Is something being done about people giving up?

razvicool Member Posts: 54
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

Of course it became normal for people to disconnect if the match wasn't going the way they wanted.

Something was done about that, we have a decently designed penalty system.

Any reason why people whom immediately take a chance to escape 3 times in a row and then don't hit the skill checks aren't penalised? It clearly has been normalised too.

I would simply like to know if the developers realise the penalties are just getting bypassed. If anyone has any information or heard a rumour from a decent source, please share.

If it's just taking a while because the developers can't figure out a way to ensure the person is actually giving up early, that's fine I guess (although we could at least have something with 90% accuracy, such as for the scenario above, it's so obvious they are giving up, 90% doesn't do it justice).

However, I really think it's ridiculous if the developers either:

  • Think the penalty system is enough.
  • Think It is acceptable to do only half the work and leave the other half for the next time they review this issue.

P.S. I remember some people think a way to leave early is necessary. I would use the following example: If you go to a party and play monopoly and then you just give up a few turns into the game because you didn't get the properties you wanted, nobody that heard about it would ever play monopoly or maybe anything with you again. Therefore in my opinion nobody else should have to play with you in this game either, there's no excuse for giving up. Blame the matchmaking for your teammates, don't ruin their game just because they don't do exactly what you want them to.


  • If only I didn't find a hacker every other match I wouldn't dc this much.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    They get a penalty that increases the more they do it and they double de-pip

  • razvicool
    razvicool Member Posts: 54

    Yes, that system is indeed alright. But I am wondering if the developers realise people can just get hooked and give up to bypass it, on survivor.

  • razvicool
    razvicool Member Posts: 54

    Oh, I see, you got a point of course. Indeed it's not a pressing matter per say. However it apparently was important enough for them to work on a penalty system, but they did only do half the work, or less. It is important, to me at least, to know how these situations are dealt with. Are they leaving this ticked box behind for now, because they've done some work on it, or are they coming back to finish the work all the way. What happens when they do only half of the work on another issue, which everybody thinks is pressing.

    To correct myself on the previous comment, you are right, you should be able to leave a match and close the game whenever you want, but in my opinion, not ever without a penalty. A popular battle royale attempted to create a "forgive" system for crashes, which was abused for a while, not sure how it's doing now.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Didn't you know? Taking an L in a video game because of something completely out of your hands will actually literally ruin your life.

    To the point of the thread, there have been times I went to give up and got rescued (because you can't immediately give up anymore) but I begrudgingly continued the match and won. There have been times I've done it out of spite for my other survivors either because of sandbagging or prioritizing/ignoring gens and there have been times I've done it to prevent the killer from tunneling me.

    Even with the DC penalty I will still on occasion DC because I need to leave for real world reasons or I've loaded into a match that I shouldn't have readied up for in the first place and just close the application because it's better for my mental health to take a step back and do something more productive with my time. Because in the end, it is my time.

  • razvicool
    razvicool Member Posts: 54

    I think we both know that first line didn't really need to be there for any reason at all but oh well.

    You were probably writing as I made the above comment, but I think we are on common ground on many points. I don't think you should be banned for leaving. I think 5 minutes is perfectly fine for the first disconnect, no need for it to be longer, but it clearly should be if you continuously disconnect because you don't like how your matches start.

    A real life emergency is actually a great example of why you should either use the leave trial button or just go AFK. You are clearly giving up if you let the killer hook you, attempt to escape on your own and then go AFK for the skill checks. If anything that's what should be penalised the most.

    Once again, I agree, the issue is not pressing, but I do think I would have been more content with no penalties whatsoever than what we have now. If they just spent their time on something else entirely rather than doing something halfway, which definitely could be observed in future dealings with game issues.

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    And how do you determine the survivor gave up? There is a counter to suicide on the hook, you can rescue the person before they die. The first stage goes quickly yes, but the second takes a little longer. You can't penalize a survivor for attempting to unhook themselves because there are achievements for that.

  • razvicool
    razvicool Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2021

    Indeed, that's why I never demanded that a good system comes out immediately nor do I claim to have such a design. I do wish that the developers are on it, that they didn't just put the mentioned system in place and left the matter at that.

    I do hope however, that you can agree, immediately attempting to escape 3 times, then failing both skill checks (again, TWO skill checks) which are really easy, in a row, is 90% a give up. Maybe that percentage is lower up to rank 10, but I would say it's closer to 100% at rank 1. However it is never 100% accurate, because there could be someone disabled trying to do an achievement/challenge and actually failing those skill checks unfortunately, due to their handicap, or other scenarios which don't come to mind now. I would say it's not fair to use any system which puts unable people at risk, but once again, I would like to see them try to create one which can actually detect players giving up.

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215

    i reserve my right to suicide on the hook if the whole rest of my team is on death hook and the only gen that popped is one i did. if you try to take that away what even is the point of a video game? its crappy when it happens, yes, but the simple truth is there is nothing realistically that can be done. if a system is put in place to stop this, it would only punish legitimate players that just got tunneled to death, so not only did they not get to have any fun in the game, now they have to wait 5 mins before they can even try to redeem it.

  • razvicool
    razvicool Member Posts: 54

    I agree, another good point, that's something a bit different then just giving up right from the start. Again, I don't know how an automatic system would tell the difference, but it's something to consider.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2021

    If I´m the killer and I have a lot of hooks at the beginning I let them repair me a little to long the game, but when I go against a bubba or a killer that tunnels and kills at the beginning. I feel sorry for my teammates but I don´t want to play more, I guess I should take those games more relaxed and continue despite the result but it is irritating. 

