Now that Otz made a petition, will the devs take actions?



  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    edited August 2021

    You guys do not want the graphics lowered. They did this before and it just made the game a blurry mess. It made playing killer WAYYY worse. Lets hope they fix it without lowering the graphics more. It already looks terrible on console.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    I really hope so, using most exhaustion perks still are not a possibility, and the game freezing on skill checks is pretty embarrassing, but I have hopes for the devs, the team did great on the last optimization fix.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    The problem with console right now are freezes during UI events and certain particle effects. Exhaustion perks, Sloppy Butcher, hooking/unhooking, certain killer powers, the smoke on Crotus Prenn, that middle room on Lerys, etc. Lowering the graphics only helps with the stable FPS, which in itself is not that bad already (I think it ranges from 30 to 45 FPS on old gen). So we'd basically have an uglier game that still freezes during the same things. The only benefit I can imagine is that some of the newer maps would have a slightly higher FPS.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,961

    Oh wow let’s stop playing it’s not like there’s a 100,000 players playing right now. Let’s encourage 100,000 people around the world not to play that would work great 👍🏻

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    edited August 2021

    Even though, i'm not on Console, as a PC user this problem affects me as well. I can record at 1080, stable fps 60-90 and then can freeze for 1-2 seconds out of nowhere.


    Wait, his name is Alex?

    There's too many god damn Alex'es in this world.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I mean, if you (generic "you", I don't mean you in particular) claim the game is "unplayable" on your system, but then keep playing no matter what, is it really that bad?

    When I have problems with a game that make it unplayable, I actually stop playing it, I don't continue to bang my head against the proverbial wall while also claiming it's unplayable.

  • They said they are and have been taking action. So, it wont look like they will.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Console optimization for a game that is PC based is EXTREMELY difficult for a company to do. It mainly falls on the CONSOLE makers to fix this. NOT the devs here. That is pretty much OUT of their control. and it is NOT Behavior's fault either.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Why should Otz' opinion carry more weight than anyone else's? There have probably been hundreds of people right here on this forum who have been extremely vocal about console performance issues. Last I checked Pulsar has a thread about the subject that's like 2,000 pages long or something. So that should account for nothing but as soon as a popular "content creator" mentions the same subject then the world should suddenly stop and listen? If so that's a really sad state of affairs.

    I'm 100 percent on the side of you poor console players who aren't allowed the same relatively consistent performance that PC players enjoy. I just hope that it doesn't take the apparent perception of a "Youtube personality" as some kind of authority figure to get something done about it.

  • Jill_Main
    Jill_Main Member Posts: 138

    hummmm no? Why would they release a switch version if it's so hard to optimize a game like dbd on console years later?

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Petitions are relatively meaningless, the majority of the human population is under no obligation to agree to or even pay attention to them, and I question why anyone who starts one would need someone else's money.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I'll sign it. Our console cousins deserve the love.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Considering how they promised console optimization like 3 years ago and still nothing....... Yeah console pips you are screwed, better spend money for an ssd or upgrade to a new gen console since past gen consoles can't play a ps3 looking game.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    No, they need more neon cosmetics first.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Do you want artists working on adding features to the game? I'd prefer programmers.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Then the team should possibly stop pushing out more and more content and focus all efforts on refining their code and putting their game into a healthy state? There's been petitions and other talks (won't even mention it without getting banned again) where people are constantly asking to stop all new content releases and focus a chapter on purely fixing the game.

    If they have time to push out Hellraiser and fix (most) of his game breaking on PTB, they got plenty of time to focus their attention on the game as a whole.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    I’m not asking 100,000 players to stop playing. There’s not even that many with the issues discussed in this thread.

    I’m merely pointing out that the sheep continue to play this game and feed money into DBD (cosmetics and new chapters) as if nothing is wrong, so of course the company’s priority will be to focus on whatever is generating them money - it’s just business. Fixing performance on last gen consoles is definitely not their priority, and if you don’t agree well then enjoy the shill life.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    the sheep

    if you don’t agree well then enjoy the shill life.

    Have you ever considered that talking to people like that isn't going to get them to listen?

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    My exact reaction. I am seriously baffled how people think that is anything else but a joke.

    But I guess popular streamer did it so it must mean something big riiiiiight?

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    It's a rude generalization to call people who support the game sheep. I put money into cosmetics because I like the game and sometimes have the money to support my purchase with more things to increase my enjoyment of it. I don't blindly support something just because it's in front of me, I give my money to those who provide me with something that I enjoy.

    That said, I feel greatly for console players. I spent my life as a console player. If I somehow felt that my own individual lack of cosmetic purchases or objective and open-minded discussion of both the cons AND the pros of the game in public venues would in any way effect the developer's ability to resolve all technical problems, I'd consider it. Sadly it doesn't work that way.

