I think it is about time I make a post about this perk
First I want to get out of the way that NOED is by far the most poorly thought out perk In DBD history.
But why is the perk so poorly thought out, well I personally think it boils down to the fact that it instills a false sense of skill or "doing well" into players that run the perk (especially new ones)
Take a match where the killer only has maybe 2 hooks, once 5 gens are done this could be due to over-committing to chases or just being new, If that killer doesn't have NOED the game is pretty well a loss there isn't going to be a lot that the killer can do unless the survivors decided to play super cocky and get themselves killed.
This outcome is to be expected the killer lost because the performance of the killer in the game was poor.
Take the same situation but through NOED into the mix and now the killer has a very high chance at getting a 4 or 3k simply because of one perk.
Now yes NOED is a hex perk so it can be countered by just finding the totem or pre-cleansing all 5 but the issues with that are that some maps totems are almost impossible to find and the amount of time it is going to take a survivor to find all 5 is basically going to cost them the match.
Now the next question is if I think it is such an issue what is an alternative, I believe there is only one.
Remove NOED from the game entirely, but I understand that will never happen so I shall remain in my fantasy.
I don't want them to remove it. Killers deserve this kind of lethality.
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Do bones or if you see someone go don't to noed leave.
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Killers deserve lethality, yes but not this kind of lethality also survivors don't deserve to lose games they have every right to win because of one perk
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I feel like you didn't really read the post, the idea that survivors have to cleanse every bone on every map every game just to counter the possibility of NOED is dumb, also yes just leaving is obviously the best thing to do but my point stands that the perk is extremely poorly designed
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If this is sarcasm then the joke's on me but - you are right. The game SHOULD be killer-sided. Escaping is much more satisfying when it's tilted against you, not survivor-sided. I've seen numerous posts claiming it to be both either or (which is fun to read), but I want it to be difficult to survive. That's me!
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There are approx 5,048 perks now that counter NOED by letting you find bones and do bones. Run one of them or run the risk of running into NOED. Your call.
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100% agree that the game is more fun when the odds are against you but again NOED isn't the solution to this
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No i am serious. It's super frustrating that survivors can run towards you at the end and still escape. Killers should be more dangerous than that. A fair game does not make it a fun game.
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Okay, there are 4 perks directly related to finding totems, and then the map item but again the point has been missed the perk should exist it rewards the killer for playing poorly.
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Teaser season is over
Stranger Things drama didn't even last a day
Yup time to go back to the usual NOED threads.
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Or it punishes survivors who decided not to do bones
If the killer is playing poorly, you've got plenty of time to do bones. Run one of the perks, bring a map, or risk getting killed by a "bad" killer running a perk that you gambled and lost on countering.
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You don't have to cleanse every totem. You can make sure not to be in the killers cross hairs when the last gen pops and look for a lit totem.
Survivors have no "right" to win a game unless they escape out the exit gate or through hatch. Finishing generators isn't a guarantee of success. If it was, you'd be teleported out of the match when the last gen is done.
If the killer was bad, couldn't keep pressure and allowed you to easily finish gens, you have no reason to not be able to cleanse totems. If the killer kept pressure and made doing gens extremely difficult and got you all down with NoEd, he earned it.
If NoEd was nerfed or removed, survivors would have even less of a reason to cleanse totems, which is why it'll never go away.
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You are spinning Noed as a fault of the killer. "Survivors don't deserve to lose games they have every right to win."
Did they cleanse totems? No.
Did they feed the killer those 3-4k after going all match of avoiding the killer (as in your example above)? Yes.
So, do they really deserve the win?
No... no they do not. They slammed gens, didn't do totems, and instead of playing smart when noed is up they proceed to feed the 'bad' killer 3-4 kills.
Noed is not the problem here.
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You know what... after all the drama it is kind of comforting to see a good ol'fashion 'nerf noed, killer bad' post.
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You’ll get used to it and adapt, OP. To the point where you’re like the rest of us working on the final gen and you say to yourself: “I bet this scrub has NOED. He feels like a NOED killer.” Sure enough when you that notification pop up on the right as he downs one of your teammates, you just roll your eyes. If you yourself fall victim to it- you’ll just let out an “of course.” You won’t even care any more. True story. Just keep playing.
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Solid advice!
If we get 3 gens done with no hooks... that is when I know noed is in play and I go totem hunting ^^
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Dead hard sprint burst adrenaline all award bad play as well
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Eh, I think if Dead Hard exists, NOED has the right to stay. I think both perks are poorly designed, but to be fair, it's the only perk that encourages survivors to do dull bones.
