The Unforgetful winds Chapter

darkmind1111 Member Posts: 19
edited September 2021 in Creations

Killer: The tengu- one of the entity's 14 children the most powerful killers

Weapon: Fan

Power: Winds of change- Press the ability button to go into third person and send winds flying whenever a survivor is it with the winds they will be sent into the air and will continue to be in the air until the killer either decides to hit them or let them fall to the ground causing them to become oblivious and exhausted.

Perks: Hex: Salvation-whenever you sacrifice or kill 2 survivors you will make the survivors become exposed for the rest of the match until they find a totem

You will never understand: whenever a survivor sees you at the beginning of the round they will see another killer until you hit a survivor the true killer will be seen

I AM POWERFUL-You become obsessed with one survivor that survivor will know where you are at all times but you won't see them tho but that survivor will become exposed whenever they are doing anything productive.

Survivor: Kimi Sakura

Perk: Rightnues for the win- whenever you are done healing a survivor, you and survivor are both gain the endurance status effect for 15 seconds

Never say Never: When endgame collapses happen the timer is 2x slower

I will always win: Whenever all survivors are together they will get a hint to the killer is

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