Am I wrong for being annoyed by this

I dislike it when survivors encourage killers to hit them with borrowed time. That’s just encouraging them to chase you and hook you again and if they wait out the 12 seconds you’re screwed. Even with DS that’s just a to waste me. BT should be used as a insurance against being tunneled not as a aggressive distraction perk.


  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287
    edited August 2021

    It’s definitely not fun being body blocked by a BT. I’ve always thought protective hits should disable BT. It wouldn’t fix it but it would stop certain abuses of it.

  • playhard
    playhard Member Posts: 279

    just chase the unhook survivor and waiting for 13 second and that hit him/her

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    As Survivor, I would just run pass Killer but not body block. If he hits me, I may save unhooker and not look like being agressive with BT, if he's not, no complain.

    As Killer, if unhooked body block me on purpose, I will wait out for that 12sec and down them again.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,157

    I've had healthy unhooker run behind me so killer will hit me with BT instead of hitting them. I always wonder if the killer goes after me if it's because they think I was trying to body block when really unhooker was using me as meat shield. Same for when I don't realize I'm running into killer. I don't mean to run into them with BT, I just sometimes (or alot of times) have terrible situational awareness especially after being unhooked.

  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    I don’t think this is toxic behavior just a bad tactic lol that won’t work against a good killer. Out distance and if he try’s to tunnel you at least you got BT

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Personally, I think it's hilarious when the survivor with BT tries to body-block me.

    I just stand there while they run into me. And then we just stare at eachother.

    Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

    The survivor finally realizes what's about to happen and starts booking it.

    Unfortunately, I was counting.

  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    And they don’t get to complain about tunneling if I don’t wanna get chased I don’t try to get the killers attention lol

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    It's hard enough in solo Q to get some random people to risk themselves to go and save you. If you don't give them at least a chance of leaving unharmed then goodbye to that last hope. And I say a chance because not everyone is going to body-block. In my experience most of the time the killer will just go for the unhooked instead of the rescuer, so I don't even have to bodyblock, I'll just run for the next couple of seconds to see if I reach a safe loop or just hope DS will give me a few seconds more.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    As i've been informed before, the game's definition of a protection hit is shockingly broad.

    What'd probably be a better fix is to just disable collision for the survivor with BT.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    I find it annoying when they bt bodyblock & their chases are short. It feels like a wasted perk slot whenever they just get themselves downed 3s later.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    that would be hard to fix a "protection hit" is counted if ur just near and injured survivor and get hit.