Gideon Meat Packing Plant

Can we play the Gideon Meat Packing Plant yet?!
I have had the game for almost a month and it hasn't been playable at all.
Do they have an idea of when it will be fixed if it isn't? :c my sister and I look forward to the map and I got the DLC content MAINLY for the map, but nothing.
It burnt my piece the time I used it only to find out that it wasn't playable a little while ago.
It should return when we get Pinhead. The date given was "September."
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Well that is kind of lame. Took them that long to "fix" it? D: Well anywayy, thanks!
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By the way, maps are free for everyone. Buying chapter dlcs give you the characters
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I don't think the maps are free, because even the DBD Saw Chapter says it comes with "The Saw Chapter is a Chapter for Dead by Daylight. It includes a new Killer, a Survivor and a Map."
I have never been able to get a map to work that I don't have the DLC for. We have tried, but it doesn't work because we don't have the chapters. Only way we have been able to successfully play any sort of maps is if someone else has the DLC unlocked for it. That is my personal experience though, so idk.
Only way I was EVER able to play Glenvale was because a friend of mine had the chapter and even they said the reason it doesn't work for me is because I don't have it.
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Maps are free and available to any player. You do not need to buy any DLC to play on any map.
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Mmm, okay. I don't understand why they would include the map in any DLC content if it is free then lmao. I know before any DLC I bought my map offerings never worked, so I was under the impression (especially by friends) that I couldn't access it MYSELF with my friends/family if none of us had the map DLC.
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What offerings did you use, specifically? The map may have been disabled. The Game, accessed with the jigsaw piece offering has been disabled for some time now.
Also, map offerings can be trumped by other map offerings, or a ward I forget the name of.
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I don't have any of the DLC's and I've played in all maps. Maps offerings work too, so I'm not sure why it didn't work for you.
It's an online game that matches you up with anybody, so it would be very restrictive if it played out like you say.
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Offering specifically used "The Dusty Noose" to go to Glenvale, I play with friends/family and none of us have any of the DLC content, we burn the offerings and it doesn't take us there. We have played with other random people that I believe have the DLC content and it can take us to the maps we cannot get to. We are growing tired of the same maps and are trying different options, but all four of us don't have it but only been once. :\ Not sure what's wrong, same with the Haddonfield offering, we have played it but people claimed it was also disabled but we have been on it with random killers that burn the offering, but overall that's it.
not sure what is going on, but nobody else puts in map offerings or wards that I knew of. We have been avoiding map offerings because we are having issues getting them to even work. X-X
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Yeah I dunno what's going on, that's why I am asking. X-X I play with three of my friends/family and offerings just never work. So that's why I say I was under the impression that maybe DLC content had to do with it. Though, other people say otherwise, so maybe it's just us? lmao.
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Glenvale is disabled... it has been for a few weeks. Glenvale=Dusty Noose.
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Of course -.- Is there any news thingy that they have saying it's down? :\ Whenever I try to find something about a map I can't find it until it's too late.
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I believe it was in the Game News when you launch the game... not 100% sure.
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Well poo, maybe it's "old news" lmao. We haven't seen it. But thanks for answering questions!
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Blood Lodge, Glenvale and The Game are disabled so you will not see them. You don't have to buy DLCs to play on their maps. They are listed as part of the chapter because those maps came with the chapter.
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I hate this map, I escape quit if I see someone throw the offering in the load in. I hope it stays gone forever, and it can take Midwich with it into the bowels of hell from whence it came.
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Gideon is the only decent indoor map and Dead Dawg adds a bit of variety to outdoor ones. I wish they'd hurry and come back.
I'm so sick of the same MacMillan and Coldwind farm maps over and over again
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I haven't been able to experience them! D: I look forward to them!
I am definitely sick of the Crotus Prenn and coldwind, we get those A LOT. We didn't know the two maps were down until trying to burn the offerings and found out the hard way. X-X We don't get ormond unless we burn an offering, same with haddonfield lol.