Don't hate Blight because he has a good build, blame lack of good perk variety in the game.
Seeing a lot of hate directed at Blight, specifically when they run the build of Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer/BBQ (Or some other information perk).
First off, I'm sick of seeing people calling to make Blight 110% movement or something garbage like that. A Killer that has a high skill ceiling like Blight shouldn't be gutted like that just because he happens to have mobility. Nurse disregards nearly every aspect of chases in this game and is still undeniably the best Killer who in the right hands will steamroll 80% of teams, SWF and Solo. Blight requires in depth map knowledge of what you can and cannot collide with, knowledge of tiles if you ever want a prayer of landing a rush at them, and general game experience. Everything Blight does a Billy can do as well, from quickly traversing the map to becoming an M1 Killer at strong loops.
I do NOT want another Billy situation. Period, end of discussion. If you have a problem with Blight himself, complain about his addons. I am 100% convinced anybody who calls for him to be 110% has not once played a game with him, nor will I believe you if you claim otherwise. It doesn't even make sense thematically, his power is to RUN.
NOW, when it comes to perks, obviously people are playing to win. People use this combination because it is strong on him. This is normal, just like how Survivors run Unbreakable/Decisive/Borrowed/Iron Will/Exhaustion Perk. The game has a HORRIBLE perk balance right now, anytime an interesting perk comes out that COULD shake up the meta it gets gutted because people whine and complain about it, and it's lame. Gearhead didn't deserve that hard of a nerd, or Coup, but it's what happened and interesting perks became memes at best. How is that fun?
Survivors can meme around with builds because Survivors can afford to. If you have even just a few bad chases with Killer, which is normal because they are human beings capable of both making errors and getting screwed by map and tile layouts, Gens pop like popcorn and then the Killer has to decide if they want to keep playing normally or play "unfun" by Tunneling or Slugging. Fact of the matter is more often than not if you want to SUCCEED, you HAVE to play in a way that is not likely to be "fun" for Survivor. Blight is fast and Tinkerer is good, but if 2 Gens are about to pop at the same time, he can only stop ONE. Nothing anyone argues will change that.
Blight suffers from one thing only and that is being a decent, competent Killer with a high skill ceiling and perks that synergize well with him. The only other things that require legit complaints are perk variety, which affects BOTH sides of players, and maybe his addons. Besides those two things, Blight is an awesome and fun Killer whose only needed changes are the garbage sliding on certain objects.
If you wanna see different builds used, ask the Devs to make perks better. Make Franklins and Knockout apply on Killer powers too, make Fire Up actually worth using with better numbers, make Blood Favor not have a Cooldown anymore or don't let it be a Hex, make Coup gain stacks on gens done and the first hook of each Survivor.
You could make this argument about any killer in the game.
Fact is, blight is super strong in a chase and can run whatever perks he wants.
People run that build either because it’s optimal or because they don’t know how to use his power well enough to wean off ruin undying tinkerer.
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I couldn't have said it better even if I tried. I absolutely hate starting matches and seeing Ruin/Undying, Corrupt, or seeing Pop constantly, but because of how the game is, Killers can really only afford to use maybe 16 perks at best, and depending on your Killer, the options get longer or shorter. If I don't have at least 1 Regression perk, 2 if I play someone like Pyramid Head, I will lose 90% of my games (-2 Kills), unless the Survivors just play bad. I can, as Survivor, go in with non-meta perks and still harass a Killer, or even with no perks at all. Killers can't do much without Meta Perks, which is why I don't blame them for using (most of) them, the game's heavily favoured towards one side. Sure, it gets annoying, but it is what it is.
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Yes, it is optimal. Every Killer has an optimal build, and Blight is a good Killer. I fail to see an issue when 2 of his perks can go within 20 seconds of the game.
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I just run Ruin, PGTW, Tinkerer and Bamboozle.
Makes his strengths harder to deal with and helps get rid of weaknesses.
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I also like Bamboozle on him, some windows are very hard to deal with.
