Why Are Survivors Like This?

So recently I’ve fallen back in love with DBD and that’s mainly thanks to playing killer. I may not get the 4K every game but I am having fun and that’s the main thing, however, I’ve finally come across the type of survivors I see killer mains complaining about and my question is just simply why are survivors like this?
I was doing an old archive challenge that made me play as Trapper, I’m not good at all with him, I hardly play him (I’m a Pig and Nemesis main) but I want to do all the challenges so I played as him. I was enjoying myself somewhat until the end.
I think I got like 1 hook but I wasn’t really bothered, more concerned about the challenge, didn’t help that the survivors brought me to RPD but that’s not what got me, what got me is this. They were all at the gate and they opened it, I thought okay fair enough they’re out, I’m just gonna let them waste their own time and I’ll just keep resetting traps for a few extra points, the survivors then proceeded to COME BACK and start trying to blind me and clicky click their flashlights.
i don’t usually complain about flashlights because during the game it’s understandable, annoying but I get it, but at the point of the gates being opened and all the survivors are there, the game is over and there’s no need for that crap.
Its honestly survivors like that, that ruin the game for everyone else.
They are like that because of extra points but also mainly because they like bullying people, especially in a game where there's no IRL consequence for it and they have the safety of 3 other friends.
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They might be going for a “stun/blind the killer” Tome challenge. I’ve run back into a match before to blind the killer for a challenge, though I let them kill me afterwards as payment. Or they might just have been thirsty for blood points - if you only got one hook in the match they probably had very few boldness and altruism points.
Otherwise, idk. They wanted to brag and be ungracious winners I guess.
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They're not worth your attention, let alone a forum post.
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They could have a challenge to do but if not that then yes i say those survivors are jerks. just ignore those type of survivors
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I don't get posts like this, we all know survivors act like this because they want to and same with killers being toxic too, cause they want to.
It's annoying but part of this game sadly and that's that really.
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I had a Ghostface today chase me for four gens and then hit me on the hook while he facecamped me. Why are killers like this? It's killers like that that ruin the game for everyone else.
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That's not what bullying is, but you're right about one thing - there are no IRL consequences for playing a game the way someone else might not like.
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Don't understand what that has to do with what I said, however if something like that happens, which it probably does, then I agree, if you go out of your way to be a jerk to someone else and try and ruin their fun then yes, you are ruining the game for everyone else.
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Eh, I would've thought so two but it was 2 or 3 of them so it was clear they were just being jerks, it's just annoying honestly
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Sometimes people just wanna vent or get their thoughts out and see what other people have to say, it is annoying you're right, just wish there was more sportsmanship like in other games, like you've clearly won this game, maybe just leave so we can all move on, you get me?
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Why didn't you force them out instead of setting traps? Then you come to the forums to complain. I dont get it, lol. They probably wanted a few extra points.
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I mean, no. If one of my teammates does something that ruins the game for you, that affects me in no way. And if you let what others do in a multiplayer game ruin it for you, probably don't ever play any multiplayer games. It's no one's job to make sure you have a good time and that your feelings aren't hurt by a flashlight or crouching. So, that was my point (along with the fact that it's not just survivors).
It's not up to anyone else to control my feelings. People can do whatever they want. It doesn't ruin the game for me.
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That's just the way it is. People stay for different reasons. So many people complain when they can simply push them out. It's silly.
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Because "BesTSuRvivorrrr42069ZOMG" has to get the sick footage for their Youtube.
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Welcome to the internet bro.
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You have to force them out, take your free swings and make them leave, GG.
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Don't worry, you keep practicing. One day you'll be going up against another team that'll try to get a rise out of you once again. But this time you'll be ready and you'll leave them all slugged.
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If you want my advice, if you're in a situation like yours such as you know survivors are in the exit gates, unless you're going there to force them out, don't give them attention. Just afk in the map somewhere.
I'd also disable end game chat and do not open it, even if it's to talk crap.
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I wasn't offended, just annoyed when they did that when the game was over
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I was assuming they were leaving considering they were all at the exit gate and it was open
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Fair enough but I'm not even upset with flashlights, crouching etc, it's just annoying more than anything especially when the game is over at that point
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It's not more silly to wait. I'll do it sometimes to try and get all my WGLF stacks, totems, chests, etc. There are obviously people that do it to be toxic, but you can force them out.
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Everyone vents about the same thing in this forum, this community will forever vent about the same thing so I just do not get it honestly.
I play at high level killer and a few games in a row there I had toxic swfs, clicking their fl constantly and just overall being condescending ######### but I just don't see the point ranting about it is all.
