What About the Perks?

Are they going to become universally available perks or are they just not going to be obtainable to newer players after November 17th?
Before Bill came to console his perks were universal so I'm guessing either these will be too or shrine of secrets exclusive.
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shrine exclusive they said i think
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They will appear on the shrine every so often, remade as different perks. If you own the characters you can still grind to unlock the original perks.
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Probably shrine. Bill was straight up unavailable on console so that’s why his perks were universal
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Probably Shrine exclusives, like Quentin and Freddy's perks were on Switch way back when.
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I assume it'll be like Bill's perks on console before he came to console, the icons and text were more neutral
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If you've unlocked them already, they will still be in your loadouts. However, for players that do not have them, there will be newer versions available in the Shrine of Secrets.
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If I'm reading that correctly, does that mean there will be 2 versions of the same 9 perks? That'll be strange.
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So will the perks we have stay original or will these auto update to the new ones. Hoping they stay original as a little keepsake of a bygone era.
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Why not just make the newer versions universal and available to the people in the Bloodweb, too?
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They will create original replacement characters with same abilities and perks. Probably they will announce this after the November deadline.
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Is this newer version going to be a copy or slightly adjusted
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lol, imagine having 9 dup perks in ur perk selector