Honest Opinion: Do You Really want to Buy Pinhead?
Take a moment to yourself and look at the objective truth of the matter. Do you really want to buy the upcoming Chapter for Dead by Daylight, which only contains the character of Pinhead?
Because by doing so, you're doing the following:
- You're supporting the developers that actively do not give the game the quality of life health improvements that many people ask for and need, and instead choose to give people something that nobody asked for.
- You're paying for a chapter release with only one Killer, no new Survivor and no new Map.
- Your Killer's Power is going to be weak on release and will remain that way until mid-chapter 22.
- Not to mention half of your Killer's ability will still be completely voided out when someone holds the box.
- Your Killer's Perks are going to be weak and yet another waste of space to grind for in the long run, and will only increase the grind for newer players coming into the game (and leaving it once they see how bad it is).
- You could be buying literally anything else with that extra money that will give you a better experience; even the Hellraiser movie. Any of them.
But let me ask this again, do you really want to buy the upcoming chapter release? Are you still confident in your decision to buy it and adamant that you want to play him?
Or perhaps maybe considering these facts and more as you think this through will make you realize maybe buying this right now isn't the wisest choice?
Honest Opinion: Do You Really want to Buy Pinhead? 79 votes
Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
Just like any new release in the game, there are bugs and balance issues. This does not surprise anyone at all, and should not be a shock. Learning the counter play and style of the unique killers and how their perks and abilities work, in my opinion, takes about a month after full release for people to get familiar with the gameplay (Both from survivor and killer perspectives)
I've been following this game since Huntress released in 2017 and this game has come a far distance to where it was. Perfect? No where near, but the DbD team is large and trying to make the game work for everyone. I personally will probably hold off on buying the DLC because Im not a killer main but I will get it once Im ready for his teachables.
By the time I choose to buy the DLC balance changes will have been made, like they usually are for new releases about 1 month after full launch. At the end of the day, I enjoy the content release and will choose to buy what I want with my money. Sometimes new killers are underwhelming on release and have several bugs, but after a while Its another killer that brings something interesting to the game
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
1. This game was turning pretty stale so new content was overall needed, also BHVR won't change idea for me not buying Pinhead
2. As long as it is new content I'm fine with it, it's better to have just a killer than a map which everyone will complain about
3. 4. I don't care, I just want to try him for 3 matches, then I'll leave him on the bench, I'm not planning to main him anyway, devs are just making killers for the memes and are clearly not caring about killer actual quality anymore, every killer from Ghostface onward is literally a meme lol
5. Like point 3. 4. I just want to try him for 3 matches
6. I practically already bought him for free since I got the cells back from the rift that I bought for free so I don't care
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
If there is no survivor, probably it will be cheaper. If you check old DLCs, those without surviv6 are cheaper. So your point about not having a survivor doesn't make sense.
Yeah, probably will be weak, but I guess I will still buy it.
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
When someone says, They know the Objective Truth and they are gonna tell you it. They are easy to detect as about to put a thick layer of bullshit on you. So now Im going to point out the flaws in see in OP's post.
- BHVR has given the game a lot of health improvements, if you are unhappy about it say so on the forum. I have some issues, but im not unhappy.
- Yes. Im paying for a Killer. I can read the packaging.
- Well what do you want? a Killer that is killing everyone easy mode and then nerfed or do you want a killer that works and then observed and buffed accordingly? What BHVR is doing it better rather than say idk Legion?
- Yeah, the PTB was good. And Pinhead is getting buffed for release and SBMM is coming too. It looks great mate.
You are free to spend your money how you want mate.
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
- I defintly asked for Pinhead and there are plenty others who are excited to see this legend of a killer. So it is not nobody asked for Pinhead
- That is a downside, but honestly, who should be the survivor? There is no iconic (at least in my opinion) protagonist who is worth adding. And i am super happy we dont get a new map. The only map i can think off is Hell.. which would be indoor and a mace... no thanks
- I love weak powers, i really do. Every idiot can 4K with a Nurse, Blight or Spirit, but only good players can manage to destroy frequently a good SWF with a mediocre or even bad killer.