I get it, I honestly do like I dunno why people have to be so toxic in this game but guess you gotta learn to just shake it off and move on is all.
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Meh - I don't let silly stuff like that bother me as killer. Just like I don't let the killer standing in front of me M1'ing me constantly if I am the last one hooked bother me. They both happen regularly and I just think it is silly to let things like that actually bother you.
I think people let way too much silly stuff affect them: Teabagging, BM'ing, Clicky Clicking, End Game Chat, etc etc -
I agree with @BabuDweet - the constant "Here's my story...agree with me...pat me on the back..etc" circle jerk nature of posts like these get nauseating. Aside from the hyperbole that is present in the majority of these posts - they do nothing but to create even more divisiveness on the forums.
Here's my advice: If you have lost the match and don't want to deal with what you deem as annoying or bad sportsmanship - watch a YouTube video until the match is over - thus entertaining yourself for a few mins and avoiding behavior you find unappealing.
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Because for some people, simply winning isn´t enough.
They get a superiority feeling, when they make others feel bad.
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I actually agree with you 100% with the things people let affect them, like I said though I don't have a problem with that, I get why people do a bunch of that stuff even if it IS annoying my issue though was them just being twats when the game was over in essence, you get me?
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Honestly I couldn't agree more with you. I literally had a game as huntress I was losing bad so I just put a video on til the game ended and that was that and moved on.
All these posts just, they really add fuel to the fire
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No I don't get you. You were so bothered you came to the forums to make a post about it. Get over it. People will be twats - just not sure why you are allowing their behavior to affect you so much. Stop letting people live in your mind rent-free. It's a game - it's not your work, school, real life interactions, etc - they are anonymous people online playing a game.
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Survivors know they are 100% safe with an open exit gate and no noed.
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Imagine if I did have NOED and hit them all…You know for a fact they’d be crying about it when it would’ve been their own fault for not leaving 😂😂
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Both sides like both extra points and to bully the other side. It's a depressing state of this community.
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Not letting their behaviour affect me, I am allowed to be annoyed by something and I came here to simply see what others people thoughts are and I’ve gotten my answers
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Both of these explanations, yes. Some are probably trying to get extra points (or maybe even complete some challenges, like blinding the killer) but it happens so reliably - pretty much every game - that it's essentially just seen as the fun, cool thing to do. "Haha, we've won, now time to stick around and mock the loser".
Try not to let it bother you. It's just typical internet anonymity immaturity.
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I've had plenty of practice of survivors that want to bully trapper post exit gate opening. You can try and place a few sneaky traps somewhere away from the exit gate and then pretend to be afk against a wall, some do take the bait and its major lols if they step in a trap you set.
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Very well, allow me to plumb the depths of the One Survivor Omnimind once more to find a satisfying answer to your question.
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Eh, if they are back in the map, might as well go for hooks again. I get waiting them out at gate as they are completely safe, but in the middle of the map, you have a chance, or at least some more chase and hit bloodpoints. As for why they do it? Probably projecting their insecurities. I do not speak the survivor language, it is probably some ancient tribal urge they get, sacrifices to the flashlight gods. Wear lightborn and you become their God.
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Please refrain from talking
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I get more upset when a sweaty teammate survivor decides to blind another survivor especially while they are being carried and trying to struggle off the killer.
If you as a survivor are blinded while struggling off the killer and the killer is not blinded the struggle bar leaves and you are no longer able to attempt struggle until the blind wears off....
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And me going for Head On / Deception plays gets punished by a 4 minute slug into a hook where I got tunneled off in the beginning.
Questions over Questions. Would like if you would say "Why are players so" . Bc it's not a Survivor sides thing, not a killer sided thing, and the main community of dbd isn't doing that too.
And in the end who cares.. if they had fun then gz i guess? In another game a Spirit or Slinger will ######### them up. And even if you think you are nice, does not mean that other players felt like you were nice. Sometimes people are questioning your actions too.
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You know that scene in The Breakfast Club where Bender gets into a battle of wills with the Vice Principal and whatever the VP says to him, he's just like, "So what, I don't care," to prove he's really tough? The point was that he actually did care, but he'd internalized this message from his experience with his abusive father where the only way he could resist poor treatment was to act like it didn't affect him.
You should care if people are being mean to you. That's a normal response to a negative social interaction. Pretending not to care is the response of someone who's given up any hope of being treated with respect.
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I mean, I can take the hint that they are being disrespectful. And I guess I would have something to say about it if we were face to face. However, we aren't, so what is the point taking the interaction that seriously? I genuinely do not care if I have the respect of anyone. Especially not randoms. My cat's respect is more important to me, and I HAVE given up on that mofo treating me with any degree of decency. Rofl.