Your Dream Survivor: Concept discussion!

If you had complete control to design the new Survivor who would they be? What would they look like and what would their outfit themes be? What would the basis of their backstory be? Do you have any perks you'd include?
I'd love to hear and discuss them together!
Mine would be the teen slasher lead girl trope! I grew up in the late 90's early 2000's with a big rush of some truly great (and mostly truly bad) horror movies that all had a sort of thematically similar lead female character that I would so love to play in this game.
Appearance/Costumes - a late teens, beautiful character with the kind of classic final girl look (think 90's/early 2000's Sarah Michelle Gellar or Brittany Snow). The doe-eyed cheerleader you root for to survive the unbeatable odds! For her costumes I'd thought up Scream Queen - a prom night outfit with a dress, perhaps an option with and without a prom queen sash, a tiara, etc. A few simple girl-next-door looks. A cheerleader outfit. Kind of all of the old horror cliches! 😊
Backstory - depending on the Killer/map pack I love the idea of a prom night tradition gone wrong. Go into the spooky abandoned mansion, go into the woods, go to the lake, whatever! Only for our leading lady it went wrong and she wound up in the fog.
Perks- Fake Out: Trick the Killer with a false window vault. Only while slow vaulting ! Some sort of cooldown for 60, 50, 40 seconds. It could absolutely be an exhaustion perk.
Cheer Captain: Inspire the members of your squad when you take protective hits for them. Protected Survivors share your speed boost. -- What I mean is that your protected Survivor dashes forward as if they'd been hit too.
And there you have it! My dream Survivor with two perks, I couldn't think of a third. What are your ideas? What do you think of mine? Thanks for reading and as always happy gaming! <3
Wish to have a chapter of my country (Vietnam), or may be just survivor. Sadly our culture isnt that unique to create one that standout.
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My dream survivor? That interesting question.
Mine would be a long time survivor who has been stuck in the Entity's Realm for as long as she can remember.
In terms of appearance and costumes, she would follow the same aesthetic as the original survivors (and early DBD in general), but inclined towards the killer's, indicating that she is on the brink of insanity. Her Prestige would consist of wounds inflicted by different killers (Freddy's claws, Billy's chainsaw, and the list goes on) and A LOT of blood.
Backstory- As I said, a long time survivor who can't take it anymore, and is very close to switching sides and becoming a killer.
As for perks, I have no ideas yet. Maybe I can think of something, eventually.
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I’ve shared a Fox Mulder, Xfiles survivor concept around here. That’s sort of what I’d love, a survivor whos perks help with awareness and sensing the killer. After Ash, in terms of licensed survivors, Mulder would be my number one dream license but an original type would be a sort of pulp detective. A type out the call of Cthulhu rpgs or film noirs. The idea of someone from the past pulled into the entities realm is cool to me!
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Sidney would be amazing, with a Dewey skins for Dwight!
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If it were original, I would like to see a teenager in the style of Quentin or Jonathan. Something more punk needs Dead by Daylight in my honest opinion.
If he were licensed, he would pick Tommy Jarvis from Thom Matthews.
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Sidney, Randy and Woodsboro map for full scream chapter <3
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Robert Small, a cryptozoologist in search of the local town ghost.
It would be rather easy to give him a story of how he entered the fog, considering he drives at night, goes drinking and searches for mythical monsters.
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Dream survivor? hmmmmmmm....
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Please BHVR, i know you can do it...
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I dont think theres such a thing as an un-unique culture, while Im not really that knowledgeable of Vietnamese culture it would still be nice to have representation of that nation, or any nation really
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My dream survivor would never happen because it would be too OP. I don't like stories where the characters are hopeless and doomed for eternity, like the survivors in this game are. Rather, since we have a villain, the Entity, I'd want to introduce a counter to that. Like a Light that goes against the Darkness.
My character would have forced themselves into the Entities world in order to free the survivors and killers who have been tainted. While in the Entities realm, they will be weakened, but still strong, while out side of the realm, they would be on par with the Entity. Or maybe, they could be an agent for something more powerful. I haven't really dwelled on it too much.
Barring that, I love Claudette so I'm rather content, I just want more unique cosmetics and hair styles.
