What happened to the bloody texture test in the old ptb (2020)?

BHVR tested in an old ptb (2020) how bloody texture on injured survs would look like. I really liked that and many others. But what happened after that? Will it come back?
some people complained that it made their prestige outfits seem worthless so it was removed
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I really liked it and was sad they got rid of it. It was a compromise to the people who want p3 on all cosmetics
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I was thinking the same. It was pretty cool
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I hated how the blood didn't dissappear when you healed yourself though. I didn't buy my favorite outfit for it to be covered in blood 80% of the match.
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The Devs could've added it but made it optional. Many games have optional blood effects. An example off the top of my head is For honor.
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Oh I want the blood. I think it's cool. I just want it to dissappear when I'm healthy and not stay there the whole match.
That's how Friday the 13th was.
When you were injured you were bloody and then it disappeared when you healed yourself.
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It was used for Nemesis’s infected look.
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I feel like this is a good idea. What if they replace Prestige bloody with Prestige legacy?
And have Survivor adding more and more blood the more times they taking hit / hook.
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Why can't they just make P3 an 'effect' like a decal instead of a whole outfit? Similar to charms. That way players can put their prestige on purchased outfits. It would probably make them a lot more money in the store if this was the case....
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I guess they scrapped it which is a shame because it looked decent.
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Hoping they bring it back!
The small details like this is what I liked about Friday the 13th the game.
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We miss an important detail in a horror game.
We need it desperately.
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I dunno, that would kinda defeat the point of having it for me to be honest. It's probably not going to happen anyways so no reason to be concerned I guess.
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I think it's probably because it ruins outfits.
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That's the same thing with the T-Virus. They're covered in blue but they're not infected.
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Have you noticed Nemesis contamination effect?
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Lol what a silly reason to remove it.
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Yeah but you can still get rid of it as long as there's shots left.
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I made a post about this a while back, I want it to come back too! It was really cool to see certain outfits become bloody.
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That's not what I'm talking about. The blue on the survivors make them look infected when they're not, which is gonna cause killers to tentacle them thinking it's gonna injure/down them, and it doesn't because they're not really infected.