The Creature (Trap Killer)

Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
edited August 2021 in Creations

Name: Angel Mirkwood

Speed: 4.4 m/s | 110%

Height: Tall

Terror Radius: 24 meters

Pressured Barnacle Clusters

Press and hold the Power Button for 4 seconds while aiming at any nearby valid surface to implant an INACTIVE Barnacle Cluster. You may only have a maximum of 10 Inactive Barnacle Clusters implanted at any given moment.

While aiming at an INACTIVE Barnacle Cluster from any distance, press and hold the Secondary Power Button for 2 seconds to active and arm the Barnacle Cluster. You may only have a maximum of 4 Active Barnacle Clusters implanted at any given moment.

When any non-crouching survivor enters the effective range of an Active Barnacle Cluster, the Barnacle Cluster will explode; causing any survivor within a 3 meter range to be injured by one health state while also being both deafened and partially blinded for a short period of time (3 seconds). However, the Barnacle Cluster, once exploded, will be completely unusable nor reclaimable for 25 seconds.

While inactive, any survivor can attempt to break (16 second action that has tremendously hard skill checks that, if failed, will trigger the Barnacle Cluster to explode immediately) a Barnacle Cluster to remove it and prevent the Creature from reusing it for 30 seconds. However, the Creature is notified of when the action is finished or the Barnacle Cluster is triggered.

While active, any survivor can attempt to deactivate (12 second action that has tremendously hard skill checks that, if failed, will trigger the Barnacle Cluster to explode immediately, inflicting dying on the closest survivor) a Barnacle Cluster to stop it from exploding for a short duration of time (20 seconds).

Implanting and Activation Details:

  • The Creature is stationary when implanting Barnacle Clusters.
  • Implanted Barnacle Clusters require at least 10 seconds before being able to be activated for the first time.
  • The Creature moves at 3.2 m/s while attempting to activate a Barnacle Cluster.
  • Barnacle Clusters can be placed on walls and the floor.

Barnacle Cluster Details:

-Active Barnacle Clusters leak water and produce a quiet boiling/bubbly noise.

-Active Barnacle Clusters, not Inactive Barnacle Clusters, will also explode when destroyed by another Active Barnacle Cluster, creating a Chain Explosion with larger range (1=3 m, 2=4 m, 3=5 m, 4=6 m).

-Inactive Barnacle Clusters, when stunned by any means (pallets or head on), will explode but with a significantly smaller explosion range (-2 meters).

-The Creature can see the aura of all Barnacle Clusters in the trial. Active Barnacle Clusters are highlighted white, while Inactive Barnacle Clusters remain red.

-When the maximum is reached for either Implanted Barnacle Clusters or Active Barnacle Clusters, the oldest instance is removed/deactivated when the newest instance is created/activated.

-When a Barnacle is deactivated by a survivor, the Creature will not be notified until the Barnacle is reactivated or destroyed.

-Barnacle Clusters detection range (how close a survivor can get without crouching before it explodes) is equal to its blast radius (base: 3 meters)

Barnacle Explosion Details:

-Will break nearby pallets and breakable walls.

-Will damage nearby generators and cause them to begin regressing.

-Will break other nearby Barnacle Clusters.

-Can affect multiple targets (survivors and breakable objects).

-When a survivor is put into the dying health by a Barnacle Cluster, the dying survivor remains deafened and partially blinded until picked up by any means.


Rotting Seaweed [Common]:

A clump of old and mold-infested seaweed, its stench lingers on the hand of those who held it.

  • Reveals the range of activation for Barnacle Clusters.

Bleached Coral [Common]:

The skeleton of a once beautiful creature, now dried and ugly.

  • Active Barnacle Clusters deactivate after 15 seconds of being activated.
  • Removes Barnacle Cluster Activation limit
  • Gain 100% more blood points for Combustion and Wrong Wire score events.

Soaked Matchbox [Common]:

It’s useless in its current state.

  • Slightly decreases (-10%) Barnacle Cluster Tampering speed.

Porous Stone [Common]:

A grey stone, full of small holes and cavities that makes it easier for sea life to latch on to.

  • Slightly increases (+20%) Barnacle Cluster Implant speed.

Ruined Sponge [Uncommon]:

A simple sea sponge, ripped apart and soiled by an agressive monster.

  • Slightly increases (+1 meter) the Blast range of Active Barnacle Clusters.

Sea Glass [Uncommon]:

A piece of human trash made into ocean treasure, it gleams with a brilliant emerald hue.

  • Slightly increases (+1) Total Barnacle Cluster Limit.

Sandy Wraps [Uncommon]:

Tough and uncomfortable, these wraps give support for those who need it.

  • Moderately increases (+0.4 m/s) movement speed while activating a Barnacle Cluster.

Broken Shell [Uncommon]:

An unidentifiable shell that has been shattered, a sense of fear lingers within it.

  • Considerably decreases (-20%) the success zones for Barnacle Cluster Tampering actions.

Torn Diary [Uncommon]:

Someone’s personal story, faded and ripped apart. It is completely illegible.

  • Moderately decreases (-15%) temporary deactivation period for Tampered Barnacle Clusters.

