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What is the strongest killer add-on?

Altarf Member Posts: 1,046

Assuming it's being run on it's own. I think it's Tombstone Piece, just because of how quickly you can get a survivor killed with no meaningful downside, but Kavanagh's Last Breath, Mother-Daughter Ring and Alchemist's Ring are all incredibly good if the player is very good at the killer.


  • I think trickster's iridescent photo card is pretty good.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I'm gonna have to give that one to Tombstone Piece.

    there are a few others however that i think are kind of busted, just not as busted as Tombstone Piece - All Seeing - Blood on Wraith or the Infantry Belt on Huntress for example.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,133
    edited August 2021

    Tombstone piece. Even if you only get to use it once you literally remove a survivor from the game while by passing three hooks on them.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Rusty Shackles IMO, on an indoor map it’s absolutely insane. And unlike the other killers, takes 0 skill to use. Like literally 0.

    But also maybe redheads pinky finger? It’s definitely better than Iri head at this point.

    Tombstone piece is up there but against a really good team you will only ever get 1 tombstone and a SWF will call out if you are stalking them for too long.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,307

    Wraith's silent bell add on makes him a different killer.

    Not the strongest add on, but super strong.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    Agree Tombstone Piece is the strongest even if you will get 0 pip at best. If I choose more, I would pick Rusty Shackles, Mother Daughter Ring, Pinky Finger.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,965

    Rusty Shackles makes Hag worst, its just frustrating to go against because survivors dont realize theyve triggered a trap.

    A part of what makes Hags traps so deadly is the camera flick, this can completely throw a survivors pathing off and actually net you a hit that otherwise wouldn't be possible with Rusty Shackles

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Usually I do a high risk strategy with her and just run to the furthest corrupted gen and trap it ASAP at the start of the match.

    You can have a gen grab in the first 20-30 seconds of the game and then it’s GG. That’s why I think it’s better than tombstone piece because tombstone piece has 0 map pressure until tier 3 and you will basically never tombstone good survivors without PWYF stacks.

    Running Nemesis on Myers is like screaming “guess who brought tombstone?!” so it’s not like they are going to be surprised by it at all

    Rusty shackles is more consistently ridiculous in how the games go when you run it, especially against SWFs

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    nothing will beat the addon that basically instakill 1-2 survivors in a match. it's super strong.

    nothing else just wins you the game like it. it's on a league of it's own

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 968

    Plague's Iridescent vomit aura add-on is pretty strong, especially on a team that doesn't cleanse much.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Alchemist ring is absolutely ridiculous and blatantly overpowered on a killer that is extremely powerful.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    Mother-daughter ring

    provides ridiculous map pressure and chase potential for spirit

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,435
    edited August 2021

    Legions red add-on that lets me hear his music from anywhere on the map. Makes me go crazy more than anything else. I'd rather get moried by Sir Myers.

    Seriously though, as others have said, Tombstone is probably the most OP with Iridescent Head a close second.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Scalped topknot and it isn't even close.

  • Corns_Flake
    Corns_Flake Member Posts: 17

    Probably a tie between tombstone piece and scalped topknot

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    I think Mint Rag on Hag is pretty strong ^^

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,003

    Rusty shackles that add on is powerful and dumb lol

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Surprised not many have mentioned Scalped Topknot. That add-on is nutty.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    Isn't that just a Rare add-on? Or am I thinking of something else.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,719

    Yes it's a rare, but it literally halfs the time it takes to start a demon dash, that makes oni much more deadly on just about every loop.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Yeah, but it's Oni's best add-on. It cuts the time it takes to Demon Dash in like half.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,589

    Blight's alchimist Ring,

    Huntress Iri head

    Spirit's Mother Daughter Ring.

    Clown One Shot Bottles...

    Billy's Lopro chains..

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747
    edited August 2021
  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    It's definitely Pyramid Head's Obsidian Goblet. An Iridescent that gives you Undetectable while standing on torment trails (except when actually MAKING the torment trails or stepping off them for even a fraction of a second, without increasing the amount you can place, the amount of time they stay in the environment, or how quickly your torment meter recharges, AND does nothing to mute the noisy-as-hell sound of his sword and walking or do anything about just how tall and obvious he is)? TOTALLY broken!

    Ha hah, I kid. All of Pyramid Head's addons are trash. He has the worst selection in the entire game. And they'll never be fixed because he's the most over-hyped killer by survivors who have never actually tried playing as him.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    All seeing for wraith. Makes him virtually uncounterable since he knows exactly where you are and what you're doing in a loop at the click of a button. The range is also pretty generous so he can end up finding survivors playing perfectly stealthily just because the aura flips them off and reveals their exact location. If you combine it with silent bell he becomes frankly worse than spirit, nearly completely invisible at all times, gives no indication he is leaving stealth, and has aura wallhax. its broken as hell.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Obligatory: Tombstone because being able to mori grab people who haven't even been hooked or injured once is the ultimate op in this game lol

    However, because tombstone is difficult to get working I say Black Incense is the most powerful, consistent killer add-on. This add-on is just disgusting. It has no negative drawbacks it just makes being fully infected an absolute detriment as Plague knows where you are almost all the time. They cleanse you go get your power and go to town on them with that they literally lose either way. You could literally bring black incense alone and annihilate survivors (Alone as an add-on)

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,918

    Yes, Tombstone Piece is broken af. I was gonna say All-seeing Blood but then you reminded me.