Popular Perks That Make You Think 🇳🇴 

Boss Member Posts: 13,614

Perks that might be really good or be the standard or your favorite content creator loves it.

But for whatever reason, you don't like it at all and wouldn't put it on yourself.

I would normally never equip Hex: No One Escapes Death for example.

It's a Hex & late-game-only, so that's a no from me.

Y'all got any like this?


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Corrupt Intervention. It's utterly useless for me. If I patrol the unblocked gens, the survivors hide. If I patrol all the gens, well, there's 4 that aren't blocked so that's at least 3 that get worked on. If I use LP, same thing except I get a faster chase.

    It's just how the game is played down here - be sweaty, don't take risks. And a huge reason I'm looking forward to SBMM, I don't get those trials then.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168
    edited September 2021

    I don't think Lethal Pursuer is that good

    With enough game sense and map knowledge you can find survivors in the early game really quickly

    Seems to only be used these days for Nurses/Blights who want to pubstomp as quickly as possible

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016
    edited September 2021

    Iron will. I like perks that i can see working. and iron will is so passive that i cant justify it.

    Ds, I don't like one time use perks. (besides if a killer want to tunnel ds wont stop them)

    Self-care, I use to run it a lot and thought it was good but now after running bond i cant see its uses tho I'm sure it has some.

    Zubat used to run poised alot and called it undderated. but i think its one of the worst perks in the game.

    Red Herring is used alot by one youtuber i cant remember. its the worst distraction perk and can activly screw ur teammates. i wish it had a quality of life change and made it so u can activate it by a press of a button instead of anytime u enter a locker.

    Unbreakable. same thing as ds.

    Edit: Also Adrenaline. Worst exhaustion perk other than smashhit.

    Post edited by IlliterateGenocide on
  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Perks I never use:

    Hex: NOED

    Decisive Strike


  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Dead Hard. The perk is too reliant on the server being responsive on your end to work properly. Too many times it never activates for me because the killer's attack was chosen to take priority.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882


    Always hated that perk and never thought it was even that good. Every time I bring It I wish I brought Hope instead (my opinion being Hope is miles better than Adrenaline because it's more consistent in it's effect and I actively find it more useful) because it either sabotages me (being exhausted by adrenaline means I can't use a secondary exhaustion perk if the killer finds me after Adrenaline is done), Matters not at all because I was already healed which leads to me being sabotaged by Adrenaline, and the few times it actually could've been helpful I become unlucky and the killer has NOED (which leads to me wishing I had Hope).

    I don't like perks based around the end game, but 9/10 times I'd pick Hope (the 1 time being me thinking "I might've been too hard on this, let's try giving it a 234,682,652,997,658,054th chance" just to go back to Hope or another build).

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    Dead Hard for the survivor side.

    Noed probably for killer. Its not that I haven't used it before but every time I slap it on I am reminded how I never get much value from it ^^"

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Unbreakable. Any slug perks are utterly worthless for me. Killers just know.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    Hex:Ruin and Dead Hard.

    Ruin is a hex that I almost never get value out of due to it being destroyed instantly. I used to run Dead Hard but I started to realize how unfair it is for the killer so I stopped bringing it.

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215

    dead hard and noed are mine, ive only run noed like twice and both times i litterally had nothing else useful.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Tinkerer and STBFL. I see every single Killer and their mother using those perks and, while I've used STBFL extensively in the past, I hate playing against it and Tinkerer so I don't use them. I prefer Ruin + Surveillance. And I think Thrill of the Hunt is better than Undying so I don't use the latter either, yet Ruin + Undying seems to be a permanent fixture in 99% of Killers builds. R.I.P. Thrill of the Hunt 😥

  • ShadowsVale
    ShadowsVale Member Posts: 61

    Killer Perk: Whispers. Never liked it as it's never really helped me with anything except the occasional Doctor game. I'd rather run something else.

    Survivor Perk: Unbreakable. Smart killers won't leave you on the ground, and if the killer isn't smart, a teammate usually gets to me before I can get myself up anyway.

  • SPADESinst
    SPADESinst Member Posts: 84
    edited September 2021


    It's not that good on any of my main killers but I'll never even put it on legion either. Whenever I play against a killer with Thana I just never really feel a difference in gen repairs. Normally it's only one person that stays injured at a time, so maybe that's why I don't see a difference.

    (side note: I also don't like using sprint burst as a survivor. I hate walking everywhere tbh, I use lithe or dead hard and that's it.)

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Blood Warden.

    Every time I equip this perk, I usually massacre the team before I can even use it. When I don't equip it, suddenly I have to clutch endgame plays.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    whenever i run it i feel like i play worse. i must subconsciously want to get to use it. and that makes me play worse i feel.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    Ah yes, I like using Perks that are Norway.

    But seriously, probably Discordance and Tinkerer. I don't like being notified that a gen is being rushed/almost completed.

    Tough, I use Discordance on Nemmy. If you watch Otz, you know why.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    DS and DH on the Survivor side. I dislike both Perks because they are too situational. Wasting a Perk slot, when it could be used for something to complement my playstyle better, seems useless to me.

    Lethal Pursuer because it's worse than a Hex Perk. It's gone almost immediately after you start the match, and if you need that much help finding Survivors, you need to work on your basic game instead of using a Perk to crutch up.