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If you want talk about perk that reward a player for playing poorly have you check at DH and BT for example both of those perk reward bad play from the survivor.
Just use a map or a perk to counter noed if you hate the perk that much you may say the perk reward bad play from the killer but i can say the perk reward the killer for the miss play of the survivor because they refuse to do totem and focus all their energy on gen. If like you say the killer have 2 hook and noed pop on 1 survivor you can still have 3 escape or try finding the lit totem for a 4 man escape
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To be fair it also punishes groups who stick around to tease the killer if they're doing too well because they get overly cocky after they gen rushed when they should be trying to escape.
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Eh I wouldn't say those are the same. Dead hard you get one use at and you have to time it right. Borrowed time is mostly only useful against campers or tunnelers.
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Dead hard rewards survivors for playing poorly, all you need to do is fail at a loop and then hit E to outplay.
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Here is an idea: NOED doesn't give insta downs, but instead makes it so that every survivor is dead on hook during EGC, and it won't affect those who are already on the hook by the time it activates. This way it still remains deadly, but good survivors actually have a chance to avoid it by not getting downed.
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Ngl, with all these teasers and ST threads flooding the wall, I really missed the good ol' NOED threads.
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Dead hard reward mistake and for a perk that work only 1 time i can see the same survivor using it at least 3 time per trial and i can do the same with it and BT reward unsafe unhook because they because automatically safe even if you unhook while you get chase.
Compare to NoeD those perk are worse but people like to complain about NoeD because they dont like doing a side objective in totem and they dont want to use a spot in their loadout for a totem perk or item so they continu to complain about NoeD in the hope the dev destroy it
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Springtrap confirmed
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As others 10000000 threads say, do totems, say goodbye to noed. Wanna stay on gens 24/7? Fine, then expect noed.
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I lose more survivor games to other instant downs, noed is fine, and highly situational
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I think most people just really hate NOED because it rewards awful killers with cheesy kills. Especially in low ranks. Imo it's a very poorly designed perk. When playing killer I never equip it because it just feels so cheap and unsatisfying getting kills through NOED. NOED just screams "I'm bad at the game so I need some crutch so I can kill people and say ez in endgame chat". People say "just do bones" but that's really hard when you are on a map like Midwich. Also against actual good killers you don't have enough time doing totems. If me and my friends play survivor we almost always totem hunt but it's sometimes not possible vs opressive killers.
I can understand however that some survivors say they don't have a problem with NOED because it often creates exciting end game scenarios but more often than not it just rewards a bad killer. I'm not saying it's not balanced or OP because it's not, but it's just poorly designed.
I REALLY like this idea! It would still be a very dangerous perk but prevent a good survivor from getting instadowned and die on 1st hook in the endgame.
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Personally I think [BLANK] rewards [BLANK] for playing poorly because the game is [BLANK]-sided along with so many [BLANK]-sided maps. If they can also nerf [BLANK] and buff [BLANK], that would be great.
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It's not hard to do them bones. Its already way too easy to gen rush, what the devs need to do is to longer the time it takes to rush 1 gen, maybe then we can talk about NOED
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This is it. This is the forum.
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I would argue that if the killer gets only 2 hooks while 5 gens are done, the game was unbalanced at the start because the matchmaking screwed up, because obviously killer and survivor weren´t in the same skill league. It that game works that way, why should it be bad to even it out trough noed? Especially if the survivors are that dominating, they should really easily find the time to do some bones.
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Nothing brings me as much joy as Survivors complaining about second-chance Killer perks and how they dislike them because they make bad players look more skilled. Beautiful.
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Getting that person off hook and escaping while NOED is up is some of the most satisfying ######### ever
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Actually I play both sides heavily and I agree that noed shouldn't be a thing.
HOWEVER, when they remove second chance survivor perks then they can remove them too for killer is how I see it.
I understand the frustration but at the end of the day, they're in the game and that's that. (Meta perks).
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But survivors have NOED in every game they play, and they don't even need a perk to use it.
The hatch.
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And in SWF you can never be sure what your solo teammates are doing either.