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Because that rarely happens? And I don’t have any issue with it at all other than the fact it’s hideous to go against as a solo Q but I usually just play killer when I’m solo and bypass that issue entirely! Solo Q gets to kick dirt anyways, if it wasn’t blight it would be someone else doing the stomping.
But if you HAVE to run that build to find success you are probably just bad at blight. I don’t use it because as you said, it ~could~ be gone in 20 seconds and that does happen like once in 50 games. And that conveniently ignores the games it stays up literally the whole time, which is waaay more than the games it’s dead instantly.
But yeah it’s pretty broken depending on the map and his addons and such. I’m like 90% killer main and I won’t even deny that. I literally never lose playing it and it’s not like I’m a god blight by any means. I just get carried by how strong he is.
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It would be interesting perhaps if Alchemist Ring got changed to where it does what it does now, but Blight's base movement speed becomes 110%. That seems like a kind of decent trade off.
I also think people are missing the point with this argument, and I don't get why it's not obvious. No one is questioning the power of ruin/undying/tinkerer or why people want to use it. People specifically single out Blight because an odd saturation of players use this build and seemingly nothing else. The only other killer you see such an optimal build ran on is Twins and they have legitimately and pretty significant perk compatibility issues that conflict with playing them efficiently and well to win.
No one is answering the question of: why is it only Blight players who go so hard in the paint and use basically quasi-tournament builds at all times in pub games but you don't see such a high saturation of the same build on any other killer?
Why don't we see Nurse's, Spirit's, Billies, Oni's, Freddy's, etc. who have an absurdly high saturation of using ruin undying tinkerer? All of these killers I mention, players have some variety in their builds and they don't need ruin undying to pub stomp, let alone do you see that even an eighth as frequently as you do with Blight players.
Blight does not need ruin undying to pub stomp, point blank period.
I will ask the question again: Why is it only Blight players who use optimal builds to such a high saturation but you basically do not see this on any other killer?
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Because on Blight specifically it is very good. But frankly, the only perk you would swap out on other Killers would be Tinkerer and it'd still be a very, very good build.
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Because other than Billy, Blight has the mobility to properly use Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer to his advantage. He can rush to basically any gen on the map when Tinkerer procs, and he can keep up pressure to get value with Ruin. Other killers cannot afford to use 4 gen regression perks because without mobility, Ruin does not get as much value. Neither does Tinkerer. You only see Blights use it because he can optimally play into those perks' strengths. Billy can as well, but not many people play Billy anymore.
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That build (ruin and undying) also works well on killers like Nurse, Oni, Billy, Spirit, and so forth.
No one is questioning if the build is good for Blight. It does not answer why there is such a high saturation of Blight players who use it.
Let's not act like he is the only killer that ruin undying is compatible with, let alone is he the best. Ruin Undying almost works on every killer and it works on killers as strong or stronger than Blight but yet you aren't going to be seeing nearly as many Nurse or Spirits use Ruin and Undying, let alone Tinkerer.
I ask for the nth time again: Why is it only Blight players who use optimal builds to such a high saturation but you basically do not see this on any other killer?
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Blight's mobility is nice, but he also has collision issues so it's not always guaranteed. And Nurse also has incredible mobility as well, let's not act as if Blight is the only mobile killer, let alone the only killer that can get value out of ruin. Especially Nurse with range add ons, unless it's something like Mother's Dwelling, she can get from point A to C across the map typically with just two blinks at most.
Other killers can put pressure on survivors and generators and some can do it better (Nurse, hence why she's the strongest killer in this game as she can pressure survivors the best), I'm still not sure why you're acting as if Blight is the only one who can do that.
Every killer has an optimal build and it doesn't always consist of regression but even then you still don't see players of other killers use the same optimal build, and if you do it's because of perk compatibility issues like Twins and Demo. Blight is the only exception as there is no excuse.
No one is properly answering the question still.
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I agree. Some perks feel novelty, and then there's the other ones that are just flat out game changers.
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The collisions are a non-issue, you bounce off most things, and it becomes very obvious what you can/can't bounce off in-game after playing a few Blight matches. You can still extremely easily traverse the entire map.
