Why do killers hit me on hook when I did nothing?

It's so weird. I understand if someone was being toxic. At that point you brought it upon yourself but I didn't do anything to the killer. I don't teabag at all and I try and be nice and they shake their head at me and hit me on hook.
Any ideas as to why killers do this?
I’ve seen some killer say they do it once to stop the survivor from screaming. If they do it over and over, sometimes they’re just a dick. Or is the end of the match and I guess they don’t feel like looking for pallets and walls to break.
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They're frustrated and need to take it out on someone?
Someone teabagged them last game and you're filling in for them?
You played survivor and that's an act of aggression against them?
A bizarre hatred for all life?
I don't know, man.
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Honestly killers take a lot of sh*t as well and he might have had a bad stretch of games or got bullied last game and you were just the unfortunate person on the other end of him letting out some anger. Or they could he a toxic a$$ thats always a possibility
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Some players hate certain survivors like a blendette and have to take out their frustration on them
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The only time I'd do it is with Legion and Trickster, simply because it's satisfying being able to constantly hit someone with Frenzy, and for some reason it's satisfying to hit a hooked survivor with blades. I don't do either of those simply because I don't want survivors to misinterpret me as being toxic.
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I BM survivors out of habit when I win.
Why? If I lose as killer there’s like a 95% chance of teabags at the exit gate. Im just a product of my environment.
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Y'know, that's not a fact most people are proud of.
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I usually just do it because the scream annoys me and it cuts the scream off lol
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First question I have is are you playing as Elodie?
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Yeah why?
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Elodie has a god awful scream. It grates on my ears every time I hook her. A quick smack shuts that up. Nothing against the player (most of the time), it's just that I need to cut that audio.
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Most killers who hit me repeatedly on the hook have been ranks 19 and 20. I've seen others on these forums say that when they first started playing the game, they were under the impression that hitting someone on the hook actually had an effect, like making the sacrifice go faster. The survivor on the hook does make noise when you hit them, so why wouldn't a killer think it's intended? That's bad game design, there: usually if an app or game provides feedback upon an action, it's to indicate that that action is doing something.
Of course, that doesn't explain everyone's behavior. Some people are just jerks.
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I think it’s hilarious myself. Why not?
I’ve played killer long enough to know survivors will have 0 hesitations when it comes to bullying you if you play bad.
But after years of playing I’m experienced enough to not really take any of the guff and I BM habitually
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That’s exactly why then. They’re not doing it to bm you, they’re doing it to shut the ear ######### up.
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Well, you gotta respect the honestly.
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I guess this is the downside of being an elodie main. Maybe I should run Calm Spirit on elodie to lower the odds
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I do it when I ghostface because I'm trying to be rude
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Calm Spirit should already be a basekit mechanic on her and Laurie.
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In my experience, it's because they're mad at me for whatever reason. They usually nod or stare at me for a second as well. Rarely is it to hide the scream imo.
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He's such a bottom tier killer that fundamentally all you can do is lose and get in character.
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I think the killers do that when they are frustrated. Who knows right? Maybe you cleansed their hex? Had a long chase? Pallet stunned them? Hid too much?
People take a lot of stuff personally in this game. I wouldn't worry about it ^^
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Alright mystery solved anyone else wanna race back to the caves
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The same reason why survivors wait at the exit gate until the very last second just so they could tea bag the killer. Imagine getting mad at someone pressing their Ctrl button.
Getting hit on hook? Imagine getting mad at someone pressing their mouse button. He's shaking his head at you? Imagine getting mad at someone moving their mouse left and right.
I'm not saying im condoning these behavior or not. The point is I've learned that it's best to not let any of this bother me.
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Short answer: Because they can.
It doesn't matter whether you're toxic or not.
If players dominate in PVP games (doesn't matter what pvp game really) some will taunt the defeated players because that's just human nature.
Just to name 1 off-DBD example. I played Destiny 2 PVP the other day. 3 vs 3 mode.