If I had to pick someone from some kind of media, I would throw money at Behaviour if they introduce Brenda Meeks:
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I love the idea of an old-timey Survivor! One from the distant past would be great for appearances and the idea of her battle-hardened aesthetic is interesting! Great concept!
I was so disappointed when they had Ghostface but not Sydney. I later learned that they couldn't get Scream so they used the unlicensed mask and just did an unofficial Scream pack, but to have had it be official and to have had Sydney and a map would have been so cool. It would have been so cool to have the Woodsboro movie set from... I think that's the third movie? An indoor map with the 'outdoor' of Sydney's house!
Isn't he from Dream Daddy? LOL I don't think that fits the horror genre (even though there was the unofficial story which got cut and had cultist horror). But a hot dad character is always welcomed and would be well received by the community! 🤣
I love everything about this. I'd never even considered Scream Queens but Chanel would be SO good and so much fun! The Red Devil would be a fun Killer too, very on par with the Ghostface Killer in branding and 'humor'. Those perks are also great too - awesome idea!
Having a very powerful Survivor isn't totally impossible lore-wise, I mean they added Cheryl from Silent Hill and one of her abilities is linked to the Entity if I recall. I don't use her perks so I'm kind of rusty in remembering. Either way, Cheryl is powerful so an original character with some kind of supernatural influence would be really cool and has a lot of potential for lore and appearance! Cool idea!
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My dream survivor would be Ethan Winters from Resident Evil 7+8. He had such a heartbreaking story that'd be perfect for The Entity's realm. The only problem is that Capcom seems hellbent on hiding his face (even though you can just google his character model and see it), so we may not see him any time soon if that's case. If we can't get Ethan, I want his wife Mia.
As for an original survivor, I'm not really sure. I've never really put much thought into it.
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I would love a Native American Rep, they would be my new main instantly. Just someone like story wise similar to Jeff, a native American that grew in the country and is a tough but calm, soft hearted man. I would love it so much and could have some very nice casual clothing options, and I would love a long braided hair male. The perks could be very fun too, but can't think of any right now.
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i dont think i was a dating simulator character in dbd.
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this is the one comedy/horror i want other thant brenda meeks, id rather have #5 since she is my favorite but there all iconic
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I wouldn't mind a paragraph of Parasyte that gives us Shinichi. It's from the 80s so at least it's old school.
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For a female survivor: I'd like any older woman. Like. Just anyone over 40 lol. Maybe an older writer who stumbled upon books about the entity while researching a horror novel who was drawn into the world as a means of escaping from her dead-end life. Would love something like that, especially if she had an older sort of style, maybe a more subdued 90s academic style. Perks could be all about research and creativity, like maybe she could set zones of the map that, if the killer steps into them, the team can read their aura. Or a perk like flashbang where after a certain amount of gen progress, she can create a random item with her creativity in a locker. Would be very neat!
For a male survivor: I know it would never happen but c'mon guys let's just add Clive Barker to the game as a survivor. Bonus points if it's current old man Clive Barker.
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A survivor who's a blood relative to one of the killers with their perks being a reflection of that.
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I don't have any ideas for an original survivor, just a redhaired female survivor in general. Possibly with an attitude problem.
For licensed...I just want Regina from Dino Crisis. I'd quit every other game just to main her as she is still my favorite female video game character.
Alternatively, if I could get a licensed survivor froma non horror/slasher/thriller movie...I'd definitely love to get Chloe from Life is Strange. She would actually fit in with DBD quite easily and I even know the perfect moment from within the game she should be taken by the entity. I am just a bit wary on saying it as it involves spoilers.
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Shaggy from scooby doo. With Matthew Lillard as the model.
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My dream survivor is a survivor that deserves to be there.
Most if not all survivors are goody 2 shoes. I want a survivor that you don't want to escape the entity's grasp.
Trappers father would be a good example of this.
Give me a evil survivor
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Isn't the producer lady from the All-Kill chapter a terrible person who was, like, letting Trickster murder people?
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Spirit's Father would be mine. I loved their expansion on the Yamaoka Legacy and I'd love to see more.