Nurse's mobility is barely anything compared to Blight. Her blinks go barely anywhere compared to Blight's rushes, and she has fatigue after every blink. I am not acting like Blight is the only mobile killer, I am simply saying ONLY Billy and Blight have enough mobility to keep pressure up with Tinkerer/Ruin/Undying. Nurse doesn't have that kind of map pressure. I say this as someone who has played a lot of Blight and Nurse.
I also want to point out that Nurse's mobility is stronger in chase than Blight, but Blight's mobility is way stronger at map pressure. There's the trade-off between the two. Same goes when comparing Spirit and Blight.
Nurse is theoretically the best killer in the game. And I want to stress the theoretically part. If you do not miss a single blink, there is not much the survivors can do. So yes, in that regard, she is the best. But Blight is extremely easier to play and learn than Nurse, and he's almost just as good. Please stop making things up about what I am saying, I never said Blight is the only killer who can pressure survivors, I am saying he has both strong MAP pressure, and chase potential. Nurse has strong chase potential, NOT map pressure. Her pressure comes from downing survivors quickly and forcing them to get off gens and go for unhooks/heals.
We are properly answering your question. You are refusing to take our responses. Blight and Billy are the ONLY killers with high enough mobility to CONSISTENTLY pressure the entire map using Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer. Nurse doesn't have that kind of mobility, neither does Spirit, and Oni only has it when he has his power (therefore he is not consistent). That is why you generally only ever see Blight's run this build. He gets more value out of it than any other killer. Billy is a close second, but it's hard to say because barely anyone plays him anymore.
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What I find extremely worrying in the Blight argument is that you have the fact people generally seem to consider him fun to go against as long as he's not running the full meta build, but then people complaining about Blight himself when they do run the meta build.
You know why this worries me? This is exactly what happened with Billy. Instasaw made him too strong, people agreed with this and wanted it changed. But a lot of people didn't make the distinction and said that it was Billy who was unfun, when in truth generally most people saw Billy as a fun and dynamic killer to go against.
Add on pass happens to Billy and they slap a big old overheat on him...and now it's a genuine shock to queue into a match to see it's against Billy. I can't remember the last time I've seen him, I've seen way more Plagues and she's supposedly one of the lowest pick rates in the game.
Now we have this same thing with Blight. The perk combo of Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer is extremely strong on him, and blighted crow and alch ring are very, very strong add ons that do ultimately overtune him on a good Blight player. But at the same time you have people saying Blights not running this build are fun to go against. I've never, not once, gotten salt about my BBQ/End/Fury/Nurses' no add ons build that I've ran on him long enough to get just shy of 1300 lethal rush hits on him according to the DBD stat website. Sometimes people don't like how I played if the rescuer hid constantly or something along those lines, but no one has ever once complained about the build.
So, level your complaints at what is actually the problem. Blighted Crow/Alch ring are too strong on him, and Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer is too strong on high mobility killers. Those are the issues at hand. I don't want another Billy, where a killer who in their base form and not running a total meta build is considered fun to go against but gets gutted because of a vocal minority leveling their complaints at the killer, rather than the few things that are actually problematic on the killer.
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I typed out an equally long response to the bulk of what was said earlier but I'm going to be real with you, I don't care to discuss it so I'm just going to move on from it since that's not really the main talking point I want to get at anyways
I really have no skin in this game, but none of the responses are adequate and I really don't understand what's not clicking here. For the nth time, no one is questioning the effectiveness/power of the build on Blight. People are questioning why players who play Blight use the same build in such a high saturation, and you almost never see such a thing on other killers. Twins, Demo, and PH are exceptions as they have perk compatibility issues in regards to their power and/or playstyle to even win consistently with them. Blight doesn't.
There is nothing wrong with optimal builds and obviously people are going to use them but people are questioning the odd saturation of Blight players who use it as it is strange to droves of people. I have yet to see other players of killers use "optimal builds" to even a fourth of the frequency as I do Blight players. Most players of other killers in pub games have a variety, even a variety of strong builds. For Blight players even though he has multiple options for alternatives for strong builds (because let's be real you don't need ruin undying for the average pub game, even for practising Blight) they only use one as if those are the only perks they have in their inventory. 95% of them bring comp builds as if pub games are scrims. No one else does that.