Both of my teammates disconnected but I still wanted to give it a try against 3 other players. Obviously I got curbstomped AND tbagged, shot on the ground etc. despite not even using anything strong. No meta weapon or anything and literally 3 vs 1.
Why did they act like total scum? Because they can. Simple as that.
Dead By Daylight is no different. There are many bad winners and PVP games naturally attract all of them.
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When I first started, I did it because it was funny. I liked roleplaying the ######### out of the killer role. I moved on, but I can see other people doing it too just for the sake of pleasing the entity. No hate or anything, they just do it for fun.
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Stops the annoying screaming. Especially if you play Elodie
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See, the problem was that you were playing Destiny.
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If I look at a survivor or something like that, either I checked something on my cellphone or just got distracted, then leave xD
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Killers do it quite a lot. Apparently if you outplay them constantly at loops and mind game well etc then you get punished for it
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If the survivor was really good and gave me a good chase (without just running from pallet to pallet instant dropping) I smack them once out of respect. I wish there was another way to express myself as killer because I'm sure most think I am being a dick.
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if I survivor has an inflated ego, it’s always nice to knock them down a peg.
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Why do you expect killers to be different than most survivors?
There is a myth going on that killers bm less/are kinder etc which is really not the case in my 3 year experience.
And excuse that they were hurt is not going to cut it. I play killer too and I never bm people who didn't bm me even after a toxic game. Excusing toxicness is laughable. If you are toxic you are toxic, idc what happened in your life, there is no need to take it out on everyone.
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u are so true .. some killers keep losing today ... and he was the only 1 got hooked
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Some people also believe it makes the hooktimer progress faster
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This usually happens to me when the finally manage to catch me 😂 I laugh , They big MAD
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Happens to me alot too and also they shake their heads at me while hitting me..
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One time a killer was really gunning for a friend of mine and got them out of the match pronto. Then in post-game chat, they said "that's what you get for teabagging". But it wasn't even him lmao
Misplaced aggression is too common.
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i do it on two cases.
1) is the last survivor i hooked on the match and he was t-bagging, flash clicking or every other toxic attitude survs tend to use because i usually bring BP offers instead of moris so is to closest to kill them by myself i can get.
2) Is and Elodie.
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I sometimes do it as killer to try to influence other survivors if I suspect I am against a SWF.
It can get them to play more recklessly or go for a dumb rescue they otherwise wouldn't, and one of the only downsides of SWF is the emotional attachment survivors have towards each other, so exploiting that helps even the playing field.
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You did something or someone with the same survivor as you did something and the killer is sure its you.
That or the killer just give a single strike when he hook you to stop the screaming i say that because i use to think this was helping when i was beginning you know like removing the notification XD
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The Killer is nine years old and they are trolling you.
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I usually one-hit a Survivor on hook if they were being a toxic #########. Say, spam-crouching at gates after sabotaging hooks all game, every time I went for one, just to be a pain, and then I catch them off guard with NOED (if I have it; I usually run it whenever I'm convinced I'll have a toxic Survivor). Otherwise, I well... I don't hit on hooks.
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It’s just BM, haha. I’ve had a gunslinger repeatedly shoot at my body on the ground after he finally caught me. I also enjoy repeatedly chainsawing a cocky survivor over and over again with bubba. Don’t care if I lose, they want to ruin my fun and I’ll do it back to them.
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Keep paying that hate forward I guess.
Who knows, maybe you'll start up a whole new generation of tea baggers.
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Stressful match.
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Were you carrying a flashlight? That is the reason I do it. Lol.
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There can be numerous reasons. They might hate the scream of your survivor. I remember when elodie came out and she had the scream bug on the switch. i felt bad but I had to hit the survivors on the hook that scream hurts. Another could be that they just had a frustrating game and they just have to take it out on something. They also could just be naturally rude.
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Maybe its satisfaction for them
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Tbh this game has generated a war between killers and survs. I'll literally not camp, chase healthy instead of tunneled and still get tbagged and flashlighted for no reason. Except I find this more common than the survivor equivalents lol.