Now that Otz made a petition, will the devs take actions?

For those who don't know, Otzdarva made a petition a few days ago regarding the issue that console players from older gen are experiencing.
And my first thought was: "Since it's Otz one of the, if not the, biggest content creator and streamer when it comes to Dbd....will we get some kind of answer from devs regarding this issue?"
I really hope the devs give anything else either than " We're working on it " cause you guys have been promising better optimization for 3 years now 😒
What do you guys think?
If you want to help in this petition in any way just go to Otz's Twitter page and you'll find it.
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we can hope but
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Doubt it.
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No they won't do anything.
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What about PC tho? Since the graphics updates it got worse for me too. Cant even play on 60 fps on low anymore even tho i have a decent rig.
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Probably not. They don't really listen to Otz despite him being one of the most positive influences on the community and even being a fog whisperer. I hope so, though.
If anything, I expect the colourblind backlash effect at best.
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Fixing performance issues would surely be a universal positive.
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Consoles have always had it bad ever since the first Console release. It started getting better but the Twins Mid Chapter started to break the game and the RE Chapter broke it completely
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Not excluding PC, this petition is an appeal so all platforms can have better optimization and a better experience.
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They will ignore it.There's no need to respond to it from their POV
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The petition is totally legally binding so bhvr has to respond.
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hes probably going to lose fog whisper for starting mess
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And if this haver happened the community would be very pissed at Behaviour
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As I've stated on numerous threads, particularly the long thread we have here on the forums with regards to console optimisation...this is still work in progress for us and the team is working on fixing the issues that Consoles are currently facing, especially those hitches when things like Dead Hard is being used. This is an ongoing process.
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Just give them graphics options like on the pc. Why is that so difficult?
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Because we want to make sure we solve the actual problems, one of which was related to HDD - lowering graphics won't help with that.
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bhvr should already have enough incentive considering console is likely the majority playerbase of dbd, so i don't expect much.
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They promised an “optimisation PASS” to help console players in December 2018 and performance has remained dogshit on consoles to this day, so I wouldn’t hold your breath.
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Agreed, but expect they fix more bugs and improve a little on the performance issues in the next few months, since the new chapter doesn't that much new content to balance in the mid-chapter.
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even with the lag people still use dead hard
really shows how OP dead hard is
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Faith in a mustard seed if anyone thinks console is getting optimized.
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Not really, using death hard on console is more of a death sentence, your screen freezes and you don't get out of place.
But yeah, I don't get why people still used it if they know it's useless.
1 - has never worked
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but please, donate $2 so can not use that money for the petition in any way!
I signed on the off chance it puts more pressure on BHVR to actually work on the issues, but man are they predatory about giving them money after and heavily implying it'll help the petition
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Maybe it’s because 90% of other survivor perks are obsolete/useless?
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But this time could be different, Otz is one of the most influential creators in the community, it might have some impact.
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If i change meu HDD for a SSD in my Ps4 these problems will be solved?
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They asked you for $2? They asked me for $11. I did not oblige.
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There was a thread on this forum where someone did that, and yes it seemed to solve their problems but this isn't something that I recommend doing obviously. All I can do is assure people that this is being worked on, and apologise for the time it's taken, sadly it's not something that's a quick fix. :(
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I highly doubt it tbh
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Yeah of course, but, you know if SSD make the game better instead HDD? Did you test it? i can take a SSD, but i dont know how much this change will be better my game... a little? so much? nothing? you know this? someone know? Thanks
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They won't fix anything they might and than as pinhead shows his way to dbd they will break game completely again with 49295929 bugs and other issues and it's gonna be endless circle of bs because they aren't capable of having no issues
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it's because survivors only use DH or SB, UB, IW, BT
the top 5 ultimate crutch perks
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I don't know who that is but I hope so. Far more complicated games run on those "old gen" consoles without any issues. And those "old gen" consoles are still what the overwhelming majority of console players are using. I think maybe the only way to get the devs' attention would be to hit them in the wallet.