- I dont care the slightest. In fact i appreciate those perks, they are pretty unique. Especially I love the new hooks. Interesting addition ot the game.
- Sure, i could, but i dont want to. And even if Pinhead would be an upset (which he is not in my opinion) i would still buy him. Dont want to sound braggadocious but my video game collection probably costs more then a new car so at this point it does not even matter anymore if i waste another 10€ :D
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
If the community doesn't see all the good work the devs do it doesn't mean they don't do it. This game has entertained me for countless hours, so it deserves to be supported by me. Besides, I love Hellraiser. I will just wait a bit because I still haven't finished getting all perks on Nemesis and Trickster.
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No, I think I'll save my money for a different thing!
Not planning to play him, and his perks are good but not worth spending money on.
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No, I think I'll save my money for a different thing!
I'm kind of undecided, but as of right now I don't think I'll buy the chapter. His power and perks seem kind of uninteresting and I don't know that much about Hellraiser or Pinhead to actually be interested enough to buy the character.
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i think he's really cool, but his power is personally too awkward to use. Maybe i'd get used to it, but depending on the price I might not be into it.
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...but the DbD team is large and trying to make the game work for everyone...
It took them years to bring out a colorblind mode for the game and they only did it because it became a huge issue that everyone was complaining about
They then said that they were "working on it for a while now"
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No, I think I'll save my money for a different thing!
I don't plan on buying him. Maybe in the future.
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
I play the game actively. I buy the DLC's actively. I Don't care what the developers do, or what state the game is in because i am just one person. What i do does nothing to effect the collective, so i don't care.
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
- If it's a licensed killer that looks fun, I'll buy it. Otherwise, until BHVR fixes optimization, I'll buy every character/outfit I want with shards. Not gunna waste money on cosmetics that can't be bought with shards
- Don't care that there are no new survivors or maps. I already have 8 survivors I rotate between, and different survivors are functionally just a bunch of skins anyways. And let's be real, if there was a new map, it would probably be broken for 2 months anyways
- Probably true about the killer power being weak from the start. Hopefully not so much as PTB
- New killer perks will definitely be a waste of space. But that's true for virtually every new killer
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
Despite all the shortcomings with DBD, I still enjoy playing it. And as long as I keep enjoying my time with the game, I’m going to keep buying DLCs because I’m the end fun is what I prioritize.
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My answer is no, but not for those reasons. I think the character looks kind of fun, and I like the aesthetic, but I think the chain-vision stuff would mess with my migraines.
I'm not sure what the pricing is on Pinhead, but I'm expecting it to be similar to Ghostface -- so, a little less than the price of a full chapter, since it's only one character.
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
Because most of this games community doesn't exist on forums or dbd-based social media and won't join in the attempt to speak with our wallets because they don't even know what's going on!
Edit: Also, I love his animations.
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
Played him during the ptb. He was moderately fun, but not my style of enjoyment. I going to buy mainly for the perks.
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
Pinhead is an interesting and unique killer based off the films and a conceptual standpoint, in practice the devs laid the groundwork for an equally interesting and unique power. Albeit could use a few tweaks, and honestly I don't think they did him justice with the changes they talk about in response to the PTB (I hate that their response to environmental / collision interactions breaking the chains was just to spawn another chain quicker instead of just making it so the chains don't break through walls) but that doesn't mean they won't do him justice in the future.
Should the devs be criticized for introducing new content that fails to live up to expectation? Whether that expectation is for a stronger power, or something that's more creative, better add-ons that are more distinct to an individual killer and their power, etc. Absolutely. If you think that any chapter has less good to offer than not, then by all means don't buy it.
But personally, I think there's just enough good in the upcoming chapter that makes it worthwhile. They did a fantastic job with the various chain animations for Pinhead (although I would have liked to see him not so stiff in his movements and some more to his facial animations than just a single neutral expression), I like that they got the puzzle box and fit that into his power (again could use some tweaking), and overall I'm just really really happy that they finally released an icon of horror from the decades again. Too many people were getting far too invested in these video game horror licenses, and the last true horror icon that they got from this era was Ghostface and he relased in 2019 Two Entire Fkng Years Ago.