    NOED because I don't build to the end game. I can understand people using it with stuff like Blood Warden, that one Trickster Perk that blocks exit gates, Remember Me, and similar Perks that are implemented for end game usage. Using it as a crutch because you had a bad match and couldn't kill people is much the same as Lethal Pursuer. Get better at the basics first, then use Perks to tweak your play.

  • Never use dead hard. Perks like balance, lithe, & even smash hit provide more gameplay than just E

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    I never use hex and endgame perks, even if they can be very strong

    Similarly, I never equip dead hard on survivor side!

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Honestly I really like discordance. Naturally it's really good on Nemesis, but discordance is a great counter to prove thyself which is a very popular perk these days.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Dead Hard. I feel both bad for the killer and myself running that perk.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    I initially read this as "perks that make you think Norway" and was pretty confused qt the answers lol. Probably dead hard and ruin for me

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    People seem to use Save the Best for Last as a filler perk when in reality you have to change your entire playstyle to accommodate it which, in my opinion, means you should build around it. Like, I would run Rancor with it, and I never see that. People are just content to waste stacks, so... Why bother building them in the first place? I just don't get it.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976


    Not saying it's bad but it's incredibilly overrated.

    People say you can triangulate the position of survivors but are forgetting that multiple survivors can mess that up.

    Also when you leave a hook and get 32m away from it with whispers still active you have zero clue where said survivor is. And right after a hook is when you want that information the most so you can capitalize on the pressure.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    I know it's good. But like I said, I don't like being notified that a gen is currently being rushed. But on Nemmy it's to good to not take it.

    Otherwise I use BBQ, Thrilling or Surveillance.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    For survivor I'd say Dead Hard. It's just not for me and I'm on PC. I just don't have good luck using this perk on the i frames side of things, I ALWAYS end up exhausted on the ground.

    For killer I'd say Ruin / Undying combo as it's a 50/50 whether I will get a lot of value from it over the course of a match or have both broken in the first minute

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    I just realized why he put the flag there.

    What are Perks where you think "no way". And Norway sounds kinda similar.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I don't like hexes, and I don't like gen slowdown perks.

    I also have yet to become a fan of exhaustion perks. I probably need them, I rarely last long in chases, but I dunno, they feel like such BS.

  • Kryo_Night
    Kryo_Night Member Posts: 15

    Deadhard leaves me foaming at the mouth with anger so much while playing with and against it that I've sworn off the perk entirely.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I never use exhaustion perks ever despite the fact most stay they are essential in any build

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Ruin and PGTW. In general, I dislike Slowdown-Perks. I like to win games with fast Chases, not by prolonging the game until the Survivors run out of Ressources.

    Would probably win more games if I would rely on Slowdown, but eh.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Undying. The ruin pop combo is so much more useful because if you get in a map that's easy to deal with totems they will find both no matter what, if you are in a map where totems are hard to find you will still get a lot of value from ruin and can potentially last the whole match anyways.

    NOED. It allways feels cheap to me getting kills when all gens popped camping a hook to secure a kill and hopefully get the rescuers doesn't feel like I've actually earned them. NOED is like that but on steroids. It's a good but boring perk and i would prefer running a perk that gives me pressure mid game.

    DS. I usually act as if i had DS anyways and the killer tend to ignore me so I get value from this perk even if i don't run it, why would I waste a perk slot for that?

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    Killer: Franklin's Demise. I wouldn't even say it's particularly popular but for some reason I have been encountering it a lot lately and I find it really annoying to play against, if you've brought a decent item in with good add-ons only to lose it before you've had a chance to use it. Just feels cheap to me.

    Survivor: DS. It's pointless to me now, as others have said if you're being tunnelled it will make little difference unless you have teammates who can run enough interference for you to get away after, otherwise they'll just eat it and continue to go after you. It's pretty much useless in solo q, maybe it's better in SWF.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Oh wow I would never have gotten that on my own hahaha

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Adrenaline, Undying, and Tinkerer.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I hate to use Decisive Strike. And if I ever run it, it's because the survivor I am using only has a couple of good perks and that is one of it.

    It's more annoying to use than anything since you never really get value. You have to FORCE value sometimes. It's very powerful, I don't deny that. But god ######### and damn it, it's a waste of a perk slot.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Norway do they have noed on spirit.

  • Unbreakable, Resilience, all Hex perks, Whispers, Thrilling Tremors

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Unpopular opinion (or it may be popular now I don't know) but Decisive Strike is a perk I'm not a fan of.

    I've never liked Decisive Strike.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    Iron Maiden and Shadowborn

  • SimonSkinner
    SimonSkinner Member Posts: 24

    To avoid the one's I'd normally say but others have beaten me to:

    Balanced Landing: I really dislike this perk because I find it less reliable than Dead Hard. If you're on a map like suffocation pit it's a dead perk slot and half the time it never triggers for me when I drop from a height

    Head On: It's gimmicky but I personally don't enjoy the play style and I may be a little sour from playing against teams where everyone runs this bloody perk

    Undying: Mouth slapping yawn of a perk. Feels like a knee jerk reaction to hexes getting cleansed too fast, where you basically have to cleanse ruin twice. Even then its value is circumstantial

    Stridor: Makes an unfun killer who we all know too well even more unfun to play against. Aside from that it's just generally pretty useless because when the sound bug doesn't scupper you the breathing and moaning is clear enough anyway