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How is BT UB or SB a crutch perk? Unbreakable literally only works if the killer is slugging poorly and BT is brought to stop camping.
Even if they were crutch perks killers also have perks like tinkerer anyway
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We understand game development is extremely hard and we're thankful for you guys creating this wonderful game, but I don't get why such a lack of transparency, I'm sure that if you guys were updating us on the issue not that many people would be mad at the team.....I just hope that this problem gets fixed and we can move on.
13 -
K let me break it down.
Every sweaty survivor build is UB, BT, IW + any exhaustion perk. Sometimes IW/UB is swapped out for DS.
If borrowed time was intended to stop tunneling then it's doing a bad job because survivors use it for 1 thing only, to body block the killer and force a protection hit even if the killer was trying to not go for the freshly unhooked survivor. They never use those 12 seconds to run away as intended.
Unbreakable is mostly used for EGC when the killer slugs to try and get a 4k so a survivor will get up at the last second to get a save bbecause no one expects UB at the last second.
All of them are crutch perks and none of them are counterable. Even "crutch" killer perks like tinkerer can be countered.
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Rather sadly that seems to be an issue that needs to be taken up with the higher ups, as most employees are put under a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) so can only say what their bosses want them to say. Breaking this NDA can and probably will put their job at risk, as well as future employment too.
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I do understand that, and I've tried to be transparent as possible with regards to this. I know that things are being worked on and that the hitches/freezing etc are being addressed. However, I can't give a time frame on when these fixes can be implemented into the game.
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This is beyond useless. There are 2 situations:
-they are aware of the issues and simply don't care, the petition won't do anything
-they are aware and working to fix them, but it's either a deep-rooted problem or they don't want to allocate enough manpower to get it fixed faster. A petition won't make the code easier to fix/optimize or convince bhvr to maybe hire more programmers instead of spending all their funding on the art team(to pump even more cosmetics).
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You can counter BT by waiting out the bodyblock and getting the down again.
If you slug for the 4k unbreakable should come into play because it’s whole purpose is to counter that playstyle.
You can counter exhaustion perks by running blood echo or mindbreaker. Not amazing but can definitely be good on certain killers.
An example of an actual crutch survivor perk would be spine chill since it is something you become reliant on and can hinder your game sense. These perks you mention are just counters to annoying killer strategies
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Waiting for BT is not a "counter" it ate 12 seconds of your time. back when you needed to be undetectable now that was a true counter.
survivors doing UB, DS, BT juggles during EGC is stupid even worse when they do it at exit gates.
blood echo and mindbreaker will never be meta
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Please stop taking this thread off topic @Lord_Tony this thread is not about whether you think a perk is OP or not!
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Can we please get at least a basic explanation as to why it takes this long to fix?
FPS drops/screen freeze triggers were a known issue for at least 2 years.BHVR didn't made any noticeable progress on these issues,despite how impactful they are for the player experience.
And now they made it even worse with the introduction of the RE chapter.
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If the dev's fix console bc of otz and not the thousands of players currently having tremendous performance issues then that shows how truly little they care about the playerbase just saying.
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I don't think they "don't care" about us, I just think that since Otz is probably the best-known fog whisperer, this will likely make Behaviour look more into the problem and like that solve it quicker.
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I doubt there will be anything more than "we´re looking into it", a phrase that lost all meaning after 3+ years of disappointment for the console people. If they wanted to do something about the embarassing optimisation of the game they would have done so years ago, but there´s hoping that the rising levels of negative PR gets them to finally do something and not repeat their false promises. That´s exactly how they were made to implement colorblind options, after all.
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At that point i think the actual problem are the dev inability to fix thing. Maybe the compagnie need better staff or more staff
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At least give console the graphic option like pc.
Lowering the graphic will make the game more bearable for console players and would be like a bandage for the hdd issue for the time being.
Also switch had it graphic lowered.
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This is the response we have been getting for the last 3 years