Thoughts on MMR coming soon

Since MMR is on the horizon, I wanted to see what everyone's thoughts were on it. Do you think it will work? Should it be added at all? etc. For my two cents I think its a bad idea, it will help out the lower rank folks for a time, but once they reach higher levels they'll be miserable. No one likes to sweat every game. Also while it will surely highlight how imbalanced some aspects of the game are, BHVR isn't exactly a beacon trustworthiness given their recent moves (RE chapter launch, colorblind fiasco, Trickster). But what do you all think?
Please be civil folks, this forum can be toxic enough as is
Matchmaking in its current state sees players sweat far more than they should, especially if they're new or just practicing a killer they've never played with before. The developer update said that an offline bot mode was supposed to come with the mid chapter but it never happened, and there hasn't been any word from behavior as to why.
For me, until there's an actual way to practice without having to engage in sweaty online matches, then I'm all for a new matchmaking system.
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I found matches both as killer and survivor to be more productive, balanced, and fun - so I am excited for its implementation.
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It´s gonna be miserable. Blight, Blight, Blight, Nurse, Blight, Nurse, Blight, Blight, Nurse, Nurse will be an average evening because they will propably take their time with fixing spirit.
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I hated the last test, it was a miserable experience. So I’m against it, personally, and I hope it doesn’t happen.
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I enjoyed the last test honestly. I feel I had survivors and killers that played more in tune with my current play style, which is more chilled. Competent, competitive, but not to the point of all out sweats every game.
If it remains like that, I am okay with it. As long as I don't sweat my ass off, and don't get matched with those that do, every game, then I would be happy.
I honestly wonder if its not so much skill based, as style based?
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My thoughts are the only people who don't want it are the types who tryhard and want their opponents to be their punching bags. Otherwise, the experience is much better for literally everyone else. It can't come soon enough. The matchmaking as it is now is not good enough to be a joke.
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My experience as a solo survivor was mixed. I got better teammates overall during times where my queues were best but very random skill level teammates when the queues were long. I'm sure this is because the open up the range of people you can be paired with to alleviate long queues, which isn't anything different than what happens now.
As far as how the matches felt, if my teammates were competent, we outperformed the killer most of the time. I still had killers dc because they were at 1 or 2 gens left with 1 hook. I had matches that the gens were done in five minutes. I also had matches the killer did really well and it was a challenge, but I don't feel that happened more than with rank based. Actually it felt like it happened less of the time.
When my teammates were not competent I faced killers that destroyed us and killed us all before we could get 2 gens done. I had killers that I could loop for 4 gens. And of course I had some that matched well to the overall skill of the group so it felt like a good match. Again, not anymore than with rank based.
I think if SBMM goes live we are still going to see people complain about how lopsided matches feel. Especially when the skill range needs to be opened up to keep queue times from getting too long. The only difference is we will not see a number beside our names to show how far out the system had to look for someone to fill the role.
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Your last point is the one that worries me the most when this thing launches. We will have no way of knowing the skill level of the people we are matched with. We have to take BHVR's word that the system is working properly and I frankly don't trust them to not bungle this up somehow.
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It doesn't really matter if you see a number or not. It should be about how the game plays out. If the match feels lopsided it didn't work.
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Loved the last test and I honestly can't wait for MMR. Most of my games were really good and even the bad ones were far better then the bad games I'd normally have.
The worst I had was the same camping Bubba twice in a row and my god, instead of spending my bar crouched nearby and trying to get me, they saw what was happening with Kindred and stayed on the gens. It was fantastic.
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Can't wait for the MMR to get active. I am not a red player and I have no interest in playing against sweaty red ranks where the best move is not to play. I do not enjoy AFK-ing games.
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SBMM was a far better, challenging and more rewarding. I'm really looking forward to when they impliment it.
Since the test stopped, I have found myself with people of very different experience levels in terms of playstyle. I felt sorry for a new Nurse player as when the game ended they had done 1 hook, clearly just started, amd all of us survivors were Green or better, and displayed a much better skillset. That couldn't have been fun for the brave soul learning Nurse, when they would clearly prefer trying Nurse with other new players and feeling a better playing field.
Hopefully, SBMM will returns soon, so people will get a fairer crack of the whip.
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That’s not a fair generalisation. I play solo survivor, with a build that’s typically Kindred, Windows of Opportunity, Any Means Necessary and a flex perk (usually running something for a Tome challenge). I don’t play to “tryhard” or treat others as punching bags in the slightest, and I don’t care about escaping (if I did why the hell would I play solo?). And during MMR all I got was killers running full meta, tunnelling the first hook they got, and then being toxic in end game.
As killer the MMR test was actually okay for me. But as survivor it was awful. It sucked every ounce of fun out of the game, and not because I couldn’t sweat against babies or escape every match. I play for fun, and often get myself killed for my teammates, or let the killer sacrifice me at the end of the match.
