What are the potential Implications of the entity corruption all over RPD?

TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

As we all know by now the entity manifests itself in a variety of ways throughout the trial, be it to the aid of the killer or exceptionally rarely the aid of the survivor. More prominently we are aware that the entiriety of any trial we partake in is "made" of the entity in a way. The ground we walk on is essentially its "body" or at least an extension of it formed into a feeding ground for killers and survivors to partake in. Most of the maps are formed in a manner that would make them akin to their real life counterparts, a devious method the entity employs to give the survivors a false sense of hope that they are in a place somewhere on earth and that escape is a real possibility. However this is not the case for RPD, as the map is coated in blistering manifestations of the entity, covered in a viscous gelatinous shell and the classic blackish entity exoskeleton we have grown accustom too. I've been thinking a lot about what the potential implications of these manifestations could be. Does it display that the entity has been growing much stronger as it takes more and more effective and powerful killers? The blisters on this map give me the vibe of an entity fat and bloated with the immense power is gained. Practically bursting from the seems of the police station, situated in the center of a city that the entity had plenty of suffering to feed upon. What are your thoughts? There are plenty of potential lore implications as to why RPD looks the way it does. I'd like to hear some alternative theories.
