If Spirit is so broken, why hasn't she been nerfed yet?

I want answers. The devs have shown they aren't afraid of handing out nerfs & reworking killers yet people believe they're hesitant to touch spirit, why? Am I supposed to believe the devs are willing to kill their game over a killer supposedly having no counterplay?
What's more likely, some people are getting outplayed by a killer or the devs have some secret pro-Spirit agenda & most of them are collaborating to prevent any change to her kit?
So I’ve noticed that after Stridor got nerfed no one made Spirit threads anymore and then I made a thread about not seeing Spirit threads and now people are back on her again. Guess I reminded everyone on who the most hated killer was.
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She’s had quite the nerf recently
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Iron Will completely counters Stridor now so, I guess that's the nerf.
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the footsteps bug plus the coming out of phase bug
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That wasn't a Spirit nerf even though it was a popular perk used on her, unless you mean the footsteps bug?
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If Pig is so weak, why hasn't she been buffed ye--
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Pig isn't weak, I recall seeing 2 popular pig twitch streamers having high kill rates & they don't sweat to get those kills.
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If Trapper and Clown and Legion and Myers are so weak, why haven't they been buffed ye--
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One issue I think the devs run into is the dcing. I'm going to guess that a good amount of her 'wins' are because one or more of the survivors simply dc/die on first hook when facing her, instead of actually playing. Makes data gathering pretty difficult.
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Who says they're weak? Sources?
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The unironic "Myers isn't weak" post.
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The bottom survivor would rather complain killers perk than learn to battle of wits.
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Oh, there will be plenty of time for that starting tomorrow. Don't worry.
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Thing is, Spirit has a very thin line between utter trash and insanely powerful.
IMO, all they need to do is 3 things.
- remove scratchmarks while she is phasing(its not hard to see where a survivor is going anyway, phasing to where you think they are going is gonna work most of the time anyway, and her power recovers fast enough).
- dont give her fake husk passive phasing(that way, there is a way for survivors to know when Spirit is actually phasing)
- revisit her addons after these 2 changes.
Those are the only 2 feasable changes you can give to Spirit to make her more fun to play against as survivor, without making her utterly trash.
This is, ofcourse, ignoring the existance of sound bugs.
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The stridor nerf was all it took, she's got decent counterplay now so she isn't as powerful compared to Nurse or Blight.
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I don't know can you tell me? Because a killer that doesn't allow for counterplay in ALOT of scenarios should not exist in a game like Dead by daylight. It takes NO skill to stand STILL at a pallet. A survivor should obviously be able to know if the spirit is phasing or not. It's already a guessing game already WHEN shes phasing BUT its counterable to an extent because the spirit also cannot see the survivor but the reason why spirits don't get the same respect god tier nurses get is because you only have to be "good enough" with spirit and if they dont have iron will and the spirit is good ENOUGH there is absolutely NOTHING the survivor can do. I play spirit and I also main survivor. Alot for both. I have a 80$ headset. And I know as well as you do assuming your a spirit main with your one sided curve ball question that you can hear everything a survivor does EVEN with iron will. You can hear footsteps. You can hear grass rustling. You can hear the grunt a survivor makes when they slow vault. You can go around dropped pallets. You can hear breathing. There is absolutely nothing you can do against a good ENOUGH spirit NOT entirely because of skill but because the killer itself is uncounterable in quite a few aspects in a 1v1. And people who defend spirit are either uneducated and talking out there *** or because they play spirit and get there *** kicked with every other killer. Scott junds spirit challenge is the perfect example as to why and how the spirit is broken. If the devs started a poll and asked the entire community of 3000+ hour players (you know players that actually know what theyre talking about) ONLY if the spirit needs a nerf a VAST majority would agree with me and ID bet my account of 4+ years of progress on that.
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Because she's designed to be like that. Designed to forever be a guessing game for both sides as the ultimate 'mindgame' killer. Only a full power rework would stop people complaining and 3 years later i don't think they want to do that
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*If you bring iron will* Otherwise she is still pretty broken
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Good question. Spirit should be nerfed on her own, not dependable on a perk. She is amongs the top 3 killer of the game, but on difference to blight or nurse, she suits well on any map.