So I've been waiting for awhile for something like this and I'm more or less happy with what we got, and I'm especially happy for the Hellraiser fans who have been waiting for a good long couple of years for this addition.
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
- Deadlock seems like a new perk that has a chance to slip into the meta for people as an alternative to Ruin or Corrupt
- Who cares if the killer is weak, as long as I have fun playing them for 10 or so games.
- The devs mentioned that they'll make holding the box riskier, and that you'll basically have to solve it in order to stop existing chain hunts, since they aren't solved just by holding the box now.
- I just like that Pinhead's here
- I'm not buying the paragraph to support BHVR, I'm buying it to play as Pinhead. Besides, BHVR does seem like a pretty good place to work, compared to a ton of other gaming companies. I could be wrong on this one, though.
- His character portrait is hella quirky and out of place, he looks like he came to tell me that he shat the bed.
- Survivor will be out in the midchapter, and yeah it'll be a bit more expensive, but I can get the surv with shards since it won't be licensed.
- We don't pay for maps; Although I would like more, it's kinda stupid to say we shouldn't buy a chapter/paragraph because there's no map.
However, I do have one major complaint with this entire thing. I thought BHVR was stepping away from paragraphs after Ghostface / Ash.
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No, I think I'll save my money for a different thing!
I'm iffy on it, but he really doesn't look console-friendly, so he might be more frustrating than fun on PS4. I can't really play killer at all on Switch, I'm miserable every time I attempt a Tome challenge, so buying any killer for that platform is a waste of money.
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No, I think I'll save my money for a different thing!
Points 3 and 4 are the bigger ones to me personally. I'm not gonna pay for a weak killer with subpar perks (that I can get in the shrine later).
If they improve him or if he shows to be better than expected after his release, then I'll consider it.
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No, I think I'll save my money for a different thing!
I really don't like paragraphs at all. If Kirsty Cotton would've been released with him, I'd consider buying.
The first two points you gave are what really turns me off from this "chapter".
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No, I think I'll save my money for a different thing!
Maybe when DBD gets a bit better.... I'll consider it.
Otherwise, my money is better wasted on something I can use instead of a new way survivors can anger me.
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No, I think I'll save my money for a different thing!
I'll purchase him if/when he receives a more noteworthy buff.
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
Its 5 dollars, not a huge deal for ######### pinhead, he is a major horror icon i don't care about being a nerd to the meta, chains go brrrr
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
At the moment, I will just buy him because I am a completionist. I did not enjoy his Kit at all during the PTB, maybe I will find him more fun on the Live Server when actually having Perks and getting more used to playing as him or against him.
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No, I think I'll save my money for a different thing!
I put this one because the post lacks a vote for the people in the middle, while pinhead does seem interesting, I don't feel invested enough
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I need an "other" option.
It's not that I don't like Pinhead, I love him. The main reason I'm not buy him is because I'm not putting any money into DBD until they optimize the game and fix the performance issues on consoles (ps4 for me) - I haven't bought anything since the Silent Hill chapter for this reason. He looks like he could be fun but with performance issues on console, especially now with how bad they are, I have doubts he will play well. If they manage to fix performance issues before I drop the game then I'd probably be willing to buy him, but in the games current state I'm not buying anything.
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
i enjoyed playing him in the ptb
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I hope to play against him, he's interesting, fun, and chaotic. I just hope they buff him without making him OP, you know? I want a powerful Demogorgon, not another Spirit
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Yes, I still want to buy Pinhead!
- The price will be probably as low as Leatherface.
- I don't really care for new broken survivors sided maps (the great majority are survivor sided, so the newest one would probably be too).
- I don't give a damm for new survivors.
- His perks are actually pretty good actually: Deadlock could see somes buffs, but still good - Plaything is a meme - Gift of pain is a better Sloopy butcher, very decent indeed.
- ANIMATIONS ARE SO ######### GOOD!!! Even tho his power is not a top tier one, his animations are so sick and hearing "I CAME" is so joyful 🤣!
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Of course I'm going to buy it, I will not be embittered by the deficiencies that the killer may have only if it really was completely useless, as for the map of the cenobites is a labyrinth if people already cry with the map of stranger thing and Rpd why do we want a labyrinth?