    Otz isn't going to save the world. Neither am I. Neither is anyone here. The best we can do is continue to communicate to the developers that this is a problem, and do so in a firm but unthreatening manner, because nothing else is going to work. Petitions aren't going to work because they're just that, petitions. They're meant to make people aware of grievances and the desire for change, and BHVR is already well-aware. Not buying cosmetics isn't going to work because for every single person on this forum who ups and stops doing so, there are 10,000 other players who will continue.

    We need to be patient, we need to be mature, and we need to continue letting the company know of our frustrations. I don't mean to be negative or place blame on anybody with this next part either, but it would also help if the community, as a whole, stopped complaining about virtually everything having to do with this game. If the company spent any significant time on this forum they'd see that NOTHING they do makes everyone happy, so how are they to differentiate the legitimate complaints from the exaggerated ones?

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    What's really sad is that a lot of the frustration would cease to exist if behavior was more open with its community. The color-blind optimization is a perfect example of that. Why do complaints have to reach a fever pitch before anything gets mentioned?

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619

    So thats why the console survivors always stop just before using Dead Hard.

    I always wondered about the reason.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I'm conflicted about that. On one hand you're right - I've seen examples where the company definitely could have benefited by being more transparent. At the same time the attitude that most people here have is the same attitude that most people had toward THQ when I was a member of their forums during the early 2010s. So on one hand, unfortunately, the level of (or lack of) direct interaction and clear answers from BHVR is, for better or worse, not unique. At the same time, having eventually been invited to do some work for THQ during that time, I also saw things from their perspective. A lot of times they wanted to be more clear, answer more questions, provide specific dates, etc., but doing so would either wind up blowing up in their face and making things worse OR there was someone over them - CEOs and so forth - who dictated what they could and couldn't say.

    There was, for an example, an event in 2013 during which the upcoming WWE game from THQ / 2K Games was going to feature a famous old wrestler, "The Ultimate Warrior". I and the other people privy to this information were absolutely forbidden by way of NDA and full threat of legal action if we so much as hinted that we knew that the character was going to be included. When discussing this with the people directly above me, they openly admitted that they thought that the secrecy was stupid, that they were excited and would have been quite happy to share the excitement with the fans who they knew would also be excited, but they were nonetheless just as forbidden from sharing this information - not even by THEIR superiors, but by their superiors' superiors.

    So I guess I'm saying is that I feel you. But try to understand that this is actually pretty common practice. In the end it's all business, and usually the people at the programming and PR level are the ones who are in agreement with you.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    My example was just to make a point, the point being that there are plenty of times when the first line of communication between yourself and a game developer would be more than happy to share information with you but is not allowed to. I've been involved in that situation as well and it's the exact same thing. The people who are appointed to act as community managers, public relations directors, etc., are often more or less go-betweens that don't have the authority to make grand declarations regarding something like major bugfixes or when to expect them. That's not a slam against the people in those positions but rather a reiteration of the fact that these decisions are made on the high end, and those people generally tend to feel that it's in everyone's best interest not to share more information until it's ready to be shared.

    We know that the company is aware of the issues, we know that the issues don't reflect well on the company or incentivize potential new customers to climb aboard, so it's reasonable to assume that the company doesn't LIKE that there are issues. It is, therefore, also reasonable to assume that the company is being honest when they say that they're looking into the issues and trying to figure out a way to fix them that won't ruin the game. The fact that they release content in the meantime doesn't necessarily indicate anything, as companies have different departments with different budgets, deadlines and contractual obligations.

    If BHVR doesn't release content as people expect them to, and that they've announced they will, people will be angry. If they release said content, people will assume that they don't care about more important issues and will be angry. If they give a date when to expect all issues to be resolved and it doesn't happen, people will be angry. If they say nothing, people will be angry. I'm not saying that the company can't do anything more, or anything differently, but they're going to be raked over the coals no matter what - which, as I described earlier, I've been on both sides on before. I can speak from experience when I say that it's normal to acknowledge problems and promise that they're being looked into. But for them to say more - especially when there isn't necessarily anything more to report - is pointless. I'm not trying to take sides, I'm trying to help provide some perspective.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697
    edited August 2021

    While I certainly understand where you're coming from, the difference here is that Behavior has a track record of making announcements and not following up on it. Console optimization is something they announced 3 years ago, and not only has it still not seen the light of day, but they don't even mention it. It's like they're pretending that announcement never happened.

