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Gen Rushing doesn't exist

It's the only objective and priority unless you are running a hex.

The objective of the game is " do gens as much and as fast as you can before killer chases you off because you've got limited chances / hooks. "

With it being the ONLY thing to do, are survivors just supposed to stand or walk around for 3 minutes after every gen? Like what the heck do you want? Make it make sense.

Anyway SBMM should put you with people who you should be able to handle who are on your level once everyone is leveled out where they should be. Yet everyone wants to complain about something that is literally helping game health.



  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    There are multiple objectives in the game. Unless it's just used as a meaningless insult, gen rushing is supposed to mean prioritizing generators over anything else like totems, healing. Doing generators until last second before unhooking could also count for this.

    It is a valid strategy and is punished by killers like Deathslinger/Wraith who benefit from not healing or hex perks like Noed/Devour.

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    Other than Prove Thyself there are no REAL gen speed perks. WHICH DOESN'T WORK IF YOU SPLIT UP YOU NEED AT LEAST ONE OTHER PERSON.

    Yun Jin's only works once a LARGE amount of people have been hooked and it only really helps by 10% on a gen ONCE EVERYONE HAS ALREADY BEEN HOOKED MULTIPLE TIMES.

    and Tap's you have to be hidden in terror radius for 15 seconds for ONE 1% token. So is that really a difference?

    You can only call it gen rushing in my book if they all bring brand new parts or a purple toolbox.

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    Why would you do totems if there are no hexes though? I mean I know some only light when activated but at that rate if there is one you've seen it pop and you can find it within what? 2 minutes or less unless it's the Silent Hill or RPD maps? and people over-use the term then because we get told we Gen Rush in my group and we're highly altruistic lmao

    and we do do totems but we've got 2 people who totem hunt at beginning so that's out of the way fast.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,153

    This is true. Even if you counter with "totems are an objective", it's not worth prioritizing when there aren't hexes. NOED isn't impactful enough to warrant the time sink of pre-cleansing. Clock the dulls and do a quick sweep safely if NOED does proc. If a killer wants to play with 3 perks to get a 1k with NOED, then by all means do that.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    edited September 2021

    It is overused, just like people overuse "toxic", "tunneling", "camping". There even are people who try to shame survivors for even looping a pallet. You really shouldn't be taking end game chats that seriously, it's mostly people being salty about losing. Anything you do to win is fair game.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    nah its not gen rushing....the content creators have a new name for it...." being efficient on gens".

  • violetcherries
    violetcherries Member Posts: 37


    Blaming poor gameplay on 'gen rush' is a way for killers to shift blame for their own inadequacy onto survivors.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,099

    I agree with this, although I'd make a change and say it's more "gen-tunnelling". That is to say the few who do gens at the expense of others. As an example: someone is hooked, and you can tell you are the nearest because of what you've seen or Kindred or whatever, and yet you decide to continue doing the gen. That hooked guy then loses at least 1 hook state before being rescued by another, who either has noticed you're not gonna move or feels there's no other option.

    Likewise, 2 people work on a gen - 1 is injured - and once it is completed, instead of healing up the injured guy (or at least running somewhere safe before healing, or even goving them a medkit to sprt themselves out), the healthy one ignores them to run and do another gen.

    I feel gen-tunnelling is a better term, since "rushing" just sounds like trying to do something quickly, whilst "tunnelling" means everything is ignored, solely to focus on gens, regardless of the situation.

    But few do that tunnelling in comparison of those who simply want to get out before being sacrificed to some cosmic parasite.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    See, this is where we have to use our brain a little. The thing is, that in order for this game to be fun, both sides have to be willing to actually partake and compromise, even cooperate if you will. What does that mean? 

    That means as a Killer I might go easier on that Claudette that's clearly way bellow her friends in terms of skill, it means that if I have 4 gens and multiple hooks already, I won't immediately rush the hook after a rescue even though I know these particular Survivors just love to heal under them, it means I am willing to play in a way that makes the game as difficult as it needs to be for both sides instead of being EFFICIENT, aka tunneling everyone out one by one.