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Mine would be a "Artificial/Pseudo" Survivor made by the entity itself as a failed attempt at self sufficiency.
It would seem be a normal survivor but with a warped mocking voice imitating the current game's killer's stun sound with a filter when injured.
They will also become more deformed in appearance when injured, also while bleeding blighted goo on the body that turns into normal blood(This also makes their body glow orange but not the blood pools).
When sacrificed or killed they would melt into orange blight goo.
All of their perks would be based around manipulating the entity, such as:
Entity's Doorways:
After you complete a generator or repair it for 66% you gain a token(Max of 2 tokens per game and only 1 per generator). To use a token enter a locker to teleport to a locker on the opposite side of the map after X seconds.
During the activation of the perk the entity will begin to wrap its spider-like tendrils around the locker as a warning to the killer that a survivor is using the perk(So they can attempt to punish any survivors recklessly using it mid chase) and the original locker will slowly open to black smoke once the teleport goes off before closing again.
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She is a terrible, selfish, and career-obsessed woman (and probably the worst person you can end up in the Fog with), but she didn't let Trickster kill people intentionally. She found a lot of clues pointing that her protege is the crazy psycho killer, but she was shocked by the thought of the guy turning out to be a serial killer and her losing everything she worked for, so she convinced herself that she was overthinking and it all was in her head. When Trickster goes into full anime villain mode, she fully realizes that he is the murderer and is angry at herself for not trusting her instincts.
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I’d love to see Benedict Baker, perhaps as the “on the brink of insanity” character mentioned here. Maybe one of the characters from those Harbinger stories from the Archives.
As for original concepts, I’ve been trying my hand at a character that, before the Entity took it, possessed some kind of magical power to create “fake” objects from memory, similarly to how the Entity creates its trials, though on a much smaller scale.
A bit of a loner, he became reliant his powers, abused them, even. He’d live a life on top of the world, sustained near exclusively by “fake” creations. At one point, his wanton use of such powers attracts the attention of a very specific crowd. He notices he’s being followed wherever he goes. Friends and colleagues go missing, and he grows paranoid. He ultimately goes into hiding, falsely fortifying himself in his home. His assailants effortlessly break through his defenses, and he’s captured by the cult of the Entity. To his surprise, they aren’t hostile, but instead want to learn from his power. He still tries to escape them, and succeeds. But he then finds his entire life in shambles. All his creations, gone. The people he counted as his friends only cared about him as a money printer, and he has long since alienated himself from his family. He has to realise that he has nothing “real” anymore. The only real thing to his name are the clothes he wore when he first discovered his powers. He desperately tries to rebuild everything, but finds himself unable to focus. Whatever he creates only somewhat resembles what he envisions. His house lacks any details, and even has items he has no memory of ever seeing. He tries giving himself some decent clothes, but his creations explode into a bright glowing substance that adheres to his old clothes and skin. The longer he tries, the more desperate he becomes, until the only thing he can create is the blackest fog he has ever seen.
Upon capture, his powers are taken away, but he is in denial about it. His lobby animations include him trying to use his powers to no avail, and another him accidentally creating an auric cell but being unable to control it and it shattering.
His perks would be based around him creating false objects and the little knowledge he has about the Entity from his short time amongst the cult. (Though I admittedly don’t have a lot of ideas for these beyond what is essentially Apex’s Mirage’s “Bamboozle”)
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I want a survivor who has snuck into the trials to sabotage them. His/her perks would focus on giving them benefits for messing up the survivors and killers objectives
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I'm waiting for an older woman (around Ace/Bill age) coming from a country that didn't already birthed a survivor/killer so it could be like Australia, India, Egypt, Ireland, Peru, etc. So many possibilities that didn't get exploited yet.
She would have team cooperation perks, could be like when you get injured reveals your aura to your teammates for 4/6/8 secs upon entering a chase, like a reverse Empathy and you would get a small portion of points from any gen progression points your team gets while you are getting chased.
An exhaustion perk : 150 % bonus speed after taking a protection hit.
