Update speeds
IMPORTANT NOTICE: PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T SAY STUFF LIKE "I NEVER HAVE THIS ISSUE SO IT IS YOU". Lots of people said, throughout the years, that DbD updates take so long for some. Just because you don't experience an issue, it doesn't mean it is not real
I have complained about this when the last bug patch came. Back then a 300 MB update took me 3 hours.
Some people said they face the same issue, some flexed their impressive specs (regardless of me specifying that both my PC and internet are, from my point of view, average 8/10), and some actually told me to move DbD on an SSD.
That's what I did. I was excited to see how fast I'll get the PTB with the SSD.
After four and a half hours I am still only half way through.
I am seriously TIRED of these DbD updates. While any other game would've installed these 900 MB in ~2 mins, DbD takes me HOURS AND HOURS.
What's your SSD's read/write speed? What's your internet's speed? What's your CPU?
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It took me about 15 minutes to download the update and 30 to "update/patch" it and 10 minutes to "verify" it.
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I don't know how to check the first, for the second I can tell you I usually peak at 50MB/s on Steam, but I remember the contract mentioning 75MB/s. The CPU is an Intel core i7 8th gen and I think something like 9750K (I really don't remember).
But I honestly don't believe my specs are the issue. As I said, literally any other game updates at light speed.
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Nope, doesn't sound like your specs are the issue, unless your SSD is failing.
Maybe the issue is Steam itself. I doubt they allocate server resources democratically. They probably prioritize certain games over others.
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The update began with the download this time and it finished in around 30 seconds.
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I've had the SSD for 2 years and a half in my PC and I didn't know how to use it because it wasn't formatted. I didn't care so I just used the HDD. I don't think it could be falling apart after ~1 week of usage.
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Same here. I'm pretty sure it took me an hour to DL the PTB and on top of it i get an error sometimes which says that files are corrupted which only adds to the time required to finish the whole process. Don't have this issue with other games either.
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Post like this always confuse me because I've never had an issue getting a DBD update to download.
Small question.....does your internet plan you use have a data limit? Because before I switched mine to unlimited data, I had issues with going over my limit and things would slow down.
(The internet company also kept automatically upping my package to a more expensive one that had more data, even though I told them I didn't want them to do that and had to have the revert it several times. Granted, I'm aware I kept going over my data, but I'd rather they call me or something before doing that. Glad my finances improved so I could afford unlimited data.)
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A 60MB~ can take me a few seconds, whilst (I believe it is called) the initialization process can take 5 or even 10+ minutes. I have DBD on my SSD. My friends also have this problem, it really needs to be resolved.
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The issue is not the internet. Dbd usually starts updates by changing stuff on my disk, but this time it started with the download. In 30 seconds I had the update downloaded. But the time it takes for files to be unpacked and modified is just unbelievable.
Things took to much to get updated, it got very late so I just stopped everything and went to sleep. I will start the update again to see how much more it will take now.
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DBD definitely has updating issues on steam to the point that is easier to delete/install dbd than updating it
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Moving DbD to the SSD from the HDD took me around 1 hour.
Considering my download speed, you actually gave an idea lol.
If I understood something right, DbD basically changes so many lines of code in the updates that it takes this much for it to update, so if my knowledge isn't failing me, straight up downloading all the game files and unpacking them would indeed cut short the update time. If it wasn't a PTB, I would've done that.
How ridiculous....
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Takes me around 5 minutes to download and fully install.
One thing I did notice is if your install hard drive is full-ish it will download / move the patch to an emptier hard drive and then unpack and move things which increases the time substantially.
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My SSD is only half occupied.
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But this seriously sounds like a PC problem, almost 4 hours for an update? People say the updates are long because they can sometimes take 20 - 40 minutes, but over four hours and there is something else wrong.
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Things that helped me was a wired connection (even a wired tp link can help loads) and changing my DNS settings for the update and swap back once it's done
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I use wired connection since a long time.
It isn't my internet's fault. Download speed is just fine.
As far as I understand, DbD has a different way of making updates. And this causes issues for a lot of people.
Honestly, why does everyone say it is my PC's fault? The only reason I am complaining is that DbD takes an eternity compared to ANY other game.
I finished the update in 9 hours. 3-4 times more than it took me to download and install GTA V.
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"I don't have the issue, so it is not real".
I downloaded an 830MB update in 3 minutes for any other game. I downloaded an 830MB update for DbD in 9 hours.
It is just me, definetly not like if you do a quick search on the internet regarding this issue for DbD you find countless threads on different sites.
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I don't know how fast an SSD is supposed to read/write, but for DbD it peaks at 50 MB/s.
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Like I said next time you're updating and its taking awhile try changing your dns and make sure you're using wired connection.
I had the same issue one time, my wifi was fine but the mass amount of players downloading etc. Hurt my speed.
I'm just saying what helped me personally
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Steam download speed peaks at 50 MB/s and stays around 35-50 MB/s.
It is not the download speed that hurts my update duration. Literally the download segment goes in seconds. It is the read/write segment that makes my updates last so long.