    The issue is though that Survivors are, by design, seen as the victim and as such they are 100% right to play at maximum efficiency at any given time. Yet when you have an actual conversation, you'll find that a truly fun game involves plenty of chases, some mind games, good loops, all that stuff. I will admit that there's certain truth to the fact that the Killer has to lead in this dance, as he is the one who instigates the threat and thus the pressure which results in fun, but Survivors aren't always completely without a blame. I mean, even at Rank 1 you will often see Survivors that hug gens even though someone's hooked, despite the fact that Killer's actively searching and not camping, all the way to the second stage. You'll also get people who just refuse to heal/get healed so that they can slam those gens, because god forbid you'll take it slightly easier on a Killer who's learning - And that's often the kinder gesture, seeing as the most frequent action is ruthless BM.

    So no, "gen rushing" doesn't exactly exist in the way you're making it out to be and I'll agree that it's the wrong term for the larger issue at hand, but it's the term the community has chosen to use. At the end of the day, the real problem lies in the fact that the game's only fun when both sides are evenly matched or are willing to trade their efficiency for enjoyment.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,691

    I don't believe in "gen rush" because that is the sole adjective for survivors. I'll have games to where gens get done fast, but I'm not gonna get kills every game, You have good games and bad games.

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    Gen rushing does exist, just people use the term incorrectly.

    It's like tunneling, does exist but most use the term incorrectly.

    Often threw about too often to justify a loss instead of actually admitting defeat of committing to a chase too long and or for tunneling the killer did get another hook then found you recently after your unhook and being healed, not tunneling.

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    That mean by the same logic tunneling, slugging and camping dont exist because what that the killer job to kill the survivor

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,952

    depends on context, you can't really complete a gen out of spite

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,656

    I just want to say that both tunneling and gen rushing are both used wrong by the community. Tunneling would be to chase one survivor for like 5 gen not killing them off the hook but refusing to see anyone else at anytime.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677
    edited September 2021

    Gen rushing isn't inherently a bad thing for survivors to do, it's literally the only objective. But you can't tell me that 4 gens getting done in less than 3 minutes isn't a problem.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Prove Thyself with toolboxes is texbook "gen rushing" and it just makes both sides depip

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Limited chances/hooks... you really wanna compare 12 hooks vs 5 gens? You can get 4 gens in 80 seconds, 1 survivor on each gen...I doubt you'll get 12 hooks in the same time....Who has limited chances now?

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I cleanse totems even though I don't cry about NOED like your average survivor. I also open chests to get an item because I ain't about to waste my own. And I go for saves for the bloodpoints and heal up just to be safe.

    Gen rushers do none of those. And they depip for it. Hope they had fun, they can go back to waiting 5 minutes for a game while I instantly find people who want to actually play the game.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Every killer that talks about gen speeds and gen-rush tend to have very skewed views of how the game should be played and demonstrate minimal game sense compared to actually decent killers.

    Tunnelling, camping and slugging are not equitable to 'Gen Rush' as described by some being the use of certain generator perks and items by a team to make quick work of generators. A better comparison is Killers bringing the best Gen defense perks and strongest addons to make sure they keep an oppressive grip over the objective. The funny thing is, these 'Gen Rushers' became far, far rarer than the insecure killer stacking slowdown against solos because they're afraid of getting a team far superior to their skillset.

    Tunnelling, camping and slugging however are comparable to certain behaviours that teams exhibit. Letting someone get to second stage just to do gens for instance. BUT, one must consider that this may be the fruit of a lack of communication rather than actual gen-rush. Which happens a lot if Kindred isn't around and the team is a bit Pepega. To be honest, I've almost NEVER encountered such a sweaty team that opted for this approach (although I've faced a few sweats, but they had a different angle than Gen smashing even if they also went fast). I genuinely think most 'Gen Rush' scenarios are just the killer sucking ass, or ...