    The only way to change it is for the killers to give a chance if they are winning at the beginning, but it is difficult to make them understand that. I guess they feel they are the best killers in the world or something with them ego.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I feel like the only people who want this kind of thing in place are killers who don't want survivors to kill themselves on hook to give the last survivor a chance at hatch.

    Considering how long it takes to die, killers still have a pretty good chance at finding the last survivor or the hatch and it's seriously not that big of a deal.

    As for survivors who give up on first hook yeah that is annoying. I hate when that happens to me in solo queue but tbh I've learned my lesson to not play solo queue. It's just not worth it most of the time 🙁

    Tl;dr if people want to give up that's their choice to do. Would you rather they DC? You'll probably complain either way so what's the use.

  • razvicool
    razvicool Member Posts: 54

    I think I understand perfectly what you mean. I'm not saying it is always pleasant to continue and I do get that you want to have fun when playing a game, not endure a negative feeling. Once again, I would like people to think about a board game with your friends, it's just not fair for you to stop playing because it's not going the way you wanted.

  • razvicool
    razvicool Member Posts: 54

    So let's see. It still just as ugly to see it, but it doesn't affect me as killer, I let the others farm a little more then continue the match as normal.

    Doing it to let the only other survivor left to get hatch is, I think, a very nice thing to do, so yeah that should be allowed, maybe.

    For me, it would make a difference, because I think this way "Fine they 'ruined' my match, but if they 'ruin' the next one and the one after, they are not playing for the rest of the day". You get the point. I believe this decreases the chance I will encounter someone who gives up. Even if max penalty was 30 minutes, so many would either not want to wait that long for another match so might as well try in the current one, or take a break for a while (unlikely to take exactly 30 minutes for a break). It's better than nothing.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 646

    Nah. Because when I’m Red Rank Killer the survivors stay no matter how bad the game gets. They sit there until struggle phase. They hit every skill check until their team gets gens done (If they aren’t trying to rescue). Even cross platform players that came in one at a time does this. Even after being slugged early they’ll try to kobe!

    Then the moment I’m Solo Q everyone quits. You could be WINNING, and the survivors QUIT because they felt like a vault/pallet stun should’ve landed. Not even on 2nd phase. They D/C. Then we all die, and depip. I don’t mind losing/depip. It’s the fact I didn’t get any BPs, and survivors are scarce on BPs as is (Unless you run WGLF, Prove Thyself, and No One Left Behind). I wasted 15 mins and only got 10k BPs when I could’ve easily gotten 40k had the match played out.

    I’ve seen entitled players quit for the dumbest of reasons and then the killer shows no mercy. So no. Penalize the quitters more.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    Yes, in reality one must accept if the game does not go as one wants, sometimes the killer has lucky and gets many hooks at the beginning and he can kill someone at the beginning, but well that's how it is dbd

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538
  • razvicool
    razvicool Member Posts: 54

    True. The point was that, you don't need to be taught to not just quit playing, because it's pretty obvious that nobody wants to play with you anymore if you do, at least that's how I see it. In online games you can't know who you play with, therefore I think developers should, in general, create a system that keeps those players away from you.

    Also, I don't think I'm taking it too far. For example, I'm playing DBD right now, the 2 matches before the one I just played, in the first I died on the first hook while everyone was still alive AND I brought a BPS, and in the second I got tunneled. ALL these things are fair play, the killer can camp and tunnel me all day and if my teammates are scared now, maybe they will learn in the future or maybe they had a reason, who knows. These games I can get past no problem, if I start to hate these things, I can quit the game and there is no need to complain to the developers or anyone else, unless I am asked. In these games I gave my teammates the chance to do gens and escape, why would I decreases their chances at a good match because the killer focused me and I was unable to stay in chase longer?

    The common term for these players in all games is "sore losers" and I think it is always fair to not want to play with or against such players.

    The main difference between a board game with my friends and DBD (or any online game) is that although I can choose not to play with someone because of their playstyle in real life, I shouldn't be able to block camping or tunneling killers, therefore cherry picking who I play with.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I get where you're coming from but I think it would be difficult to manage this kind of system that specifically penalizes people who give up. Like what if it ended up penalizing the wrong people or like I said, people killing themself to try to give the other survivor hatch? Or what if I just miss my skill checks? No cap I've missed both skill checks by accident before and died during Phase 2 VERY prematurely because I was having one of those days lol.. We won't talk about that LOL

    But idk. I just feel like at the end of the day these people who kill themselves immediately on hook are screwing themselves over the most. They aren't getting better at the game at all and that's the biggest loss imo. If anything people who kill themselves on first hook should get knocked down and get paired with other people who do the same/killers week DC.

    I feel like that would be a better punishment if everyone who likes to quit got matched with each other.

    Of course we haven't even opened the can of worms that is killers AFKing and survivors killing themselves on first hook to purposely depip

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Dc penalty is still useless against ppl who kill themselves on first hook that's same as dc basically either way you shortned the team by 1 person that's like telling a person they can't drive because they have no license well they got the keys they don't need one lol if they want out they will go out one way or another

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    Imo the DC penalty should start at like 20 or 30 mins minimum. 5 mins is nothing to wait out for the next match.