Is totally needed delete Hawkins map?

elpoh Member Posts: 222

can't the realm be changed to: Léry's Memorial Institute

the map name to: Lérys Laboratory

and change it a bit?

turn the portal wall into a normal wall

deleting the upside down tentacles & particles


  • I think it just wouldn't feel right. And they might get the license back at some point they should keep the map just in case.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    I think this is a good idea tbh. I'm not a huge fan of Hawkin's overall, but it just feels weird to lose content forever.

    A second map for Lery's would make sense. Or they could format it into Blight's lab where he did his experiments, thereby giving him a map?

  • aerogaxd
    aerogaxd Member Posts: 50

    lmao please delete this map it sucks so bad.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    They don't have the choice Netflix likely revoked use of the map also renaming it would just feel weird and would 100% violate the rights to the license.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited August 2021

    However, while the map will no longer be available, The Entity is not so willing to let go of some of its other favorite playthings… 

    This line from the announcement makes me think this is exactly what is going to happen. They will reskin the map and re-release it under a new name.

  • Sackboy123
    Sackboy123 Member Posts: 472

    If they did this and get the licence back? That would mean 2 maps just textured differently. Not that I wouldn't mind that at all. But The Alchemist's Lab, change all the Upside down stuff to Blight Serum and Entity corrupted walls like RPD.

  • Dacrenon
    Dacrenon Member Posts: 208

    I think that's just referring to keeping Steve, Nancy, and the Demogorgon, but I would be pleasantly surprised if the map was just reworked into something not related to Stranger Things.

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    Seems like a waste of hard work to create such an iconic location as a playable map and then just delete it.

    You would think they would try to make the maps permanent/unaffected by their licensing agreements.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited August 2021

    BHVR has reworked various older maps, a process that continues to this day.

    Who knows, a rehash of Hawkins could potentially happen...with the map's basic structure retained but having the identity rebranded. I hope so.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Yes sadly because the people didnot pay for the map and since they aren't giving refunds it would be borderline stealing if they removed the access to the killer without refunds.

    But since the map is free to everyone they need it back