Why do males not have Uncommon recolor headpieces

After Kate Denson's releases, every original female has had 3 recolors of their base head but all the males don't. It's something that leaves me confused because what is so hard with recoloring male hairs that BHVR never did it for 3 years. In my opinion, the main reason why they should add uncommon recolors is that the cosmetics could get leaked and if they are missing uncommon heads they are a male and would ruin one main part of the surprise of who the next survivor is.
Some ex. of Males (Note there are 3 original males that came out in the past 3 years compared to the 6 original females so its not that there are an abundance of them they have to work on)
Not saying this is an issue, but some additional hair colors for the men would be nice-to-haves.
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it's definitely not an issue especially for a game as buggy as this, but if every female could have recolors giving Jeff, Adam, Felix, and future male survivors some too wouldn't hurt
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Yeah not fair for a Jeff main like me
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Female survivors have always been favored over males in the cosmetic department. They usually get waaay more skins. Usually better ones too.
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David got the silver Daddy hair in the last Rift I think?
Tragically, I missed it :(
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Yep, because they make more money from female cosmetics. I don't expect them to put as much effort into the male survivors because they aren't bringing in the big bucks, and we all know BHVR doesn't care about much else.
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It unfortunately got nerfed with the model reworks. It's still a different color but it's nowhere near as bright silver as it was before.
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Yeah Jeff needs more hair options especially ones that don’t make his beard shorter
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Agreed. If a female character can have pink hair, why can’t Felix have some dark brown hair at the very least?
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Why cant Felix have pink hair too ?
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Yeah looks pretty great in pink
(If it isn't obvious, credit to @/theevilswithiin on Twitter; ty for letting me post this)
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For some reason the devs don't bother as much with the males when it comes to different coloured hair. Not sure why though.
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True, I’d love a pink hair Felix
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Yeah he doesnt have much
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Money. Female survivors earn them more cosmetic sales.
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I wish they would release create a character using what's already in the game and you could pick 3 generic perks as their perks , you could charge the same amount as a new character and everyone could personalize it in their own way, we have so many characters now that there's all sorts of options you could choose from while making a character, hell you could even let someone pick their p3 blood pattern from all the options we have.
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Where's the LGBT+ hair diversity?
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I'm sad now :(
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There's barely any urban & fashionable clothes for male characters tho
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Yeah 100 percent like bhvr just gives female characters everything. Like I swear Feng and Nea get a new outfit every week litterally Feng got another outfit ######### today. Wh ile Geoff Johansen and Adam Francis (My main) hasn't gotten an outfit in ######### a year.
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I think this look is too much 😂 however the pink hair look great on him 😉
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Because men don't color their hair as much as girls imo.
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Jeff got one in the greek collection.
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Because he's worthy of Purple, the best of colors.
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but his point still stands like even though he got one in the greek collection he doesn't get nearly as much as Feng and Nea. they get one almost every update like for Nea alone she has gotten the Rockabilly one the beach outfit, the neon lights one (her second outfit in the set), and has one leaked coming in the next update. Jeff has the greek collection and that's it from this year
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Forgive me for offending the greatness of purple color, better than the pink one
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Jeff mains are the most opressed cosmetic minority, we need to create a charity fund and assure all our favorite jeff players finally get a good cosmetic
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Jeff overall gets minimal outfits, it sucks it's based on how much they're played.
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Yeah it really makes me sad that its always meg, claudette or nea who gets a cosmetic