And a healing token perk : you start 1/2/3 tokens, each time you unhook a survivor safely or you heal a survivor for 1 heal state gain 1 token. While healing yourself or an other survivor, press the ability button to burn 1 token. Each token instantly heal for an equivalent of 11/22/33%. You can use up to 2 tokens per heal state. Upon completing a heal state, the perk deactivates for 60/50/40 secs. You still can earn tokens while the perk is inactive.
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Well Nancy from NOES, Sydney from Scream, Lorraine from the Conjuring/Annebelle movies are some that pop into mind. That reminds me Mary Shaw from Dead Silence would be a awesome killer.
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I also would love a GOT chapter. Perhaps Daenerys and Snow as survivors (I would main the Dragon Queen forever) and a white walker/Night King killer. The dead could roam the map like Nemesis. Please BHVR.
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An eccentric thespian survivor (male or female, doesn't matter).
With a Tragedy/Comedy mask Killer.
A theatre/opera-house map.
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Either some sort of Hacker/nerd type or a Black-Ops soldier type.
The hacker would have Perks centered around sabotage and tricking the killer, while the soldier would have a some stealth Perks and a perk that triggered after death/sacrifice.
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An actress from the 1930's - 60's. An actress who wants to make it or did. Very elegant and sensual, glamorous. A potential femme fatale?
Starring Role : Everytime a gen pops, you gain a token. WHILE IN CHASE you can vault 15-25-35% faster.
METHOD ACTING: Pretending you're in danger when you're not and giving into realistic reactions may seem crazy at times, but it has prepared you. In the killer's terror radius you gain 10-12-14% to your gen / healing / totem breaking speed. ( Not to the finishing of them but to the character's base speed for it. Since you're likely to be chased off of it FAST when the killer is close enough for terror radius I don't think this is OP because it won't last long at all. )
Ventriloquism / Projection: Earn totems for being in the killer's terror radius. Every 10/12/15 seconds earns a token up to 3 tokens. For every token your character's cries and breathing will sound further away the closer they get and louder the further they get within a range of ___ feet.
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oh boy here i go again talking about soma
Simon Jarrett would be a cool character, I think. Cosmetic-wise, there's like the actual human Simon which I'd assume would be the default, and the two Haimatsu suits that you actually play as in SOMA. Story-wise, I think him entering the entity's realm makes sense, being given a chance at supposed freedom in the entity's realm would probably seem a better option than dying alone 4000 meters below the ocean. I wouldn't mind Catherine either, honestly.
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Not sure on backstory or perks, but i would really like a goth/nerdy guy, kinda like a fusion between Dwight and Nea. His style would be similar to Quentin's but he would have a smaller frame.
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I really want a survivor that has perks that affect keys the way Botany Knowledge and Pharmacy can affect first aid kits.
Now, hear me out I would only want these kinds of perks if keys get reworked to not be completely oppressive lol I want to be able to use them one day for aura reading more than for free escape out of trial / triggering Killers. But yeah, a survivor with a connection to the Skeleton Key would be interesting.
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This is quite tough, but there are some ideas I'd love to see, both licensed and non-licensed:
Licensed -
Jim from 28 Days Later
James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2
Kaneda from Akira
Something from Half-Life would be cool, mostly Barney or Alyx, Gordon I feel would be strange.
Simon from Cry of Fear
Susan Ashworth from The Cat Lady
Daniel from Amnesia
Non-Licensed Ideas -
A traditionally punk survivor, male or female works.
A literal rockstar, I'm talking crazy 80s hair rockstar.
More survivors of English descent, preferably a guy that's a bit more average like Dwight.
Someone from the past, preferably a Sailor or someone from the 18th or early 19th century. This would in general work great for a Pirate themed chapter.
Non specific, and this could fall under licensed, but survivors adapted from older stories into BHVR's own interpretation. Something like Lovecraft or like how they took inspiration from Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde for Blight. I want to see more of these but taking more direct inspiration.
Farmer or Someone who lives out in the country.
A Ghost hunter? Maybe an actual straight-up hunter?
A mechanic.
An angry businessman or boss. I like this idea a lot as I feel it would be pretty funny.
A junkie or a recovering drug addict. Either would work.
I could go on but I'll end it off with one more:
A game developer.