Why does Nemesis Whip has a paper thin hitbox?

That's not an infect hit btw, That is suppose to be an Injure but BHVR said that "Nemesis Tentacle has a 3 Inch width" and Us Nemesis players have to deal with these kind of BS.
(Bonus Pic: The Jake crouching after fast vaulting = No Tentacle injure)
It bhvr trying to balance out the huntress hitbox without fixing the huntress lol.
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really lol, there been many times where im not even close to the whip and it hits
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If you move left or right the hit box is separated into 2 hits you got the line check with the blue line then a head check with the whip
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As said above, moving left or right (character, not camera) right after you whip it does seem to almost increase it's size. Both of those if you swayed left likely woulda hit
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In neither of those screenshots did the tentacle touch the survivors. Why do you feel entitled to the hit regardless of the obvious fact that you missed?
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Because they are clearly within the hitbox.
The blue is covering both of them.
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The tentacle never touched them, thus they should not be hit. Why would the blue particles around the whip count for the hitbox?
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Nah, I was playing Nemesis a lot today and the tentacle feels so tiny. I'm not sure the hitbox is too small, I just think it's a weird clunky ability to get used to because it has this delay between when you press to use it and when it actually registers to hit the survivor. Besides, I mainly use it to hit survivors when they commit to vaulting a window or dropping a pallet, and it works fine for that.
Although I will say, there are some oddly strange junk tiles that the tentacle can or can't go over. It does not seem consistent at all.
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Why wouldn't they?
No other hitbox is that precise, not even the actual weapon hitbox for every Killer.
Nor is the pallet hitbox that precise.
The hitbox is clearly bugged. It lingers, can be moved by strafing, but is extremely small.
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Wanted to see if so eone brought this up. His whip can actually be quite forgiving if you know how to use this to your advantage. That first clip, same scenario, I'm usually able to hit survivors with that much of their hotbox showing as long as I react correctly
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I just usually zone the survivors with the threat of the whip and when they lose distance or run into me while trying to avoid it I just punch them. Whip isn't dependable to get a hit.
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I've stopped using it unless I KNOW I've got them dead to rights. The hitbox for the whip is figgity as hell and really unreliable for me at least (same with Pyramid Head and his underground knife thing).
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Deathslinger and tricksters knives
I feel like they originally were going to go for only a head check but realize it was too hard to hit so they added a line check to make it better
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Deathslinger requires some pretty good accuracy
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Debatable sometimes m1 is the better option but the reach is barelly longer that a lunge that negates the sometimes where your .2s off form a hit but theres a pallet and its fairly quick
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But his has other advantages, like being able to shoot over almost every loop reliably and being able to shoot through windows and small cracks.
Nemesis's tentacle is treated the same hitbox wise, as in, it must be directly on the Survivor, but it isn't given the same leeway with objects.
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isnt it already enough that you hit through pallets?
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Of course Deathslinger's gun has spots where its more useful; thats not what I said though. I said that it ALSO requires alot of accuracy. If they gave Nemesis a power that could be used on just as many spots as Deathslinger, that would be OP as ######### since he's a 115 killer and doesnt have to go through the stuff Deathslinger does, like reloading after each shot and reeling in.