    Gen Rush is misused to describe a different problem. Let's forego the bad game sense from the killer for a moment, even if that's a massive factor, and realize what's needed to counter gen-rush. It's not perks, even if they help, but rather the killer using their pressure correctly. How is it possible to pressure certain maps like Mother's Dwelling, Temple or even Ormond with a non-mobile killer? The answer is it's not if the team isn't silly. Now let's factor in a second element that is out of the killer's control if offerings are not considered: Spawning. A team spread out will feel oppressive and give the feeling the killer is being 'rushed'. In truth by the time they get something done, each team member has had time to individually work on a generator far, far away in the fat map and boom. This isn't Gen-rush, this is the fruit of God-awful design. And Killers who don't realize this are guaranteed low on the game sense chart. This became far more obvious when I ran lethal pursuer.

    In short: There is only one form of actual Gen-rush. Bringing the sweatiest build and prioritizing gens over anything else. The latter is very rare and often the fruit of a lack of communication, as even sweaty teams coordinate to save at the last second without actually doing a 'Gens before frens' scenario. 9/10 times it's just bad coordination, but it looks like gen-rush. Dying to complete a gen is not gen-rush either, it's common-sense if it's the last gen or a gen within a potential 3 Gen. The killer is just bad for letting it happen. Or the survivor is stupid to die for some random generator.

    Also, to those who say killing is the killer's objective: Have you even read some of the lore of this game and taken notice of what actually rewards you? Getting a 4K isn't enough, it's how you get it. Your goal is to prolong the game and torment the survivors. If your only goal is to kill then I genuinely think you're simply not good enough to get at least multiple hooks consistently against the average team. Survivors only have Generators to work with, the rest is just pointless distractions that are honestly not even worth it unless there's a hex in play.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,367

    People like you who say "It's the only objective" are probably the same ones that complain about NOED.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I think the game could do with an extra mandatory objective.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Precisely why swf needs to be limited to duo only in ranked play.

    can full swf all you like in "kill your friends"

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    You can only call it gen rushing in my book if they all bring brand new parts or a purple toolbox.

    So.. it does exist then...

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,173

    Gens before friends

    Bones before bros

  • Ludicris
    Ludicris Member Posts: 244

    Meanwhile me and my friends

    "Think we will do all the gens in under 4 minutes?"

    "What's our current record?"

    "Four minutes and 43 seconds"

    "Yeah we can beat that"

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    When I grab a survivor from the gen, 2 others instead of running away, stubbornly trying to finish the gen. No rush. They are not like rushing, they do the gen at a constant speed.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    If you're deluded enough to think camps and tunnels are efficient rather than an active detriment to map pressure, you've got to spend more time actually playing killer rather than what you're doing.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Many SWF would gladly do KYF if you earned BP from it. But you don't. So that's not viable

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Tunneling and camping doesn't also exist. It is a term created by salty survivors

  • Tomplexthis
    Tomplexthis Member Posts: 23

    this game actively punished players for not being hit, chased, or saving their teamates.

    playing a match without being seen by the killer 1 time, gets you no points

    never having to unhook gives you no points.

    me and my friends played many matches with killers who either stood around doing nothing, or just being bad, and get punished for it

    gen rushing is kind of a thing, as if the killer does nothing, you could potentially win in like 3-4 minutes as a survivor.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    I would argue that saving your teammates and distracting killer when needed is much more important than fixing generators. Still, if a person ignore their hooked teammates, hide from the killer every time and do basically nothing but strangling generators like they were on crack - well, "genrushing" is probably the only word that would accurately explain their playstyle. So yeah, genrush exists. If it doesn't, then tunneling doesn't exist either - after all, killing survivors IS the only objective killers have.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    "Gen rush" is a killer main term.

    And the best part is that when they lose, they use that term or "SWF"

    "Nothing i can do, nerf-delete SWF, i got gen rushed"