Some basic stats...

For anyone interested in statistics, here are some basic stats for ya'll:
1,000 matches total
between ranks 9 --> 1
Started 1st December 2020 (date of twins release)
23 red or green moris, 2.3 % of games.
If anyone wants specifics lmk, as i know the graph can be a bit hard to read at times. But this doesn't really mean anything, just my personal experience in my matches and sharing for those that like stats too :D
I don’t understand why plague is so rare, she’s a good killer and has amazing add ons.
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She is decent but she is also pretty boring, at least in my opinion. For much of the game, she's just an M1 killer who can keep people injured. Not exactly exciting stuff. When she actually gets the corrupt purge then yeah, she's pretty fun. She's only going to use it once or twice usually though.
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Every time I puke on a Survivor, they scream like they are being hit but nothing happens.
She is too frustrating for me to play right now.
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Yeah, I feel like there were a few more colors you could have picked here.
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Yeah, this is very difficult to parse. I'm uncertain why you used such similar hues. You even have two whole categories devoted to blues.
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yeah, lotta people saying that and i dont blame them. This was quickly copy and pasted from an excel spread sheet but i definitely should have put more time into the presentation for you guys.
In future ill do a better job, sorry again!
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The most popular Killer released since 2019 is Deathslinger. Didn’t see that one coming actually
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lies... that's way too many hags. hag players are only a legend and don't actually exist
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you've seen the one hole in my plan, how dare you! xD
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omg why there are so few billy players