The MMR test just sucked for me. Instead of assuming everyone who didn’t like it is just mad because they won’t be able to pick on babies anymore, how about considering that there are people who had a different experience than you.
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Im still against it
Too many bugs that can screw either side and get you to win/loose easily (especially at higher level)
Too much RNG that can screw either side for the MMR
Certain maps are way too killer or survivor based, and map offerings can be abused by survivors more then killers
(It isnt the same when you have à game as blight in Lery, then in Midwich, then in Mcmillan you know?)
Players that will sweat/tryhard way more (znd thats the worst out of the entire MMr)
Leading to the drop of funny/même build, drop of some killers since they wont be good to rank up, and longer queue times
And still with no clear goal about what à win/loss is and so what impacts the MMR fpr the ranks, nor do we have an imput to know our ranks (top leader bord or medium ?)
Killer gameplay will be horrible at top tier cause outside of 3 or 4 killers you cant compete and youll have to sweat à lot
Survivors gameplay will be horrible, cause if you dare rank up youll only face the 3-4 samz tryhard killers with the same buolds and strong add ons
During none of the MMR test did i have fun, either i fought people that where way too weak, either did i fought some that where way too strong or tryhard for me to enjoy, i didnt felt like it was balanced as either killer or survivor (but thats my personal experience)
MMR can still be abused to face weaker survivors
The game doesnt have millions of players to rank up (from what i saw over PC at least)
And these are my bigger points on why MMR is à bad idea for the game
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Dont worry, youll just have the sweaty Players that wanna rank up on an MMR with no win/lose/score input (for us) instead :)
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If it is anything like the test we had a few weeks back then sign me up.
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Aaaaaand the once in a blue moon rank 1 demo which'll not have to sweat. Idk why but I'm a god with demo at rank 1.
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Last test as survivor i went against nurse and blight 75% of the time, the other killers were A tier. As killer i was facing 4 mans constantly. I don't know if it will be the best experience.
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Its very interesting hearing everyone's experiences here! Mine was a bit of an Uno reverse card for killer. I play blight and got lots of teams who were very clearly below my skill level. But I then played huntress and got beaten pretty badly by some good survivors. Solo Q survivor was a lot more manageable but SWF tossed some pretty good killers my way.
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I wonder how players are going to rank up if they constantly go against players BHVR believes you should break even with.
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As killer I can get players with 4k+ hours each, especially at night, so I can't imagine it could be much worse. But I could be wrong....
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I totally believe you, yet demo suffers from the same weaknesses other M1 Killers do, making them utterly useless against good teams (admittedly demo is above average for his great shack and longwall oppurtunities). We´ve also gone against amazing Clowns. Trappers. Myers. Sometimes they get a kill. Most of the time, they just don´t.
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I’m okay with it being added to the game, I thought the test went well from my matches in both sides.
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I guess the way I see it. The ranking system should reflect mainly the player participation Quality. That way the folks that want the most engaging experience that this game has to offer. Isn't stuck with the folks that Abandon the match by either pulling on the hook too early or pressing EXIT.
This keeps BOTH sides happy and everyone can help grow the community.
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Folks also need to understand that it won't work at making "fair and balanced matches" 100% the time, either. No MMR can do that. I play several other games with MMR matchmaking, and there are still matches, hell entire nights of matches, that are stomp or be stomped tossed in with the nights and matches where it feels like it's working as intended.
And those are from studios with a hell of a lot more resources than BHVR.
I feel like some on the forums (not necessarily you, as I've seen it in countless threads) that think SBMM will be a magic bullet. Will it be better than we have now? Most likely. Will it be 100%? Not a chance. And some folks will be unluckier than others.
That said, I am still in favor of SBMM and can't wait for it to be added permanently.
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I wish MMR would come tomorrow, it felt good going against people around my skill (1k hours), instead of getting matched with 2500+ hours that I get all the time now.
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The only way they will bungle it up is if they listen to streamers (they are) who keep crying about having to sweat and that it isn't fun. They have already added a cap to mmr to keep queue times down somewhat destroying the purpose of mmr
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I'd be more thrilled if they showed me my mmr number or just some emblem I hate games that don't show ranking
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It's gonna help everybody. Not just the high ranks and not just the low ranks. If you win a lot, you go up in MMR. If you lose a lot, you go down in MMR. That'll put you in your correct placement. It's that simple.
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I think you are taking this statement of mine out of context. This is a direct reply to a person saying they were concerned about not knowing if it worked for a SPECIFIC match because there won’t be an MMR number to see the skill level of those they were matched with.
I do give my experience of the test a couple posts above and even say some of the poor match making with SBMM will be because of alleviating long queues just like the current system does.
I do say I felt my SBMM matches felt more lopsided than rank based. Maybe I’m one of these unlucky people. That doesn’t mean my experience should just be discredited and not considered in the feedback just because your experience was better.