Spirit is extremely powerful. She can handle sweat SWF. But against Solo Q is just an abuse. Worst part is that Nurse or Blight need hard training to master them, while spirit is relatively easy to make her shine.
Besides that, she is optimal for camp tunnel due to her insane movility and easiness on tracking wounded survivors. If she is tryharding, and spirit players usually do, she is almost unberable on Solo Q. She requires nerf ASAP.
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There were many spirit nerfs. Was it enough? No. But there are other killer and of course survivor, who need also some work.
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Since when have the devs followed through with nerfs people wanted? I've only seen nerfs people don't want
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I'm sure they heard the Spirit feedbacks and so they will nerf The Trickster the next mid-chapter update
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from what i read on the forums, nobody complains about her because nobody plays her anymore since she is buggued and cannot hear no sounds while phasing.
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So by this logic keys are fair and balanced because they haven't been nerfed yet?
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If she has the ranking 1 on players DC it must be for some reason, don´t u think? Which killer has more proxycamp tunnel potential than spirit?
Spirit is the killer I hate the most in the game by far. And I recognise if I go against a proxycamper tunneler spirit most of the times I just point at her repeteadly and accelerate her victory. I mean....spirit already has big chances to win even playing fair. Not need to cheese their games more.
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She currently has a bug we’re you can’t hear footsteps and grass while fazing.
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Because then they would have to buff another killer to take her place.
We all know the main drive right now is release half baked content and cosmetics!
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Because as long as trapper and legion exist in their current state, then I don't think spirit is really even noticed by bhvr (Though they did nerf her as her best perk got gutted)
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Spirit was nerfed but you either didn't play the game back in the day or you chose to forget.
Also spirit is fine except the bugs. Not every killer has to be trapper tier.
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I just bought the game last week actually
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Bruh, imagine facing old Spirit now. Prayer beads that made her phasing totally silent, Yakuyoke Amulet increased duration AND speed, she could tell exactly where you were by bumping into you with collision, had a stronger lunge out of phase… I don’t miss that Spirit, lol.
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Well they cant allow to just nurse being played in red ranks.
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Probably because any nerfs to her in her current state will very likely make her completely useless. She would need a rework, but that would be a big rework just by virtue of how her power functions. The BHVR reason? She probably is fine statistically speaking. Personally my only real issue with her is that you can't tell if she's phasing or not.
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"If the ice cream machine is always broken, why hasn't mcdonalds fixed it?"
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I'm just saying people are quick to ask for Spirit nerfs instead of using learning from their mistakes to better themselves at the game.
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i knew about footsteps bug but what happes when she is out of phase?
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The vast majority of the community are in agreement that these killers need to be made stronger
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I am starting to think Devs are just reluctant to change Spirit, as they once said that they put lots of money making her.
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You come out of phase near a survivor and they appear in front of you regardless if they are actually there or not so spirit players like me swing on instinct
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To put it simple. With the way Spirit's kit is, there's no way to nerf without making her unfun play as or butchering her kit. The problems people have with Spirit ultimately leads to butchering her kit or making her unfun to play as.
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The same reason they can't nerf nurse. There are only 2 (maybe 3) viable killers at top level play. Until they fix top level play, they can't nerf her, because when SBMM comes out the top players need more than 1 killer to go against every game.
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same reason why nurse hasn't been nerfed. Nurse needs to be nerfed before spirit anyway. and dont say she takes skill because, if everhone played nurse at top level, everyone would want her nerfed
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Actually i think people stopped complaining about her because you could no longer hear footsteps whilst phasing as spirit, which made it a lot harder for to even play which made her a lot worse. It's fixed in the patch notes apparently so people will probably still be hating on her again soon.
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oh thats sucks, thnaks for letting men know about that
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Nurse took 4 years? to get nerfed. Just wait, it'll come eventually.
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She has been nerfed, like the nurse, but their powers are so OP that simple nerfs cannot make them less OP, they need more deep changes to their powers. I hope the devs realize this soon.