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So do many other items and perks. Survivors play poorly? Well, lets press E. Teammates die fast? Well, let’s use a key even if the killer has a great 3-4 gen
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Do bones is not that hard to do
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You're kind of contradicting yourself there. If it really screams "I'm bad at the game so I need some crutch so I can kill people and say ez in endgame chat", then why did you proceed to complain about it being used by good Killers? I do agree that Noed's design is problematic but I'd argue that removing or nerfing it in the game's current state would be worse then if we kept it. I'll do my best to explain why.
- The game isn't actually over until all the Survivors have left or died so it technically isn't rewarding Killers with cheesy kills more then any other insta down perk. The Killer has to be losing (keep in mind that I said losing and not lost) for Noed to come into play so good Survivors can often mitigate the effect by splitting up.
- If Survivors split up all throughout and are at least semi-competent at chase then gens will fly. 3 genning is pointless against these kinds of Survivors because 3 gens are not that great if at least one Survivor is on each of the 3 gens. The Killer could try to pressure them off but inevitably, the final gen will get done. In such a scenario, Noed genuinely might be even a good Killer's only hope to get at least a 1 or 2K.
- If Survivors know what they're doing then the Killer will only will get one extra kill because of Noed. If the Killer manages to get any more then it was because Survivors got cocky at the end and positioned themselves very poorly.
- Survivors also have a handful of perks which provide immense 'free' value i.e. Sprint burst, Dead hard, Unbreakable as well as a few others. Survivors don't have to 'earn' any of these perks and similarly to Noed, they can single-handedly turn the tide of a game. So, why is Noed deemed problematic enough to be changed but not these perks?
Honestly, that might be worse. It does prevent the possibility of snowballing with Noed (Which could be avoided anyways by remaining split up) but it makes it even worse for the individual struck with it. Imagine looping a Killer all game and then, the last gen pops and the Killer downs you. You didn't get hooked all game but that doesn't matter because you were caught at an unfortunate time and therefore instantly die. At least with the current Noed, the Killer has to camp out the kill if they haven't hooked that Survivor yet. That buys the team time to cleanse the Noed and coordinate a save. With your Noed idea, the individual Survivor would just instantly die. I personally think that this would just make Noed an even more problematic perk overall. It would be significantly weaker, but at the same time, it would be more frustrating for the individual struck with it. I understand the desire to make the perk healthier for the game but I definitely don't think this is a good change for the game.
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Ooohh.. My favourite.
The usual thread with a bunch of "do bones", "NoEd iS fInE" and "wHaT aBoUt dEaD hArD huh?".
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Up next, hatch and keys!
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This is literally the best counter for adrenaline imagine if adrenaline was a boon totem odds are your adrenaline would happen 6/10 games
Same thing for noed it happens 6/10 games when it reaches end game and most of the time it dosent do much because it gets you a quick down when. There 1 or 2 people left
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Followed by this killer is boring/unfun please rework/nerf with a side of "swf is op"/"soloQ is hell".
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Maybe the killer isn't that bad or new, just got a gigantic map and chose unluckily the wrong gen to go first, and by the time he move to the second gen other 3 gen pop up ... It take time to find frist survivor sometimes, the totem should take time to find it too, IMO the most important is make more than 20k bp on a match, and when the famous "gen rush" happens, almost everybody got less then 20k, so is a loss to everyone, NOED simply helps to make more bp, I think 1 kill for me and make more than 20k bp is enough to not lose a game ... and like you said, don't want NOED use perks to find totems before the match ends, or later ... don't try to unhook when you know the killer are using noed too ...
Theres nothing wrong with that perk !
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Bring totem perks, they'll help out with both NOED and Hex perks, you don't need 4 chase perks.
They should make more perks like NOED honestly, ones that only activate when all gens are done and tied to a totem. Having the lethal risk of these perks SHOULD incentivise either totem perks being used or just totems being cleansed as a secondary objective but one perk alone (NOED) should not have the power alone to create this gameplay as it's too overbearing and, like old DS, does need a health update.
I'm hoping boon totems slightly help with this, spending time injecting them with perk juice to claim one for yourself to help mitigate potential NOED would be nice if that's how they work.
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I stopped after ,,I think its time to make a post about this perk."
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I think it is about time I make a post about this perk.
Congratulations! You made the 1000th post ranting about this perk!! [Click Here] to redeem your One Milliom Doller worth of V-Bucks.
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NOED Is a fantastic perk for me: as a survivor, there is nothing more exciting than having to rush to the exit gates before you get hit or, as someone said before, to unhook a teammate when the perk is on. It really feels like an asymmetrical game when you heard that sound.