear others are not getting as fun an experience. Yet I'm wondering whether it's not the MMR system which is screwing them over, but moreover the data by which the MMR is working with.

    As an example, if the MMR judges people's ability to escape chases, and over the past several months the previous ratings system had been inconsistent - matching players up with others far below or above their skill level - then it stands to reason the opponents you're matched with will reflect that.

    So, maybe SBMM should be labelled EBMM (Experienced-based Match Making), that would ultimately explain why people are having differing experiences. Derankers especially will probably be experiencing extreme hikes in difficulty, but also the inconsistency of the previous ranking system will be a large factor.

    But I hope your experiences improve.