Skill Checks- Yellow glyph on generators?

I absolutely loved the skill checks for the yellow glyphs, and was wondering. How could they incorporate this skill check into the game as a feature? Well the obvious answer you be on gens of course. But, not completely removing the current skill checks either.

We know a skill check is coming when we hear the familiar ping. But, if the yellow glyph skill checks appear on the generators as skill check, a slightly different ping would play so we have that brief moment to prepare. I think the skill checks themselves would go on forever if the glyph didn't end, so on a generator, no more than 5 rapid skill checks would appear and none of the skill checks would have a great skill check slot.

In game, perks like Hex: Huntress Lullaby would be way for prevalent and would get more use. A decrease in the audio timing would trip up even seasoned players, but with a second type of skill check, would force people to focus harder. This would also force a survivor to commit to a gen with the skill check is in process or cause an explosion if the need to run away. This can only benefit the killer. Overcharge would work as normal.

The doctor is probably the killer running through your head at this point since his ability affects skill checks. The skill check in indicator may run counterclockwise or shake. That would not change for the new skill check. Adding another layer of strategy to countering the doctor.

A lot of streamers have been complaining over the last several years to change the difficulty of the skill checks since it is very easy to hit great skill checks. We have seen plenty of changes to the time of generator progression, coop bonuses, leader and prove thyself changes, toolbox (BNP) nerfs, but never a skill check change or skill check addition. Yellow glyph skill checks as an addition to the current skill checks, I think, would change the game in an exciting way.


  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Maybe as an overcharge skill check

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    Not gonna lie, I was absolutely convinced they'd use the yellow glyphs for Pinhead's Box.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    The timing of it is painful. Wish they did, bruh. Would be lots of fun.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218

    I doubt new players would be able to handle this.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    While I'm all in on making survivor gameplay spicier, those skill checks are pure evil.

    So a definite no from me.

  • RangerDanger
    RangerDanger Member Posts: 21

    I did think about that, which is why it would only appear intermittently. Part of the game is obtaining the skills required to finish generators. Lower skilled survivors will make more mistakes absolutely, but lower skilled killers will have a better time learning the game too since they will get a better understanding of the movement of survivors.

    When a gen blows up, people get scared and run away, most times in my games. but If in Low tier games the gens are blowing up, this gives the survivors the choice to stick to it to learn the skill checks and give baby killers the chance to find survivors and gather more information.

    You aren't wrong about it being harder for newer players but, with skill based match making coming soon, weak survivors against weak killers should have a relatively balanced learning curve for both teams (Survivor/ Killer)

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    One of the reasons they changed Ruin was because the skill checks screwed over new players. A rapid fire skill check on main objective would also screw over new players and risk turning them away from the game.

    Also, performance issues in this game are terrible. There are so many triggers in this game that cause freezes during skill checks. Doing the yellow glyph challenge with these performance issues was obnoxious. Until they optimize the game and fix the performance issues for ALL platforms they should not add the rapid fire skill checks to the game, especially not to the main objective.

    If they were to add the rapid fire skill checks it should be on something that is optional like BNP or Autodidact - added layer of difficulty for something that benefits the survivor using it but doesn't screw over new players to the game.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218

    I still don't think it's a good idea. It's one of the reasons why old Ruin was changed to what it is now- new survivors couldn't deal with the Ruin skill check. I think this is near the same difficulty and at the very least it would make games last too long for too little reward at that level.

    And I don't think new killers are weak against new survivors. They're probably OP. Of course that switches after a ton of hours but that's besides the point.

    Still, I can see this happening in the future. They put the mechanic in the game.. might as well utilize it somehow, even if at a slower speed.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It is a QTE, man. I know "skill" is in the name, but, like???

  • Moonman157
    Moonman157 Member Posts: 102

    I pretty much agree with steezo. I would like to use these skill checks for some other mechanic or perk, but I think it would disproportionately punish newer players as a random gen skill check and would have little affect on experienced players after some time.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 479

    I'm on board with this idea. Give yellow glyph skillchecks for overcharge and it'll just actually be like the name of the perk, overcharging the hell out of the generator, it'll make the perk more attractive to take along and give it a bit of identity away from oppression too.

  • RangerDanger
    RangerDanger Member Posts: 21

    I can agree on adding it to a different mecanic, however, I have to disagree on not affecting experienced players after a while. One reason i proposed this to be added to gens is to increase the length of time the skill check is active. If a killer is on a survivor during this lengthened skill check, the survivor will have to complete it, risk taking a hit, or risk being grabbed of the gen or blow the gen. Instead of making it a rapid skill check the continuous skill check is what is really interesting here. Slow down the speed of the skill check, that is totally fine. The purpose of this skill check isn't necessarily about the difficulty, but rather the length of time the survivor is "stuck" completing the check.

    Of course, I really want harder skill checks for the gens, since that was my main argument, but you guys make valid points about new survivors. As long as the skill check is viable and made easier, I wouldn't see any issues with adding a new type of check to generators (So long as its not too speedy)