I wish dbd didnt do licenses

I would like to see original killers and survivors. I hate this "i cant make customizations for a license because i need to takes things up with corporate. its so boring, bill, freddy and myers might never get a customization ever. im all up for original character designs.
Im okay with 50/50. Original killers i like because they are inclusive and all of them so far have been well-crafted additions. Licensed killers however are easier to get excited by, because they are characters that already exist.
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DBD is only alive because of the licenses it brings in. If it didn't have the likes of Ghostface, Myers, and Ash Williams, it most likely would have died quite some time ago.
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so the game sucks without famous titles?
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It sucks even with them lol, but it's no secret that this game only took off when the Halloween chapter was added, and only found its footing after having Saw, Leatherface, and A Nightmare on Elm Street added back-to-back.
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No-- But the game is known because it has licenses. This game wouldn't be nearly as popular without Myers, Leatherface-- All of them.
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I think people are overvaluing importance of licenses compared to gameplay.
When I first played this game it drawed me in without even seeing the licensed characters first.
I get it that licenses draw people in but this game wouldn't be dead without them imo.
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I wish they did more licenses
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Maybe not dead but it certainly wouldn't as popular without them imo
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I never played this game for the licenses, I've always played it for gameplay, as everyone else. Those who don't like the gameplay will not play the game just for the licenses. I have a friend who is a RE fan and one who is a SH fan, and none of them wants to play DbD because they don't like the gameplay. So all these licenses mean nothing to the player base.
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Liscene is what keeps me so interested in this game, I'm a horror fan and I'll never forget the first one added.
Besides some cosmetics ruin the killer, and I like the classic looks. Remember this chapter can have multiple set outfits. If I remember right theres like 8 of them?
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Not now, when it is already established within the genre, but when the game was brand new Halloween carried this game to a decent level of popularity and brought it to the forefront of a lot of people's radars.
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i wish it did more indie licenses tbh. soma, amnesia, outlast (although red barrels is doing their own thing so maybe not), etc.
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you are aware that both Bill and Myers have cosmetics, right?
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Bill has one hat and sweater that looks terrible ok what else?
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freddy doesnt have any cosmetics
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I get what your saying but their last 3 original chapters had no hype and they all flopped , " all-kill " flopped so bad they didn't even wait the usual 3 months to announce the RE chapter they announced it in like 2 - 3 weeks if anything that was a reality check for Bhvr.
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I can tell you right now, if this game didn't have any licensed characters, I wouldn't be half as interested.
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So you basically just want to play Fashion by Daylight?
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Without the Halloween Chapter with Michael Myers, I mostly wouldn't have gotten into this game. Waaaaay back when DBD was first about to release, I was sorta interested in it, but not overly excited (eso as I didn't have a gaming PC to play it before it came to consoles). When Michael Myers was added to the game, I lost my proverbial ######### over it.
Pig & Leatherface being in the game had me extra happy to try the game out and Ghostface became my favorite Killer to play hand's down. So while I love characters like Oni, Spirit, Clown and even Legion & Plague a bit, the licensed characters are my favorite and what keeps me coming back to the game. Not to mention I never get tired of playing as Ash Williams.
I think DBD does well to have a balanced or original Killers and licensed ones and it'd longevity has def been due to them garnering in New players and keeping some enfranchised players. Mostly because we don't have any alternative to play as most of these characters (outside a few options).
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The game has already lost its immersion, so why not? legion bunny skins, the obnoxious survivor skins
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I think you’re undervaluing it based on your personal experience.
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Licences are essential for this game's survival. Having just a lot of non-licenced characters will not bring the attention needed. Besides this, Identity V is the only other game that comes even close, and that is largely due to the familiarity of the game, but also inclusion of popular anime-style licences like Danganronpa, Persona, Death Note and - oddly, I discovered - KFC!! ... obviously, not anime.
I like the idea of having more original characters than licensed, because it's obviously their baby and a way for BHVR to create their own universe, and also because licences then feel more special and enticing! I still remember the "Silent Hill" reveal and thinking "You bloody brilliant bastards!".
Also, as an aside, lovely to have a Silent Hill licence not linked to pinko machines or skateboards (thank you for that, Konami 😔)
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I used to enjoy the prospect of licenced elements, but the whole Stranger Things issue is off-putting.
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It is just my opinion like you stated yours and have freedom to do so.
I just have a feeling that hardly anyone will leave a game because of the license. Original characters are pretty good and there is hardly any difference except in looks.
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At its core, DBD is a fun concept but a deeply flawed game.
Sure we enjoy the gameplay, but it tends to be the same thing over and over and over. Mix in a bored and frustrated player base and every patch finding some way to introduce a host of new bugs and suddenly it's not so fun to play anymore.
To compensate for that, we get licenses so we can play characters we already know and love and cosmetics so we can have a fashion show and customize characters to our liking. Modding added an extra level of excitement that people hadn't felt for a long time, which is unfortunately no more.
Essentially, the game is currently too weak to stand on its own two legs without enough help to keep players interested. If licenses are lost and cosmetics dry up, players leave.
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Agreed. I like how Pinhead turned out but I'm just not excited about it after yesterday.
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Yes, that's exactly right.
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Lol so it isnt about the game and its mechanics, its about flashy killers from that one movie i saw one time, what a joke
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Us consolers didn't even get to mess around with mods. The devs would have had to embrace it and add support, and with their full plates already I couldn't see that happening though.
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I don't really like the licenses either and I prefer original characters (with the exception of Quentin, but he feels original because he's not exactly a horror icon), but the point is to attract new players. I'm sure if the game was big then they'd only add their own original characters, but this game seems so focused on growing, hence the back to back licenses and the fact dbd is on stuff like game pass on Xbox.
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I understand it’s speculation because there’s no way to “prove” it, but I think it’s fair to say this game wouldn’t have achieved the popularity it did with purely original characters.
Why do you think they keep procuring LICENSED characters? The SAME REASON they keep pumping out cosmetics nonstop… because it generates a lot of money.
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I already said myself that I understand that licenses bring people in. I just said that the game wouldn't be dead if there were none in my opinion, because of the one of a kind addicting gameplay.
And interesting original characters.
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Agree to disagree. Like I said, we can only speculate… I’m sure someone with more time than me can go research the statistics as to how much the player base increased after the consecutive releases of Myers, Freddy, Leatherface and SAW.
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Modding is almost always a perk of having the PC version of any game. But it's a bummer that they really broke the console versions with the RE chapter. DBD really does not seem so complex to warrant the compatibility issues it has.
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It isn't that complex. If the game didn't have to load every asset for every killer in each match it would run better on everything...
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The game would probably run a lot better if it were recoded from the ground up, but it's hard to say if they'll ever take on that effort. After the RE chapter though, I'd really hope they'd think about it.
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No, because then the human centipede wouldn't have a chance of being in the game.
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The killers is what elevates the horror experience of the game. Mechanics don't mean squat if the suspense is not there.
Has it ever register to you that most of the original killers they've released so far just suck? Or do all you care about is the skins?
Post edited by LiquidSwordsman on0