No-Counter Play Perk Build

SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

As the title says, I'll start. This is purely for fun and not to judge others but poking fun at them is allowed as is debating why you'd run such perks. I can't see survivors running a no-counter Play Perk build so I'll go with Killer.

Huntress Add-on's: Iri Head + Infantry Belt

Perks: Tinkerer, BBQ, Iron Maiden, Thanatophobia

Alternate Root for Tinkerer is Sloppy Butcher

The main point of this build is as simple as it comes for everyone who knows how it works. IRI head reduces your hatchets to 1 and the Infantry Belt negates that giving you three easy ways to down a survivor; you just gotta make your shots count. BBQ for points and Iron maiden to negate those who hide in lockers to avoid being seen or found by BBQ because literally, NO ONE runs distortion or any perk i've seen to negate being seen by BBQ

Tinkerer + Phobia is a little obvious but it's to slow down those gens once you do manage to down someone or even injure them, especially with Tinkerer which usually gets negated by Spine chill; that being said, if you yeet a hatchet at the right time; Easy Down. If you don't want Tinkerer, make their life hell and use like a legion would Sloppy + Phobia is god annoying for any survivor to go up against; Unless you're the competent SWF team.


  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    THEY DON'T? Awwwwww.....See, this is what happens when I don't pay attention, I got something wrong. If it still worked though, I think this would be a pretty decent No-counter play Build. To be honest, I'm glad they don't though.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Bubba with Spirit Fury, Enduring, and Bamboozle is pretty much a close zero-counterplay build because it bandages his counterplay being windows and pallets. The build isn't broken, you can very much play around it, I just feel like it counts in this case.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Iridescent Head now states that your hatchet count cannot be raised above 1 hatchet. She got an add-on pass a while back.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Any killer with any add-ons using Hex: The Third Seal, Hex: Undying, and Knock Out.

    On either Lerys, The Game, Mother's Dwelling, or Raccoon City Police Department.

    Vs solos, of course.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    The Wraith:

    Add-ons - Coxcombed Clapper; All-seeing Blood

    Perks - Lethal Pursuer; BBQ and Chilli; A Nurse's Calling; Make Your Choice

    Offering - Ebony Mori

    Basically, just a destructive, speedy and to the point attack that gives no rest once that first hook is made.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    The Pig:

    Sloppy- Corrupt- BBQ- Whispers/ Combat straps and Video Tape (or Crate of Gears)

    Corrupt to at least get a start, Whispers to help in finding the first survivor

    Sloppy for after they get unhooked it'll take more time to heal (and if played right the trap would be active therefore making the survivor chose to be healed before or after getting the Trap off)

    BBQ for BP (lol) and aura reading to find the next survivor

    I personally don't kick gens all that much so Pop isn't for me... also cause I want the gens to be done for her power to work but I want at least to be able to put a Trap on a survivor first