The question is extremely simple: Why do so many Blight players bring comp builds in pub games but you don't see players of other killers bring it with the same frequency as Blight players do?
I'll make it even simpler: Why don't you see players of other killers like Nurse/Spirit/Hag and so forth bring comp builds or "optimal builds" just as much as Blight players do? Why aren't we seeing threads complaining about Infectious ruin undying corrupt nurse players? Or corrupt ruin undying pop Spirits? Wraith has become very popular since his recent buffs and you've had people make threads expressing complaints about how Wraith feels annoying to play against, but do you know what they don't complain about? Wraith players running optimal builds 95% of the time like Blight players. If people want to run optimal builds so often in general, why are people only complaining about Blight?
I've explained this extremely simply and if the question cannot be comprehended then you guys are kind of hopeless.
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Haven't had the time to give your post a genuine read, but I have to agree here.
The Dead by Daylight in-game matrix (if ever that were a legitimate thing) demands a predetermined set of perks for a Killer; you need your gen regression/oppression perks, chase perks, and if all else fails, slightly 'flawed' ones which only complement one of the former types. That's unfortunately it. There are some rather 'interesting' perks out there -- we all know that -- but for success' sake, you have to run this bland combination of Corrupt/Ruin, Pop/Surge (even though Surge has its downsides), BBQ or Infectious (or Blood Echo if you're feeling up to it), alongside another perk, just to qualify for a potential 3 or 4k in your average game. Sure, a handful of us can do it without those, and that's fine, but there really is this demanding principle surrounding Killer perk builds that just gets under my skin. It's honestly cheap that many Survivor builds can easily fall under that 'meme' category and still outwit a 'perfect' Killer build in every way. Not to mention Killer perks generally rely on maps far more than Survivor ones.
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I just don't think it's clicking for you, that build is extremely effective on Blight, and most people get the gen regression perks before other perks. Hence why lots of people use it. Blight does not need other perks to do well because he doesn't necessarily have a weakness.
Take Pig for example, she's weak in chase so a lot of Pigs use Save The Best For Last because it helps strengthen her chase potential which is a weak point. What is the weakness in Blight? As dull as it sounds, it's gens being done. He's strong in chase and has high map pressure and mobility naturally. So all he needs for perks is gen regression. Therefore, you get droves of Blight players using 4 gen regression perks (sometimes one is replaced by BBQ & Chili, but the point is the same).
You can't make the same argument for Nurse because she lacks map pressure. So, because of her insanely strong chase potential, lots of Nurse players try to snowball the game with Infectious. Hence, Infectious being a popular choice for her. Wraith's almost always use Sloppy Butcher because it plays into his strengths of getting hits when survivors aren't ready. People generally don't complain about Infectious or Sloppy because it doesn't stop their gens from getting done, even though they are arguably as strong as gen regression perks on certain killers. That's the main reason people complain about Blight's using 4 gen regressions, because it's directly interfering with their objective.
I also think it just simply comes down to: Blight is extremely fun to play. He really is. Whether you think he's busted OP or not, he is fun to play. Putting on Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer makes it so all you need to do all game is rush, rush, rush. You don't need to worry or stress about popping this gen, wasting time going somewhere, etc. because the build mixed with Blight's kit means you can kind of just autopilot mode and play the game with little worry.
There was no need to get all snarky and condescending in your last sentence, we are answering your questions when we don't need to be, if you don't like our answers, then keep it to yourself :)
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A lot of regression perks dont work. They require time investment or have low impact effects. Which an average higher level dbd game will nto allow. If your stomping as blight you wont need a single regression perk. But consdieringap rng and blatantly unfair map design (cough indoor maps) there are a lot of circumstances where you need ruin to offset these problems.
Surge has to long a cooldown and regresses very little of a gen. Pop requires investment of time doing a kick action for a frankly low active timer making it inadaquate.
Corrupt functions well but is often not enough in a lot of killer builds that sim0ly have slower downing speeds. Ruin, undying is imo the only gen regression perk worth using for a large majority of killers. Regression and delay perks in dbd are terrible bar ruin.