    Just recently the developer update mentioned that there would be an offline bot mode with the mid chapter, which never materialized, and there's still no word as to why. They give us the impression that they would prefer to sweep these matters under the rug. While that may not be the case, it's left their community grasping at straws.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    If they cared, there shouldn't be a need for a petition.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I understand, and I sympathize. For what it's worth though, none of this is unusual to me. It really isn't. I know that you guys can't specifically relate but please try to trust me when I say that the exact same kind of distrust and negativity toward the developer is something I went through for years at THQ. I could list so many examples of games that were even worse than this - outright crashes, freezes that required hard resets of the console itself, downloaded content that disappeared, saved games being deleted and progress being lost, preorder bonus content not being available on release day as promised, performance being better on the 360 (the native development console) than the PS3, etc. I saw just about every poor performance issue you could imagine, coupled with just about every type of response - some followed up on, some never addressed again - with a constant flow of anger, complaints, negativity, begging (and yes, petitions) and the requisite handful of "the game's working fine for me" in between.

    I don't say any of this to tell you guys not to be upset. I'm with you. The game should be equally playable on all systems, period, and this is not a problem that should take two months let alone three years to fix. I just want you all to understand that this honestly isn't a BHVR problem, it's a "state of the modern gaming industry" problem.

    People can make petitions for anything, that's out of BHVR's control.

  • But the switch graphics were lowered in 5.0.1 to help performance

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    I’m not saying that term applies to everybody. I think it’s appropriate when people who are genuinely suffering from optimization issues still continue to support a product that they can’t utilize at an acceptable level.

    I’m on next gen, so I have no issues and don’t mind spending on new content… but if I was still on last gen I would definitely cease playing. Even months ago (talking December 2020 and before) the issues with stuff like Dead Hard freezing the game and frame drops was there.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944
    edited August 2021

    Ah,that's what you were trying to explain with your example.Well,that isn't exactly anything knew either right?It should be obvious that the higher ups at BHVR don't want to adress the optimization issues properly or else we would have gotten more info already.

    We know that the company is aware of the issues, we know that the issues don't reflect well on the company or incentivize potential new customers to climb aboard, so it's reasonable to assume that the company doesn't LIKE that there are issues. It is, therefore, also reasonable to assume that the company is being honest when they say that they're looking into the issues and trying to figure out a way to fix them that won't ruin the game. 

    I absolutely disagree with that.Yes,BHVR knows about the optimization issues,but i don't see ANY noticeable effort on their part to fix it.

    FPS and screen freeze triggers have been a known issues for years.They didn't fix anything important regarding Optimization.They actually made it WAY worse with the introduction of the Resident Evil chapter.

    If BHVR really cared about opzimization and their playerbase then they would have decided to delay the chapter until it's actually ready to release.But they didn't do it and pushed it out regardless,which clearly tells us that this company cares more about the money they make than delivering a good product to their playerbase that they can actually be proud of.

    If BHVR doesn't release content as people expect them to, and that they've announced they will, people will be angry.

    Yes,some people will always be angry.No matter what BHVR does,that's obvious.However i assume that the majority of the community (at least the reasonable part) will be ok with delayed content as long as it will release without major bugs/performance issues.

    I'm not saying that the company can't do anything more, or anything differently, but they're going to be raked over the coals no matter what - which, as I described earlier, I've been on both sides on before.

    They definetely could.It's been 2 years since BHVR stated their aim to improve optimization,so surely their should be some progress so far,right?But nope,there's 0 progress on their side,they made it even worse than before.

    Performance has been a huge issues for years so i would say that we as a community deserve to get a decent explanation as to why things are the was they currently are.They did it with hitboxes and latency,so why shouldn't they do the same thing for optimization?

  • TheMidnightRidr
    TheMidnightRidr Member Posts: 600

    I am typically understanding when it comes to a fix taking time to be deployed, but when optimization is promised and is still not delivered, in fact it worsens, over the span of 3 years, it becomes unacceptable.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Well, ask yourself these questions:

    1. Is BHVR aware of the issues?
    2. Would it be in their best interest to fix them?
    3. Were they being honest when they said that they were trying?

    If the answers all lead to "yes", but they haven't yet been able to fix anything yet, what could they say that would satisfy anybody? People want results, not comments like "we're aware of the issue and we're working on it", but if that's all that they have right now, what more could they say?

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Well, not everyone looks at things the same way or has the same degree of problems with their game, but generally speaking, yes, if I were one of the people whose game was affected by problems that it made it unplayable or otherwise not fun to play then I would also refrain from spending more money on it until it was fixed (with unexpected things like the ST being pulled being a rare exception).

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    And that’s why I’m clarifying that my statement applies to a specific group. No, I don’t pretend to have ownership of how people should feel or act - but even you agreed: if the game is unplayable then why keep coming back to it or even spending money “HOPING” that BHVR will fix it?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,036
  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,284
    edited August 2021

    Well I would hope for at least a progress report on what they were doing for the past 3 years at the very least. Does this "strike team" consist of only 2 people who work on weekends or what?