What’s with content creators constantly speaking negatively about the new matchmaking?


I have two views with this.

1) When MMR was first tested, it was shaky. I’ve been here at every test and with each test, it feels as though it’s gotten better. The most recent test felt, by far, the best. My games felt rewarding and the BS that typically occurs in my matches was cut dramatically. Games were challenging but not too challenging. Things just felt…right? It’s hard to say. Ultimately my matches were more consistent.

2) I’ve seen more casual players like myself say (almost) nothing but good things about it. Similarly to me, they mention that it makes matches feel more even and fair. You know, the entire purpose of the system. It works.

So what’s the actual issue here? I’ve seen “concerns” raised by creators over things like “We don’t know what winning even IS”, “How do they even calculate this?” “Killers who are familiar with the games core mechanics will translate that to Killers they don’t play and wreck new Survivors”.

I’m not going to sit here and discredit their concerns, because they come from a logical line of thinking. However, this is my take on it.

Win condition: I don’t entirely care what the “conditions” are for “wins”. It’s likely that BHVR have been calculating these conditions for months and have obviously formulated a system that works, as shown in the recent test. I have confidence that they’ve managed to create a system that just works. Now if I’m wrong further down the line, then the naysayers were right. That’s fair. But as much as I criticise BHVR, I think they’ve done a great job with this.

Veteran Killer experience on less played Killers: The MMR would essentially take care of this itself. If you’re wrecking people at low MMR, then surely the system will correct itself. It wouldn’t be a permanent thing. You can’t see your MMR, so there’s no way to try and manipulate it to stay low. You don’t know the exact conditions to “win”, so there’s no easy way to manipulate that either. One way or another, the system will put you where you should be based on performance.

I know this has been talked about to death already, but I just think it’s weird that I see more of the general player base accepting MMR (not all, but a lot) and content creators freaking out over it.



  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 764

    The problem with this thing is that most of them (at least the most famous ones) are on the high-level percentage of this game, because they literally play this game every day for a living, which is why their knowledge of this game is far better than that of any other casual player. With that, new MMR would imply them having to constantly go against the same high-end players/characters. With killers it's not much of a problem, if it'll be just like the latest MMR test, where you'd basically sometimes get the sweat of the world and sometimes complete potatoes with killers you actually been maining for months and years. But with survivors it'll eventually come down to 3-4 same killers, which soon enough will become boring and will hurt possibility of making fun content. Besides, it's probably the biggest change BHVR made for the longest time, so people, who depend on this game quite literally, are in their right to be concerned about probability of something going to quite right.

    Still, we'll have to wait and see how much of those concerns are actually valid. Hard to say for now.

  • 1miko
    1miko Member Posts: 268

    Because SBMM is an incentive to play the game in a competitive way, meaning there will be a higher amount of players running only meta perks for the sake of getting into a higher rank, making the game both more frustrating for survivors and killers.

    I get their rants, I started in this game thinking it was a 4fun game and kept playing because most of the time I would be facing not too sweaty killers and survivors that are okay with "losing" games. Giving an official incentive to take this game as competitive will kill the good essence the game will have had previous to SBMM implementation but if it makes happy the regular player that joins in for a while and then quits after every dlc, it might keep the inflow of players going better than before since people won't be able to rant about matchmaking anymore, even if the game becomes dull to play the better you become.

  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    I dont watch those "youtubers" at all because they are all same Noob3 format, there are plenty of them. and this sbmm wont change anything but use their low rank account anyway to post such stupid videos.

    i dont think it will be as strict as many of them say but it should prevent to pair say rank 1 killer with 8,16, 15 and 10 rank survivor because the waiting time is too long and actual ranking system is getting random ppl into the lobby just to not let them wait anymore.

    Havent seen any longer queue anyway with the test one. I think it will be the very first good update this year :D

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    because they think it's gonna be bad and are voicing their opinion.

    just like other people in this forum.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Do you trust bhvr to talk about what is skill?

    We don't even know if we won in a match.

    Sweatier play styles on both sides.

    People don't like to lose in a videogame, most play games to win and have fun so if you have a main killer you can't play him as much.

    Lack of variety of killers, if you are good let's say as survivor, you will face the same killers over and over with almost the exact same build.

    Meanwhile we got perks like lullaby nerfed because a dev couldn't hit a skill check.

    Game is not yet on perfect conditions, still a buggy mess.

    Poor optimization, console as an example.

    Unbalanced maps *cough* haddonfence, badham, rpd *cough*

    These are a few reasons as to why content creators, streamers, youtubers do not like it, which imo is a fair thing.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,794

    I think that's valid. A lot of people watch streamers because they are good at the game in that they win most of their games. You watch the likes of Zubat, Scott, Bronx, Otz, Umbra etc. Rare to see them lose.

    Of course they are all lovely people too and that is also part of their attraction. I am not saying all the ones I mentioned are against MMR, or if they are it's for that reason. Just that a big part of the attraction to them is they are good at the game and win more often than lose. People give them money to play all the different killers because they usually win with them. I cannot think of any popular streamers who don't win regularly in Dbd. Most of the time they make it look effortless.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Think they have solid reasoning.

    The MMR system seems to be getting better with each test but it doesn't mean that it will work perfect all the time. Here's two examples:

    1. HillyBilly or Hillbilly: One of these spellings gave correct MMR games, the other made killers face rank 20s.
    2. 2 man swf: One of the tests I was playing with a friend and found that we always got paired with rank 15 - rank 20 teammates. Every single game for the 2 days it was on we kept getting teammates with less than 100 hours.

    Unfortunately the chances of them releasing something without some sort of a bug is extremely unlikely. I just don't trust this system to always work properly.