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Tinkerer nerf is coming, so I’m fine with it.
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I've already stated multiple times the build is effective for Blight, yet you keep explaining it to me like I haven't acknowledged that. You truly don't get the simple question I'm asking and it's quite intriguing since the question is so simple I can explain it to someone who hasn't even played DBD and they would understand it.
You don't understand map pressure. Map pressure is not purely mobility, it's making survivors not do their main objective which is generators. Mobility doesn't mean anything if you can't actually make survivors not do gens which means you have to down them relatively fast. Sure a (bad) Blight can push people off gens easier than a Nurse but that doesn't mean actually anything if he can't down people fast as the killer can chase one survivor and either another teammate gets on the generator the initially-mentioned survivor was knocked off of or they simply do another one. Hooking, slugging, to some map mobility, and then lastly tunnelling (to some extent) is a form of map pressure. There's a reason for example why you almost never see Billy players in tournaments use ruin and undying. Can they knock people off gens faster than a Nurse? Sure but they have no map pressure as they can't get downs fast enough against very good players. It's the same with Freddy, who I'd argue has the best map mobility in the game, particularly since his dream projection doesn't take that long to recover either. He can get from anywhere on the map with a dream projection
Nurse has the best map pressure in the game, hence why she's the best killer. Blight is also one of the best but he still has to interact and is countered by survivor resources (pallets and windows). Nurse ignores all of that. There's no debating that. You don't understand what map pressure is, so stop using that as a reason.
As I said before I have no skin in this game so there's no irritation but I said that last sentence not to be mean but because I genuinely think it's true. My question has been explained in the utmost simple way in multiple ways but yet you are lacking the comprehension of it so severely to the point where you're just not even attempting to answer the prompt in a relevant way because I genuinely think you don't understand it, hence why I said I think you guys are clueless. It's one thing to not know the answer, it's another thing to not understand the question at all.
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And you know this how?
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Nerfing blight? alright. lets nerf survivor's then =D
Reduce their pallet density by 50% then we good,
Oh and remove windows. make it take more skill to play surv
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Alch ring is one of the most over rated addons in the game. Yes it's incredibly strong, but most of blights addons are incredibly strong.
Crow, Rat, Tag, C33, C21, Rose Tonic, Alch Ring are all incredibly good.
Honestly Alch ring is weaker than Tag, C33, and maybe even crow.
C33 is much more of a crutch than alch ring ever will be, at least you have to actually be good at using blights power to get value out of alch ring lol.
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... but there are tons of other, viable Perks available for him?
you can easily do well without Ruin Undying Tinkerer BBQ on your Blight.
and yes, if you sweat and tryhard in this casual party game, you will be made fun of / people will complain about you. thats like inviting some friends over to play Mario Party and then ruining everyones evening by being an absolute tryhard with no sense for fun whatsoever "because you want to win" and then not understanding why everyone stopped playing with you.
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Except there are more killer perks in the game than just Ruin/Undying/BBQ/Tinkerer and some of them are pretty good. Corrupt immidiately springs to mind, alongside PGTW. Shoutout to Sloppy for being good just not having amazing synergy with Blight because of using his power to get hits, alongside STBFL and Devour if you squint. Mindbreaker is an underrated classic, especially on high mobility killers because they have less time to react and you don't have to worry about Dead Hard or Sprint Burst, basically ever. Anti-chase Blight, like using EndFury alongside Compound 33, maybe Bamboozle too, is underrated and great, and Infectious is godtier for his snowball potential.
So, the lack of perks isn't to blame for the lack of variety.
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Blight might have better mobility than nurse, but nurse's chase potential is so incredibly high that it literally does not matter.
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Agree with your post but they just won't change anything about perks until they get a proper balance team.
Also coup will be garbage even with bunch of extra stacks, wasting stack when not even using the extended range or not being able to choose when to use the perk just kills it.
