Why do males not have Uncommon recolor headpieces

oh_salutations Member Posts: 212
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

After Kate Denson's releases, every original female has had 3 recolors of their base head but all the males don't. It's something that leaves me confused because what is so hard with recoloring male hairs that BHVR never did it for 3 years. In my opinion, the main reason why they should add uncommon recolors is that the cosmetics could get leaked and if they are missing uncommon heads they are a male and would ruin one main part of the surprise of who the next survivor is.

Some ex. of Males (Note there are 3 original males that came out in the past 3 years compared to the 6 original females so its not that there are an abundance of them they have to work on)

