Can the "I came" jokes stop

Come on now, doesn't this community get accused enough of being called manchildren? It's a line from the movie & after watching them it's entirely out of character for Pinhead to be making jokes. He's a priest for goodnesses sake.
None of you are being clever with the come jokes in this thread.
Ik, the joke somehow managed to get old in less than a day because of how many people were making it. I think the line sounds creepy.
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Actually, he made quite a few jokes in the movies. In the third one he was a complete comedian.
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A Hell Priest my good friend, it's in their nature to be creepy.
I personally love the joke, but I understand everyone's frustrations. I think it's more cool than funny
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Not our faults Pinhead really likes it when his box gets opened
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Not sure if this is coming from the right one.
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The community will stop joking about "I came" the same day they stop lusting for Pyramid Head's butt I'm afraid
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A, we're not 24 hours in, yet. People need more time to get it out of their system.
2, I don't know, I just wanted to do the "A then 2" thing.
III, similar to point 2.
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You made this thread
I came.
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Also seriously did anybody making these threads actually watch hell on earth?
Freddy Krueger levels of yucking it up.
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Got more than what you've asked for, huh?
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this community might be childish but the jokes are not what makes this community unbearable its the toxicity.
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But.......He came!
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That's the one movie I skipped because I had to pay for it, in the other movies he's serious
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I personally am tired of it already honestly, people just drain the life outta jokes like that.
But it's whatever, if people wanna keep doing it like it's their perogative.
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They could always make the killer actually scary. They designed him as a meme, I honestly wish he weren't added at this point.
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It's a decent movie, but they went full on action flick in the end of it, rather than keeping it more slow paced and tension building.
That line is a classic though. The jokes will stop before the live release, then it'll be another week of people making them again because not everyone is on the PTB. After that, everyone can appreciate the masterpiece that is Hellraiser, even though we aren't getting Kirsty Cotton with our Cenobite.
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Let me be immature in peace
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you know telling people to stop doesn't work, right?
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Someone's salty that pinhead came
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Nggghhh... I came.
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Given that "sus" stayed far longer than it really should have because of comments like this... Making this thread is counterproductive.
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Cornhub... not liking 'I came jokes'... something doesn't check out.
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Actually Hellraiser movies is about resolve a cube puzzle to go in hell for sexual pleasure and pain.
So it's pretty well related.
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But it seems that his rear might still be to flat. People will stop first once his rear reaches Jane level.
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Let's be real people would only be satisfied if you could hear his cheeks clapping inside his terror/clapping radius
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Bestie I cannot play dbd without using my hands
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That would ruin the point of Trail of Torment, because he would be dummy thicc and the claps of his ass cheeks would give away his position even while undetectable.
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Now that would be a new balance issue haha.
Pyramid unplayable. Too thicc to focus on the gameplay.
Maybe the clapping sound should be global so he gets a new passive effect.
People may be unable to focus on gens due to the global clapping similar to Wraith's bone clapper addon.
Would be more useful than his purple addons. 🤓
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Well if you complain the jokes will keep on coming.
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Would be more useful than all of add-ons except range*
I know I'd go from maining him to one-tricking him 🤤
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My favorite audio glitch I heard was
"THE BOX CAME" I started crying
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You're complaining.
I came.
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You've opened the thread...
And I came...
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Dont worry. It will go away on it's own.
You asking for it only will make it last longer.
Until then, He'll be coming.
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No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering...
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You’re asking the DBD community not to run a cringey joke into the ground? Don’t let Nea the Entity hear you say that or she’ll make you boop the snoot.
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His sadly-nerfed butt.
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the demogorgon Cum
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That's what this community does. They take cool/scary stuff and turn it into memes.
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Don't touch his Box then!
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i can assure you that it's not just the DbD community that does this.
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You opened this discussion I CAME
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i just came at the wrong time then
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Thirstiest community ever so its not gonna stop. Its a lame joke anyway
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All you have to do is not solve the box. He can't came if you don't.
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These are the same people calling fnaf childish