killers, if you are going to come back to hook why even leave? (rant)



  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    I mean if they are able to find another survs and aren't far from hook what would you do in that scenario? Come back to possibly two survs or run around map like headless chicken?

  • Trimblebird
    Trimblebird Member Posts: 33

    That's some hard luck there, but it can happen like that sometimes hell I remember when I had a month like that, I gave DBD a break because I realized how tilted I was getting every time it happened.

  • Trimblebird
    Trimblebird Member Posts: 33

    This is your opinion and the great thing about those is that everyone has one, I don't think the person Facecamping me is a Dbag I think wow must have really pissed them off somehow, or oh well that was a quick game, You really shouldn't be insulting people over a game especially a pvp game because as I said before there is only one rule in PVP DO. NOT. CHEAT.

  • Trimblebird
    Trimblebird Member Posts: 33

    this folk is what we call an "opinion" and what's great about those is that everyone has one sometimes more than one, The other great thing about them is we do not have to share your opinions, Period end of story, Getting down to object facts No one should be insulted for playing a game how they like (even cheaters as much as is pains me to admit that), so many survivors and killers will say awful horrible things after a match because they lost or even when they Win << this shouldn't be a thing but it is we should be going after people that say toxic and even hateful things to people because they didn't like how they played (and I can't stress this enough) a video game nothing justifying hurling abuse at people over a VIDEO GAME

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    Oh yes no one should be insulted for ruining the game match for another player and making it so they literally can do nothing. Sure I'm the hateful one is that why every camper and tunneler I've gone against bragged about it in end game chat and teased about it? But surely that's not toxic at all? Yes facecamping is toxic. I'm sorry you feel the need to make others dislike this game and cause more stress on a game that's supposed to be fun yes games are about having fun not babysitting toxic man children.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Without having read any of the comments whatsoever, I'm inclined to say this:

    Everyone will show up at a hook just before another state is met. Why would the killer not be there to ensure it happens?

    More importantly, why did you wait until the last second, when you know the killer is going to be there, to unhook? If a killer is circling hooks, I guarantee they'll be thrown off when you unhook mid-state and not just before they're going to hit next stage.

    That's on y'all, survivors, that's on y'all.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Almost every killer camps and tunnels. The only time killers seem to truly leave is if they're running Devour. Don't let it bother you. Just like most survivors have no skill at the game, most killers don't either. There's no reason for them to not play cheap and easy.

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    Hm, i think i took your post wrong then. I dont think all survs are "bad" or entitled, but a large amount of them seem to be that way. Alot of times when there was a "normal" match without any camping or tunneling i still get accused of it. I dont do it to ruin someones fun in the game and alot of times i also avoid it, but there are matches where i get stressed and then tunnel or camp or smth. its nothing personal against that survivor tho unless they were cocky or BM`d me.

  • Trimblebird
    Trimblebird Member Posts: 33

    Then those people that hurl abuse and tease in end game chat are the problem did you not really read what I was trying to say? Nothing you do in a match itself justify being insulted or threatened, or my favorite, because this did happen to me, Told that they wished your mother would die of cancer because of how you played a video game, Video games are not the real world nothing that happens in a video game truly matters if you think it does then maybe you're the problem

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215

    i agree with that, and ive got a similar story about the cancer thing. except it was my children, thats why i usually just say gg and leave let them vent their poison to an empty lobby. ######### em

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    Facecampers do deserve it because they ruin the match for another person at least to the extent for it to be pointed out how crappy they've behaved to another person in a game. Video games are meant to be fun. The moment they cease to be what's the point of playing them? Why play a game just to ruin fun for others? Does that make people feel better about themselves?

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    You clearly have never played killer if you think "cOmInG baCK HoOk" is as valuable as just camping. I hook, i leave if i see nobody near, if i still haven't spotted anyone and i hear an unhook going back hook is the BEST option available, and if i find you i'll down you. There's nothing misterious or evil about that, you just have no idea what you are talking about and are entitled to killers playing the way you want and get 4 escapes.

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215

    they dont deserve to be abused in a game PERIOD in my opinion, alot of us use video games to escape ######### things happening in our lives. maybe a little compassion is in order once in a while.

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215

    no im not but playing a game i believe that everyone should have a chance to get to enjoy the game. and no im not talking about "CoMiNg BaCk To HoOk" im talking about hard tunneling to the point of dropping other chases to come back and chase me. are you really gonna try to say that they didnt find anyone? think about it again.

  • Trimblebird
    Trimblebird Member Posts: 33

    NO ONE DESERVE to have abuse hurled at them for how they play a Game NO ONE, period end of story you probably don't understand that yet but it is part of growing up to learn that behavior in-game does not justify being an abusive ass outside of it. That is all I am saying if you can't understand that then you are the problem!, DO you truly believe that because some face camped you IN A VIDEO GAME you have the right to hurl all kinds of vile disgusting abuse at them if the answer is yes THAN AGAIN YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

  • Voodoo_Thirsty
    Voodoo_Thirsty Member Posts: 522
    edited August 2021

    These killers claiming DBD is a PVP game therefore it's a competitive game.

    Look, DBD is FAR from being competitive.

    PVP? sure.

