Should the workaround to Franklins be removed

MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

So most people who've ever encountered good Survivors can tell you for a fact they've had at least one Survivor, bring a Key or other Items, and when you smack it out of their hand, other Survivors will pick the item up, redrop it so it doesn't lose charges.

Another issue with this is people will spawn in and drop their Key in a corner to completely render using Franklins useless. There should be a buff to Franklins that if any item is Placed or Smacked outta the Survivors hands, it loses charges as long as you have Franklins Equipped. This would make using Franklin's not feel so unrewarding half the times people have to put it on.

Also if you are pushing Competitive in this game Items need to start being the focus for Balance and this Buff to Franklin's would be very helpful and it would also allow for more counter play against Keys and other items.


  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,855

    Sounds like a skill issue

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Sounds more like a key issue than anything else tbh. Toolboxes aren't great, Flashlights are detrimental to a survivor team, Maps are only good in solo or if you're really bad at talking, and a single hit with Franklin's equipped removes an entire health state from a Medkit. Keys are the only real issue here.

    I'd say rework them and then see what happens, since the only time I ever see Franklin's is during events to ruin the survivor's uses of the event items.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited August 2021

    True but it doesn't hurt by buffing lower tier perks anyway also Survivors can still pick the item up and drop it while you're chasing their friend. Also I've had to use it a ton at higher MMR a lot of Strong Items and Addons being brought.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    But that's ignoring solo, and something I desperately don't want to increase are the perks which require lots of teamwork to counteract. In this scenario they need to know where your item is, if its worth saving, and have to not steal it from you.

    After some solo buffs and a key nerf I'm 100% down for testing it out, though I do with event items could get an exclusion from Franklin's (and never make an event key)

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited August 2021

    I mean, Solo has been ignored for a long time and also Solo shouldn't be what determines how the game is Balanced if we're moving towards a more Competitive Game than we have to throw balancing for Solo's and Lower MMR out the door SWF's should be the main focus and now balancing around that since the game is Competitive now. The game should start taking the turn towards balancing everything that includes Items, Perks, and even Maps and Addons Right now, seeing multiple keys and having Survivors just predrop them because they expect Franklins feels so unrewarding and it puts Killers in such an awful situation. Either you Slug or you Lose.

    This is a big issue with MMR is the Higher MMR's suffer while the lower MMR's don't see these kind of things often so people's idea of how the game is played at Higher MMR is conflicting. While I understand it sucks losing Event Items that's sadly the risk you take bringing them. Also while I understand the Developers have a Key rework coming I don't and many others don't have the faith they'll balance Keys if anything I'm expecting a Buff.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337
    edited August 2021

    What if Hoarder or Franklin's Demise alerted the killer with a noise notification when an item is dropped?

    Would you personally find that a suitable adjustment?

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited August 2021

    Honestly that wouldn't be an awful change but again thats two wasted perk slots to know when a Survivor drops an item EH idk how i feel about that. Against the best MMR players you can't afford to waste a perk slot and having to waste two just to ensure an item degrades is a little too much I think buffing Franklins would be enough.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337

    I'm asking about one or the other but I only brought up Hoarder because the theme of the perk and it alerts killer when survivors pick up an item.

    Franklin's Demise shows the auras of all items on the ground or just knocked items? I feel the aura should always be visible with both of these perks personally.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Yeah I personally think it should be applied to Franklins in general as you just don't have the option to waste more than one perk slot to ensure counterplay to Items.

    Also Franklins shows all items even dropped ones I ended up finding the Key they dropped on Midwich.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I personally think so, but that mainly stems from my personal opinion that the only item worth bringing Franklin's in against (on paper) is the Key, which also happens to be the item where Survivors can play around Franklin's the easiest.

  • Ludicris
    Ludicris Member Posts: 244

    Just make keys so that only the survivor who used the key can escape, and only if had been already hooked 2 times. Problem solved.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Good idea waiting for the comment to be deleted usually ideas like these go missing.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    It's not really a crutch if Keys are being used heavily during this MMR test and while i see somewhat where you're trying to come from again If we're aiming this game towards being competitive than we need to keep in mind the strength of Items and Addons.

    Green toolbox with double charges is still just as bad as it was prior you can get almost two gens done.

    A Key speaks for itself

    An Insta Heal which is very common or Stiptics

    Good Flashlights

    Again these are just examples.

    You can argue these are more issues with Addons to which I'll agree but sitting here saying a Key in general is the only issue isn't fair how about spawning placing your key down and leaving it that's an issue.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Just because solo is ignored shouldn’t mean that we should continue to do so. Additionally, just because a portion of the player base is trying move the game into a competitive direction doesn’t mean the devs want to either. Dbd was never meant to be a competitive game.

    Being in solo que shouldn’t be instant “hard mode” for a player that could either not have any friends (or at least ones that play this game) or not want to play with others. No player should need to have friends to properly play dbd with a fair chance of surviving. Balancing for swf will make that à reality.

    If so, will solo que be rewarded for choosing the hard difficulty or will it not be an option. Put simply, what incentive will survivors have to play solo? Because without any I’d doubt many would, meaning there will be longer que times for killers any survivors that aren’t a 4 man swf since many of the randoms that would fill in the empty slots will either already be in a swf or not playing.

    I’m not saying that nothing should be done about the discrepancy of power a solo team has with swfs and killers, but balancing towards swf without doing any for solos will have a negative impact in the game’s health and player base. Please wait until that discrepancy is dealt with.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Hey man you're speaking to the crowd but the game is shifting into competitive play and also its clear the Developers want it because why else would they design a competitive MMR system.

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 582

    New franklins already prevents you from healing a health state when hit with a gray medkit. I don’t think it needs another buff. Dropping your item before you get hit is the only way to counter franklins at the moment and every perk should have some way to counter it.