This game awards survivors for playing like trash

They run in to every game carrying 4 billion extra lives, will lose every chase they get into in a matter of seconds, but still get their ass saved by one of the 4 billion extra lives they got. They then proceed to tbag and act all cocky because they think it means they're good, when they were just carried by their extra second chance perks. This game is the only game I know of that awards people for playing poorly (the survivors) and punishes the killer for playing well. If you chasee a survivor and win and one of their 4 billion extra lives kicks in, that was just wasted time for the killer, but yet another health state for the survivor. It's dumb.
Lost a match, eh?
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Sounds like your just bad at killer lol. Try nurse or spirit that should help
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I dunno, when I started playing this game the first 10 hours of survivor play were not rewarding in the slightest. I'd say DBD is extremely unfriendly to new players thanks to the disgusting grind to get any perks that, well, extend your in game life lol
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Found the killer main - eyeroll.
We get it - you're salty, biased, and hyperbolic.
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Oh God it's okay they escaped once you'll be fine I promise
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I'm not sure about your assertion that this game punishes you for playing well as killer? When you play badly you get diddly squat out of it and the survivors survive. I guess I don't really understand what your position is haha
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Someone's facecamping into BT, tunnelling into DS and slugging into UB!
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Do you seriously think this?
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I do find it lame that as survivor I can literally do three of the gens by myself as well as make a couple of hook saves but the person who just spends the whole game looping the killer gets more points than I do. The game rewards confrontation more than actual progress and goal achievement, which I think is kind of messed up.
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Well this is... A post.
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David, dead hard at level 1 though D:
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I actually think they did a good job of removing all the second chance nonsense, but survivors still play like total trash. It is just they also are very effective at bullying killers into allowing them to play like trash through discourse about things like tunneling or camping:
If a SURVIVOR takes every advantage they are offered via misplay, the response is 'what are you expecting, them just letting you hit them?' Which is very accurate and true. But if a KILLER takes every advantage offered by misplay, they are a badguy 'preventing people from playing the game.'
Despite, you know... DBD being a game with player elimination and which deliberately includes a lot of mechanics that are intended to reward the killer by preventing survivors from playing the game for a bit if they make a mistake. Like it is most of killer gameplay to keep as few people playing the game at any one time as possible. So once you realize you are, in fact, intended to be mean as a killer and do as much as you can to keep survivors off balance, the game becomes like... actually fun, and you start to learn a lot more about how the killer-survivor dynamic actually works and what the survivors can REALLY do to mess with you, rather than bashing your head over and over again against binary mechanical power that is just saying 'no' to you.
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This game rewards killer for playing like trash. Camping and tunneling? Oh yes that's fine according to the game.
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Also if you want a real second chance perk just like NOED it literally allows the killer who hasn't stopped the gens to get one hit downs
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I wish, maybe solo Q would be more bearable.
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Try a different game for few days. Something like...Civilization
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NOED is a very different second chance perk than the survivor ones.
It is paradoxically weaker, better designed, and less fair. It is intended to be a 'blue shell' style mechanic that keeps the game interesting even when the survivors win by a lot, but it isn't common enough to work. Ironically, if it was run WAY more it would be a more fair perk because then totem hunting would just be a standard thing survivors do, sorta like how most good survivors play around BBQ. Like making it basekit (not that it should be) would nerf the perk in a round about way because you would go into every game planning to deal with NOED, which is trivial.
Definitely needs a redesign to become more like modern BT or DS, but it was way healthier than old BT or DS because it has actual counterplay and was designed to do, you know, a good and interesting thing for the game.
That is because they are fine and part of good DBD gameplay if the survivors are playing badly. Get good and don't clearly try to rescue in the killer's face next time bud. You are acting like the killer is expected to run to a corner and count to 30 after hooking someone when the entire point of the hook's design is to create a new objective on the map that is heavily killer sided that survivors will want to attack irrationally at their own expense. Proper rescue play is super solved at this point and it is downright pathetic how many survivors refuse to learn it and just say 'WOW WAY TO CAMP' because they couldn't maintain the self control to count to 30 without showing any scratches near the hook to force the killer to leave.
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You should drink a glass of water, and go for a walk somewhere you've never been.
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Oh yeah but I'm on last gen console dead hard doesn't even work for me :'(
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Well, survivors were good, which is why the complains were made.
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When a match starts, 2 survivors should just load in already hooked. Otherwise, not fair.
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As the person who regularly is found first and runs the killer for three gens, I never get the most points in those situations. You got to make saves, heal, work on gens (and possibly with someone, so even more points) do totems, search chests, while all I get is boldness points. The person who spends the whole game looping the killer is very good at the game, and got screwed over in BP, while you had a nice relaxing game and made more.
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”a billion lives…”
Are you sure they weren’t hacking?
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If the survivors had been "trash", would this post exist?
And tbh being trash is okay, we all can't be gods
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as someone who plays both sides equally, you are absolutely lacking if you think that survivors are not also punished for playing well.
say gg and move on mate lol
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Close the curtains, your bias is showing
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Uhhh I wish they would release this for Next-Gen. I remember playing one on my 360 and it was a blast so why not the new one.....Just booty.
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You don't actually know what bullying means if you think survivors clicking flashlights is bullying.
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Didn't ask.
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Re-read the post sweetie, it is very clear I am not talking about flashlights in this context.
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Me i believe this. Honestly the player who buy the most skin are survivor its only logic that the compagnie want to make sure their whale are happy.
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Found the survivor main-eyeroll. We get it-you're salty, biased, and hyoerbolic.
You couldn't be more wrong. I play both sides, and this uis something I have observed over my time playing it. Survivors play better than the killer and win in five minutes, they pip and the killer depips. The killer plays better and kills everyone in five minutes, they still depip. Don't you say thats kinda stupid? Or are you biased into beliving it is somehow fair to punish someone for plying better.
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All the people in hear so salty because I told them the truth and they can't face it.
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huh. That was quite a post
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I play like trash and the game definitely does not reward me.
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But wouldn’t people be more inclined to buy skins and other content if the game was well balanced?
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Do people really care about pips? I thought it was only new players who want the rank 1 achievements that were bothered.
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It happens with both sides.
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Normally it would but why would a killer buy a skin they cant see unless they use a mori or are in lobby. The only player who see the skin in game are the survivor.
Most people know this game is impossible to balance they nerf too many random thing and they dont do enough patch for the game to be well balance we have the same survivor meta for 3 year for a reason
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Pssst one look at my post history... shows I am no survivor main - but nice try at a juvenile reply. Unlike you - I play 50/50 and my posts are based on facts and statistics.
Your posts are almost exclusively killer-sided, but nice try backtracking. I think you forget people can see what you have said on the forums...
If the killer does not do enough aside from quickly down and kill... they will depip - just like a survivor who only does 2 gens and escapes... they will depip as well.
If you want to safety or pip - do more chasing, deviousness, brutality, etc. Quit whining and learn how to use the emblem system instead of trying to be a victim of your poor gameplay.