    Also if your a high level killer your going to be facing a lot more swf players, and a lot of high rank survivor will only see the same 5 killers repeatedly. Content creators play this game so much (it's their job) that they are either in the top % of survivor or killer so they are going to face this problem.

    Also not knowing the win conditions is scary. Bearing in mind a lot of people believe behaviour don't understand this game properly at a high level, how can people trust them to decide a win vs a loss. How will it rank campers? How will it determine if a killer camping was necessary or not? Will it see their 4 hook win as a bad result or was it the only thing they could do.

    No one will really know what the system is like till it's added and we've had a good week of testing. I've seen the reactions that high level players have had in other games when MMR is added and from what I've seen they hated it. I personally am not looking forward to it but I'll happily be proven wrong.

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    Maybe because believe it or not but they have a horrible track record when it comes to fixing the game and the players that have played a long time know this so we are really doubtful they developed a working system

    It boils down to this honestly everyone that hates it is a vet that knows how badly they ######### stuff up and everyone that supports it is pretty much a newer player that's to optimistic for there on good

    When someone shows you over and over again they dont know what they are doing you should remember that and not forget it

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,460
    edited September 2021

    I am 99% sure this is not why they talk about it. At least not the big streamers / YT creators of Dbd. Just because they talk negative about it, doesn't mean they do it because of losing a personal benefit. I am also not fan of this new matchmaking.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    They probably dont trust 100% in BHVR like many others do, or simply dont liked the SBMM tests in the past making the game boring for them.

    Also if you were really interested in why, you could watch a videos about SBMM and why they dont like it since many streamers put their reasoning into YT videos. But I guess its better to discuss why they dont like it here in forum echo chamber

  • Sbibe
    Sbibe Member Posts: 19

    But wouldn't the game becomes more stable, less stressful, and enjoyable to play? As a killer, you go against survivors whose more likely to match your skill and as survivors to have reliable teammate even when soloing?

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    And as op pointed out, we don’t know how to manipulate the system..

    “this game isn’t made to be played at that level of seriousness” - then why not play at the level of seriousness you want to play at?

    the last test as OP stated, was awesome..

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I mean if you are new and used to mostly lose this might be better, if you have a lot of hours and used to have long winstreaks you can say bye bye to that. Oh and if you are new don't worry about getting better at the game, no matter if you improve your skills or not, you will allways get the same average results and you won't get rewarded if you actually get better.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,694

    This right here. As a casual player myself I sweat far too often in this game. Now I don't want anyone to experience that, but if you're good enough and have played this game consistently enough to sustain a red rank, then either you won't sweat, or you're not as good as you think you are.

    It'll be interesting to see just how good some of these streamers really are. If DBD does happen to lose a lot of players because of this, then maybe BHVR will finally start creating some new modes for this game. DBD needs new content in the way of new ideas, which is something it's player base has long been asking for.

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    Some of them know they'll get their asses handed to them and don't like the thought of many people witnessing it lol

    Of course other reasons too but that's the main one imo.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,794

    I agree completely. I am very interested to see which of them can sustain their success rate when SBMM is here.

  • Ludicris
    Ludicris Member Posts: 244

    Getting tired of people making up the belief that average-experienced players had a good time with SBMM at all.

    It didn't happen.

    Every test was responded with critically negative reviews.

    A competitive scene just isn't good for an asymmetrical game, we have already been through this with Deathgarden.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Didn't know i can decide my own mmr thanks for the info

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    That isn’t true at all. Those win streaks offer a fun challenge to content creators that have over 5k hours and are simply better than the majority of the playerbase. Is there any evidence on Otz losing viewership after he lost his streak as Plague twice or any other time he lost?

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    Everyone thinking its gonna be harder to win and get win streaks is for sure on some ######### cause that would be true if the system actually worked

    But us vets know how they have handled everything else about the game and I'd bet my entire paycheck rn it doesn't work the way everyone praising it thinks it will so much optimize for a studio that has let us down over and over

    Keep in mind people this is the same studio that has left last gen console unplayable for months and the same studio that updated the hud when everyone was against it

    And the same studio that nerfed pig

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The issue isn't whether or not it's real, it's whether or not the streamers themselves are afraid of that. If they are, they're going to act on that fear, even if that means rallying against an improvement for the game.

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    And what makes you think it's a improvement when we havent seen it? Blind hope?

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    A number of tests which were ran for 2 or 3 days a piece during which you couldn't have played more then 50 games unless you had no life we have no long term data on it at all

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    How many trials would be sufficient for you to accept my opinion is based on experience, exactly? Because with your number, 50 trials per test, that's still, what, 200 trials? 300?

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    Have you tried watching their videos where they explain why they don't like MMR to find out why?

    "thE OnlY REaSOn coNTEnT CreAtoRS DonT LIKe MMr iS BecauSE TheY CAnT GEt winSTreAKS"

    Pretty much every content creator I've seen say that they don't like MMR is because it's a poorly thought out system when it comes to DBD considering that all the top players are going to be forced to run the same best killers, add-ons and perks and it will kill the variety of this game. People will then be encouraged to lose on purpose so that they can have more variety, because there is literally an anti-incentive for good players to increase their MMR.

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    Dude you gotta treat it like science we can't base anything just off your experience your 1 guy I can name 10 guys that had bad experiences we need the opinions of 1000s of people with 1000s of games played that is the only proper way to analyze if it's working or not

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    I just stated that we don’t know how to manipulate it.. you said “DBD is not meant to be taken seriously” I’m just saying don’t take it seriously then.

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    I mean these are the same devs who said they would fix last gen console 3 months ago and still lags so sure go ahead and trust them I'm not trying to persuade you of anything I'm just saying your gonna be let down when its not as good as you think it will be tons of people will be