Breaking BP Cap

Hey guys I thought I'd share this after seeing a post about pathing on tomes to save points. Actually you can go beyond the BP cap that's normally at 1 mill. I did this for Jill and leveler her to near max on day one. Here's how.
Get your BP as high as you can without touching the cap. So say, 990,000 points. Then collect either a trial or tome reward. When Jill had finally been released I had close to 2 million.
Edit: this screenshot was taken when I first broke cap. I did matches to get it up to near 2 mill. Something like 1.9 mil
Edit: I've done it again. It's still able to be done. Break the cap then play games normally
So if I understand correctly, you can keep claiming rift after you got over the 1 milion when you claimed one challenge?
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Correct. Thankfully you won't be robbed of blood points if you are claiming Tome or a daily reward, but any blood points obtained in a match will be lost unfortunately.
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I am pretty sure I once claimed challenges when I was at 970k and it didnt go over 1mil, I just lost those BP
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The only way breaking the cap worked for me was when I claimed some BP promo codes and only. Tomes don't work. For me at least.
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Claiming tomes didn't work for me. Lost around 20k BP. The only time the cap has been exceeded for me has been log in rewards and redemption codes from the store.
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Why is there even a bp limit again?
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This is surprisingly not true. At first I thought I would only be able to stack rewards but matches gained as normal. The only part I havent figured out is, if there's a second wall at the 2 million mark and so on.
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Yes sir. It's very cool
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I would say try again. It worked as of RE update. I will try again and let you know tho
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Aside from a possible recent bug, this isn't true. You've likely got bloodpoints that were given to you by the devs to be able to go over the cap. The cap at 1 million is for the points you earn yourself. Any the devs give you don't count to that, meaning you can seemingly break the cap.
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Great, thanks for bringing this up. Now BHVR will patch this out in 5.2!
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Its absolutely true, as of when I did it last. It wasn't promo codes pushing me over the cap or building, once the cap was broken I gained normally. I will try again and let you guys know tho, but I double and triple checked as it was happening
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The only good bug is a dead bug.
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I've done it again. My friend did it too and got it to 1.3 million. It can be done still.
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Can anyone confirm this? You get as close to the cap as possible, claim a tome challenge then you can play matches normally and keep earning bp past the cap?
Or is it just like the normal cap where it's basically losing Bp gained in those matches
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You can get to 1 million using normal gameplay. Any additional bp through logging in (seasonal event or a "we're sorry the game broke") goes into its own pool, which doesn't have a cap. The same goes for promo codes. So, if you were at 1 million at the start of this seasonal event, you could get +1 million from logging in from Dec 1 to Jan 4th, and a further 850,000 from recent promo codex for a total of 2,850,000 BP
But that assumes you're not spending anything and just sitting on the points.
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There's 2 separate Blood Point pools. There's the visible 1 million max pool that everyone can see and add to from just playing the game, daily challenges, and tome challenges. The second pool has no limit and the only way to add to that pool are from codes, bonus, gifts from devs or the monthly rank resets.
So lets say your primary pool has 800K BPs and you got gifted 300K, you'll see you have 1.1 million BPs and can still add to your primary pool to get a visible total of 1.3 million BPs. Then you'll be locked there. When spending BPs your bonus BPs are drained first before your primary pool.
That's how it works, it's not bugged or anything.
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Right well by just playing the game I'm adding to it over 1 million. Not the promo codes. Not the log ins. I'm watching my match points add to it. I'm at 1.6 million now
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The way the BP cap works is that "bonus" or "gifted" BP do not add to the cap - so that's why people can go over the cap. So for example if you have 970k BP and 300k of those were gained from login rewards or bonus BP from Grade Reset etc those will not be counted - only your in-game BP is counted towards the cap so it's very easy to go over the 1 million BP cap.
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is there a limit to the bonus bp? I'm still looking for it
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As far as I know, no there's no limit on the bonus BP that you can store up
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The first time I did this, dbd was dry of any of those bonuses and I'm normally a compulsive spender. I'll run thru this amount soon and repost in here the results for a 3rd time