    Heck, even Hearthstone is a PVP game. But while Hearthstone is a competitive game (and rightfully so) DBD is far from it. Just because the game has ranks, it doesn't mean jack #########.

    And just because it's "PVP" or "competitive" (which DBD is NOT) it doesn't mean they should play like that. I didn't pay 20+ $$$ to be sent out of the match 5 minutes into the trial.

    As a killer, I play to keep everyone enjoyed. Even if you die (which is indeed the Killer's objective) you wouldn't feel like you've been forced to leave.

    As a survivor, I never taunt a killer, gloat the killer nor t-bag obnoxiously at the exit gates or spam flashlight clicks. If I die due to the killer being better than me, then too bad.

    Camping and tunneling isn't about the game being competitive. It's about playing like an ######### which is more of a personal issue than the game's.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Trimblebird
    Trimblebird Member Posts: 33
    edited August 2021

    Yes but that doesn't justify taking what happens in-game than hurling abuse at the person out of the game most esports leagues if they see this happen will and do ban people for it, Toxic behavior outside a game is never justified never you don't get a free pass to be a monster outside the game because you lost a game. This is the hill I am willing to die on.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    No you're part of the problem. You think it's okay to treat others like crap in a game then wonder why they don't like it. You're like an abusive partner who abusers their spouse then whines when they say something bad about them. You have a very victim complex trying to make yourself out to be the victim while initiated toxic behavior.

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    Yes we use games to escape and being facecamped isn't an "escape" it's just more stress having to deal with some toxic persons behavior in game.

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215

    i actually take it as a compliment when i get facecamped. they are saying they cant catch me again.

  • Voodoo_Thirsty
    Voodoo_Thirsty Member Posts: 522

    Wow, some logic you got there.

    So I can be a little prick in a match all I want, but can't be called out once I'm out of it?

    How about we just say "toxic behavior is never justified" instead of specifying certain contexts?

    Why's that such a hard concept to endorse?

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215
  • Voodoo_Thirsty
    Voodoo_Thirsty Member Posts: 522

    Well that's good to hear.

    I just didn't get why he used a really specific context to justify any toxic behavior.


    Let's just not be toxic at all and play the god damn game as how it was designed to be played.

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    This exactly. They think they can be as toxic to a person in game and then play the victim when called out on their toxic behavior.

  • Trimblebird
    Trimblebird Member Posts: 33

    DO NOT MISGENDER ME, I have been over this over and over because it's a point that needs to be stressed, IN-GAME ACTION that result in a win or lose DO NOT JUSTIFY ABUSE outside the game no matter what period end of story NO ONE has the right to call someone something homphobic, say racist nastiness, and or Sexist because they won or lost Nothing IN A GAME JUSTIFY THAT and as I said this is the hill I will die on because clearly a lot of people don't get that.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Yes, i don't need your permission to play like i want.

    Plus your are not the center of he world.

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215


    yo my bad, your name dosent exactly make it clear..

    and to all you guys saying im entilted this is entitlement.

  • Trimblebird
    Trimblebird Member Posts: 33

    ABUSIVE LANGUE is not calling out it is abuse period end of story. There is a huge world of difference between a call out and being a racist sexist homophobic jerk a call out is "Hey you kind of camped and or tunneled that game and I felt personally attacked by that." again and I willstate this clearly WISHING DEATH UPON A LOVED ONE BECAUSE YOU LOST is NOT A CALL OUT IT IS ABUSE.

  • Trimblebird
    Trimblebird Member Posts: 33

    I don't think you are entitled honestly I think you got a bit tilted and needed to rant but someone on here seems to think that abuse is okay (if you get camped really?) and I will die on the hill I have made.

  • MrCrazyCat62
    MrCrazyCat62 Member Posts: 168

    I've had plenty of survivors get fussy with me about coming back to the hook. Mind you I dont tunnel the unhooked unless they get in the way or to knock them down for time.

    My main goal as killer after I hook you is to start a bew chase asap. And if bbq says someone is nearby Ill check. Also many times I'll see scratchmarks nearby and search for them as well. Or if no gens are being done I'll head back to the hook area to try and find someone.

    Yes I know certain killers proxy camp hooks. But that just shows a lack of confidence in their abilities and can be easily exploited.

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215

    i agree completely with your sentiments here, verbal abuse over a video game is pathetic and childish. i didnt necessarily mean you, that was more aimed at the guys going, i can play how i want dont be bad KEKW.

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215

    dont do this, its pathetic honestly, and furthermore im not pushing anything onto you you took that mantle up yourself. crying about getting facecamped, seriously? if they facecamp you, you win, its an admission of defeat when they facecamp you.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,036

    Please keep the discussion civil and respectful, without attacking one another over a different opinion.

    I just want to say that nothing happening in a videogame justifies threatening or wishing harm on others outside the game, and if it happens please report them, in game if it happens in the post-game chat or to the platform if it happens in DMs, thank you.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427
    edited August 2021

    Thread is being locked as the arguments and fighting kept going on. For the future, please be mindful of what you say and it is not okay ever to wish harm on anyone for the way they play a game.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,036

    I'm closing this here, people kept arguing and attacking one another even after I asked not to.

This discussion has been closed.