What DBD stereotypes do you think are almost always completely true?

Title. For me i usually seem to always find that the "sweaty nurse" stereotype is always right. Any decent nurses i've ever gone against are guranteed suuuper sweaty.
Good sportsmanship is only a thing when you win for many mains on both sides of the game
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That Feng's think d/cing is a personality trait.
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I almost never fail to find Wraiths to be one of the sweatiest Killers to go up against.
I literally just played one where they contantly facecamped the basement everytime they get someone in there. Thankfully I got BT and got 2 people to escape.
Aside from that, Naked Bills tend to be very obviously new to the game.
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This is a newer one but I'm not joking, I've noticed Yun Jin players tend to ACTUALLY be the most selfish people and play for themselves/sacrifice others to escape 10/10 times.
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That all Neas are the entity.
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Bunny Fengs are either the most wholesome players or the most evil players there's no inbetween
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I literally faced a Claudette who thought she could hide in bushes in Haddonfield.
There is some merit to that stereotype.
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That pigs are one of the worst for tunneling and scummy gameplay.
For me personally though? Either a Steve is a good looper and good teammate or utterly useless. No in-between.
Leon mains are ummm special?
I've heard people talk about them two so they might not be popular assumptions but they are ones I agree and relate with.
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The Bush is immortal
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Id like to add a 2nd stereotype. TTVs are toxic. Not all of them but most of the ones I run into are.
As survivor I hate it when I see a TTV in the lobby because that means the killer is going to try their damnedest. That use to involve an ebony mori back when only 1 hook was needed. They don't do the objective. They dont cleanse totems. They do stuff to piss off the killer because they want to put on a show for their 2 viewers. It's like when you play domination in CoD. TTVs are that one guy who is running around killing people but they're not capturing any points. Their excuse is "Hey, I'm making your job easier by killing the other team" "That's nice but your still not doing the objective"
As a killer they constantly teabag. They bring a flashlight and clicky bait because they want you to chase them. Worse is when you catch them they are the first to rage quit. Then the remaining 3 survivors demand you go easy on them because they had a dc. "No, that wasn't a dc that was a quitter. There's a difference. No mercy!"
Post edited by EvilJoshy on4 -
Baby dwights and lockers.
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It's only half false. People of the bush are either the scariest survivors to face or the easiest to down. There is very little in-between. The journey to peak Bush is much to arduous for all the little saplings to succeed. Many remain the little sprouts that they are and seek protection from the greater Bush.
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You get some piggys that dont play that way, however a leather jacket piggy always plays that way in my experience
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Survivors who bring a broken key will increase the chances of the killer going sweaty.
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Bills and Tapps try to be good teammates
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Camping Bubba with insidious agitation iron grasp and mad grit
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Meg heads. I am sorry to any competent Meg players here. I am not trying to offend. But in my personal experience the majority of Meg players are potatoes.
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Meg heads when i see a meg i love the game immediatly
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If two or more survivors have flashlights, that means that I’m absolutely #########. I play solo queue, so they are going to be flashlight bullies and the killer is going to kill me because I’m not blinding them.
Bills are generally brave and altruistic.
Feng Mins will dc or suicide on hook if the killer sneezes near them.
Players who say “I have plunderer’s” in starting chat will let you die on hook while they look for chests.
Claudettes are either altruistic or hiding in lockers only second to Dwight with no in-between.
Megs are the worst for BMing killers.
Bubbas have two moves: slug and camp.
Huntresses are the second worst campers next to Bubba.
The fancier the Wraith skin, the more likely then run NOED.
Trickster players are either ######### with their knives or laser accurate with little in between.
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Never. Claudette rules.
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Claudette is the most loving and caring person in DBD and it's just facts.
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Bills are never good players.
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The one you said mate is a pretty good one. I'd say that Legion players always run Discordance.
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Claudettes are awful players
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For me? I only kill the flashlight betas, everyone else is free to go. I need a little more personal time with them anyways, I wouldn't really have time to kill everyone in the lobby. If there are 3, I play super sweaty, tunnel them out without enjoying some good hook beating or teabags and give the one normal person the escape.
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That there's always someone else to blame for your mistakes.
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I wish more killers were like you
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The stereotypes according to my experience of the trials:
• A Dwight in default clothing is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
• Default Lauries are probably the easiest of all default survivors to down.
• Ace will usually appear in lobbies dressed in the ghastliest clothing combinations known to man.
• Davids appear more and more like they're dressed for an audition for Love Island.
• Kate often is the star of the team, especially from an altruistic point of view.
• An Adam Francis in streetwear is always a dickhead.
• Ash exists for shits and giggles.
• Yui is often as aggressive as they appear, but in the most skillful and least bullying way. They're normally devastating.
• Cheryl elicits the most sympathy from me (damn her cuteness!)
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I deliberately dress my Ace as gaudy as possible. I love his leopard print shirt. I pair it with the hat and eyepatch and black pants.
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The most common Ace wears a baseball cap, a very exquisite dressing gown and a pair of shorts. It's what I imagine having a day off all to myself would look like ... I miss those days😭
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I figured that since Ace is a poker player, dressing gaudy would help distract his opponents, so it’s in character.
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Nancy's are sociopaths
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That everyone who plays Elodie is a brainlet
I've seen good Megs, I've seen god default Dwights, I have even been graced by the glory of an amazing Bill. I have never seen a good Elodie.
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Cheryl's are amazing and always deserve a hatch.
I'm not biased though.
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Hags over-protect their totems.
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Very true. I had a hag that trap ruin, And I was able to keep her busy for most of the match just by popping the trap, having her come to reset it, and then doing it again. She could have chose to do other things, but she was dead set on protecting that ruin.
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Jill's are always toxic.
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Spirits mains are players that just can't play Nurse.
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no because I'm a spirit main and I can play nurse
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uhhhhh I admitted I've mained Hag and spirit a few times
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Oh god you're even more disgusting then I realized Gross. I'm gonna Dougie away now.
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can confirm
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Wraiths always play cheap, Bubbas almost always camp, and bunny Feng is toxic.