Did the clown rework help or hurt?

It's been over 6 month's since the clown rework and since our boy is one of the focal points of the current tome I thought it worth discussing whether or not these reworks are really helping killers. I haven't played more than a few games with him since and I found the antidote severely lacking. There are very few reasons to wait 2.5 seconds to get a 5 second speed boost or to bring antidote addons. Solvent Jug & cigar box were two of his best addon's that got neutered. Nothing in his addon kit really feels better than what existed before, does it?
Maybe some clown mains disagree with that but I'm just not seeing it as useful in my games.
He was definitely improved. His reload is much better and the antidote makes him even stronger in chase
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It helped him but he is still the annoying boremachine he used to be. I like playing him somehow but against... my goodness the gameplay cound not be more one dimensional.
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the Antidote added some depth to the character he didnt have previously. i think its quite an underrated ability.
and even if you dont use it, he still got a nice buff of having his reload time cut by 25%.
it was an improvement, 100%.
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It was good to add another bottle, but sharing the same charges is not nice. Thats the big problem.
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Hurt. I feel like the speed bottle doesn’t even do much except NOT slow down survivor. I don’t even switch away from the slowdown bottle.
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The only nerf he got was the removal of his exhaustion add-on, which honestly needed to be removed (however I'd be down for a version that lasts for 5 seconds). His base-kit as a whole was buffed, and is WAY better than before. The antidote is hella underrated.
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Sorry but reading you feels like the clown is an underrated killer, and I think you are wrong.
My main is Clown and the two bottles sharing the same charges is the worst thing they added to him.
The idea was great, but the result is bad.
The antidote is not good without addons and you have to reload too much times now.
I left my main killer (Clown) since the rework.
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It definitely helped him. He isn't weaker than he used to be, but I think it still left much to be desired. The yellow bottles give him more options and a higher skill ceiling, but they really only help in chase which isn't what he needed help with. Map pressure is still his biggest flaw. At least his reload is much better now.
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I do a lot better with him nowadays. I personally actually find him fun now :) sure he is not top tier but does every killer really need to be?
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Helped, but he still sucks.
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Helped. His reload is faster and the Antidote bottles can help him in chases. But he still has a couple of issues, so there is still a lot of room for improvement.
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I mean, you don't have to use the antidote, so I don't see why you stopped playing him unless you just got bored of him. They buffed his reload speed, which is nice.
I almost always play the current Clown without add-ons, it feels a lot better than before. He's not the strongest killer, he's slightly below average, but he's still a lot stronger. Not saying he doesn't need buffs though.
My main is Clown and the two bottles sharing the same charges is the worst thing they added to him.
I agree with this though, I think the tonic and the antidote having separated inventories would be a nice buff.
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Give him two extra bottles so he doesn't have to reload all the time and he's fine. Super underrated killer, there's very few tiles a good Clown can't get you. Not even mentioning he's one of the few killers who counter Dead Hard for distance.
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Exactly thats the buff he needs. We have to reload more often because of that.
I dont want to not use the antidote because its helpful but it takes you charges from pink bottles.
I feel like I always have to make a choice with clown now.
The one thing I really loved with his rework is the purple addon that allow you to see hiding survivors with the antidote.
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With his upgrade, there are only 3 problematic addons that need changing:
- Pinky finger, i've played 3 games with just Pinky finger and Pop goes the weasel in red ranks, against red rank survivors. If I missed 1 bottle, I would just hit the second one as survivors are slowed down significantly. There isnt really much skill to it. Solutions? There are 3 that come to mind: 1. slow down clown while he charges bottles as if he was a huntress charging hatchets(essentially 2019 clown). 2. switch the instadown bottles to yellow. 3. make it so that intoxicated survivors do not get exposed when hit.
- Flask of Bleach, yeah, the 15% hinderance(aka 30% movementspeed difference without yellow bottles, let alone that a survivor cannot fast vault windows anymore) isnt enough to pretty much destroy any counterplay, better make it -20%. Giving Clown up to a 35% movement speed difference without yellow bottles. How to rework this? Well, add a 5% bonus to yellow bottles instead. At least yellow bottles need to be placed well for Clown to engage without messing up, where pink bottles dont need to be placed well, just good enough as 1 millisecond of exposure is enough to slow you down, where yellow bottles require 4 seconds to charge up. The total movementspeed difference remains 45% in that case, but from a survivor POV it's going to be so much more bearable.
- Starling Feather, makes it a bit too easy to spam his ability which is already reducing any counterplay in most scenario's, especially considering it can be combined with the addons above. I honestly think the 50% is more than fine for his yellow bottles, and could easily be even higher than 50%, but for his pink bottles? Makes it a bit problematic. I'd personally change this to 75% for yellow bottles and 25% for pinks(the grey one would be 25% for pink too, except no bonus for the yellow ones).
Outside that, he's fine and actually fun to verse against. Good anti-W and his anti loop is fine too. His power rewards his prediction, meaning you would need to play in a way that's unpredictable against a Clown, similar how you have to play against a Doc. It's just these 3 addons that turn him from a killer that you have to think outside of the box, to a killer you dont have enough time, space and resources to combat.
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it helped but his speed isnt too noticeable and I personally think his antidote bottle shouldn't be apart of the purple bottle (i forgot the name) it would be nice for him to have two different bottles with their own amounts
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I haven't played him a lot since the rework. Perhaps that's why I struggle with it, but I find the bottle swap to be clunky and usually slow me down more than help me. Sometimes I quick press it and it doesn't switch but I'm so focused on the survivor I don't notice till I throw it. Sometimes I press a little too long and it starts the reload animation when I didn't want. I'm sure more practice would make it easier, but I get frustrated with it and just don't use the antidote usually unless I need to for a challenge. I wish it were a separate button for the bottles and i didn't have to swap, just press the button for the one I want to throw.