Tarnished Pendant [Rare]:

Corroded and dented, it is a symbol of a forgotten past.

  • Slightly increases (+1) Total Barnacle Cluster Limit.
  • Slightly increases (+15%) Barnacle Implant speed.

Blood Kelp [Rare]:

A nutritious snack for any sea creature, but don’t mind the blood.

  • Moderately decreases (-5 seconds) the duration of the set up period for Inactive Barnacle Clusters.

Fish Bones [Rare]:

The skeletal remains of a fish that was too weak to survive, a reminder to stay strong.

  • Considerably increases (+25%) Barnacle Cluster Activation Speed.

Rusted Chains [Rare]:

Chains that linked to something unknown, now it bounds those who will soon be devoured.

  • Survivors within of 6 meters of an Active Barnacle Cluster, when it explodes, are hindered by 10% for 8 seconds.

Hermit Crab Molt [Rare]:

The empty husk of a hermit crab, discarded for a better one.

  • The aura of any survivor within 8 meters of an Inactive Barnacle Cluster is revealed for 4 seconds.

Family Photo [Very Rare]:

A faded and damaged photo of a small family, with two parents and a child, a scratch drawing of a strange figure obscures the original child.

  • When an Active Barnacle Cluster is triggered, all survivors will hear a distant terror radius for 10 seconds.
  • Slightly increases (+1) Active Barnacle Cluster Limit. 

Living Eel [Very Rare]:

An eel that has surprisingly survived and adapted to its strange environment. 

  • Moderately increases (+30%) Barnacle Cluster Implant speed.

Heavy Water [Very Rare]:

A special type of water that has disastrous results when pressurized. 

  • Slightly increases (+1 meter) the Blast range of all types of Barnacle Clusters.

Sea Urchin [Very Rare]:

A prickly and almost alien creature, its spines can be very dangerous to others.

  • Survivors injured by Barnacle Cluster explosions are inflicted with deep wounds.
  • Survivors put into the dying health state by Barnacle Cluster explosions are inflicted with the broken status effect for 90 seconds.

Rainbow Coral [Ultra Rare]:

Dangerous, yet beautiful. It dazzles all who view it, while crippling those who don’t.

  • Survivors within 12 meters of a Barnacle Cluster, when it explodes, are stunned and unable to move for 2 seconds.
  • Considerably increases (+2 meters) the detection range of Active Barnacle Clusters.
  • Inactive Barnacle Clusters have collision, and can be used to block paths.

Iron Barnacles [Ultra Rare]:

A barnacle variant that has a stronger metallic outside.

  • When a barnacle explodes, the barnacle is not destroyed and only enters a 15 second cool down.
  • Moderately decreases (-3) Total Barnacle Cluster Limit.
  • Removes Active Barnacle Limit


From the Deep:

Each time you damage a generator, From the Deep grows in strength, granting a token.

For each token, gain a stackable 3% regression increase for each subsequent damage action, up to a maximum of 9/12/15% regression.

Hex: No Where To Run:

When a survivor heals by at least one health by a healing action, Hex: No Where To Run gains a token.

When you begin a chase, all tokens are consumed, if any; and all pallets in the trial are blocked by the entity, preventing them from being both dropped and vaulted. They remain blocked for 10/13/15 seconds plus an additional 5 seconds per token consumed.

If Hex: No Where To Run is cleansed while it has at least one token, all dropped pallets are instantly broken.

The effects of this hex persist as long as the related hex totem stands.

Mortal Vigor:

Each time a survivor is hooked, gain a permanent stackable 3/4/5% action speed buff to vaulting and locker searching, up to a maximum of 36/48/60%.

Post edited by Shymare_11 on


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    For Trapper, his trap is strong, damage & stop survivors, but waste alot of time to setup.

    Hag, trap alone only cause body block, not able to do double damage like Trapper (his trap & himself if 2 or more survivors go together), faster setup.

    Freddy, trap only cause slow movement, has fasted setup.

    I feel like a damage potent trap that not able to disarm is bit too strong. Im not sure if his activate slow speed can makeup for it.

    I also have a similar Trap killer idea called The Black thumb : D

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    You can disarm it. If active, the survivor needs to crouch to it and perform a very dangerous tampering action to disarm it for a short period of time. If it’s inactive or already tampered, the survivor can perform a less dangerous tampering action to completely remove it. An active barnacle cluster won’t explode if the survivor is crouching.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    I love your perks ideas! I would decrease the amount of tokens from Mortal Vigor bc a 72% increase in insane for vaulting speeds but everything else is really nice.

    I also like the idea of setting and activating bomb-like clusters and the addons seem really nice as well. He seems like a more dangerous version of Trapper, with instant damage potential, longer disarms, not having to find and pickup traps and much more trap placement versatility. Good job!

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Mortal Vigor reaches 72% because they gain a token each time they HOOK a survivor, not when the survivor changes sacrifice phases meaning that a survivor can deny tokens by skipping hook states, dcing, or being moried; counterproductive but possible. Additionally, when they reach 72%, all survivors will be dead.

    Maybe 6% per token is too much and should be changed, the reason it is so high is to allow the killer to have noticeable value from Mortal Vigor after 2-5 hooks. Probably 4-5% each would be better.