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Agreed. When it comes to the meta in any game, nerfing it doesn't solve anything. People will always use whats best. If you nerf the best perk then everyone will start using the next best perk. Then people will complain about that perk and ask for it to be nerfed. The cycle continues. The way to stop it is by adding more stuff on equal lvl. So we have options. If we had 12 meta perks to choose from instead of just 4, you wouldn't run into the exact same build every match.
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I've seen enough of Blight. He is too OP. With those perks it is a free win and that's why people are complaining now. If those perks are nerfed, there would be more variety.
When do you ever win against a Tinkerer/Ruin Blight? Never unless the Blight totally makes a lot of mistakes.
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Holy #########. you're back =D
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By doing gens, shocker. He can't be in 2 places at once, he cannot stop 2 gens from opposite sides being done. Why nerf good perks when most perks for both sides are already useless? I don't want good perks made bad, I want bad perks made good. Everyone wants bad perks made good.
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no one is properly answering your question because you are ignoring all the answers lol. Get your head out of your ass
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Exactly. It's not like survivors run anything other than BT, DS, Unbreakable
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A Blight won't let you do gens. Tinkerer is so strong it is actually unfair. You can have a gen almost done and he shows up from nowhere and then Ruin takes it all away.
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I've ignored nothing and I've addressed the problems with the responses and I'm not going to be coy about how the responses are inadequate. You can get hot and bothered and insult me for pointing it out all you want, that's a personal problem for you and not me.
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I understand your question just fine. You seriously aren't taking any responses from people as adequate, which is your own problem I guess. Take everything I said into account and that's your answer.
And yes, I do understand map pressure. However, we seem to be talking about different versions of it. I am referring to map pressure in the literal sense that Blight/Billy can be at any location in the map extremely quickly. That is why they get the most value out of every killer with Ruin/Tinkerer. If a Nurse is on the other side of the map, and Tinkerer procs, there is very little chance she gets there in time to stop it. Nurse's map pressure only exists if she is good enough to get quick downs, she CANNOT traverse the map quick enough to get the same value out of those perks as Blight and Billy do. It's not the same thing.
You seem to be mixing together actual map pressure and chase potential. Nurse definitely does not have the best map pressure in the game, that's a ludicrous thing to claim. She's considered the best killer because her potential to end chases quickly is the best out of every killer. Therefore a good Nurse who gets quick downs "pressures" the map in the form of forcing the other survivors to come to her to unhook and save their teammates if they want to even stand a chance at escaping. When it comes to actually pressuring far away points on the map, Blight and Billy win that by a landslide, Freddy comes in close although falls short because of the cooldown on the teleport.
I am not even going to bother talking about comp DBD, it's completely irrelevant to even bring up because the comp experience is so far from actual public games that it's not even worth responding to.
But ok, I'm done responding now, if you don't understand what I am trying to tell you by now, that's on you. Have a nice day.
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Devs are obsessed with statistics, they’ll see the overuse of tinkerer on blight and go bananas.
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Not if 2 people do gens at the same time. He's not 2 Killers, he is one. He can only be in one place at a time.
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I run pop, ruin, and lethal on him (4th perk changes). Works well for most part if I lose it's because of me (not a great Blight). I have my ups and downs with him on console and sometimes he is really fun and others frustrating as #########. I don't like Undying with anything other than devour also love when they cleanse ruin and watch that gen get popped. The scourge hook perk will prolly be my 4th when i get it.
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Making Blight 110 % would actually be a buff. They'd have to reduce his TR tp 24 metres so Monitor would be disgusting on him.
His rush speed + a 16 metre TR makes him actually better. And good Blights don't rely on M1's anyways. I use rushes wherever I can.
Tbh, I'd rather have a 110 % Blight with a more versatile power than this 115 % version. Using rushes whenever you want for example (if you have 3 you can rush with 3 instead of waiting for all 5.
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The only thing i dislike about Blight so far are some of his addons. Ring and Rush speed is changing a strong but overall fun killer to a nearly broken one.
But you are right @MrCalac123 with your statement. These perks just work perfect on him and there are simply not that many better options, so i understand why most Blight players run the standard Ruin Undying Tinkerer BBQ combo. Myself included.