Why isn't console allowed to use mouse and keyboard?

All you have to do is turn it on, other games allow keyboard and mouse, so what's the hold up?
Don't tell me any excuses like "It'd give an unfair advantage" when this game has open crossplay with PC right out the gate at even rank 20's.
Just let us play with mouse and keyboard already on console, why do you let console players have such an awful experience? Is it not enough the game runs poorly?
So people on console who play crossplay off don't have to deal with the advantage they turned it off for.
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If you can afford a console and game you can afford a mouse and keyboard, this is a non argument.
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Some people just prefer playing on gamepad, buy a PC if you wanna use M&K.
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There is no reason at all to be against keyboard and mouse on console. You just don't want to face better players, admit it.
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In SMITE when they added KB+M support for consoles, they made it so that you would automatically enter the KB+M queue as soon as you had it plugged in. Means the queues aren’t determined by the platform you play on but only by your input method. So here in DBD a solution would be that if they play with KB+M, they wouldn‘t be matched with controller players if they turn crossplay off.
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I play crossplay on, on Xbox One, I am perfectly fine with facing better players lol.
^ This is a good solution, good for both sides of the discussion.
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If you are perfectly fine with crossplay, then explain why you are against mouse and keyboard on console. Other games do it and it causes no issue, tell me what makes DBD so special?
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snip snip I misread your post
Anyways, I support KBM controls on console but console has so many more pressing issues they need to work on before there is any advantage to even adding the controls. I watch my partner play killer on console sometimes, and when he plays doctor and he shocks someone, it drops so many frames and just makes it soooo laggy. KBM aint gonna do nothing for that.
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MnK support for DBD should have been a thing long ago.
But lets just release few more killers that are ######### on controller instead.
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I am not completely against it, but the same reason I said originally. Plenty of people play crossplay off so that they don't go against people with an advantage. If they allowed you to choose which input device you prefer facing in the crossplay options I would 100% support M&K, that way everyone wins.
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They should implement it, but I doubt it'll help much on current gen. Like for instance you'll be able to do an instant 180 turn as nurse after blinking which is nice but that would probably drop you to about 0.3 FPS so you still won't be hitting anything.
Might still help with huntress, trickster etc though
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I really have no idea. I play survivor with a controller on PC. It's better than M&K. I have the option. I don't see why console players shouldn't have the option to use M&K, especially since ranged killers exist and have done for many years and also Nurse.