I'm going to cry

BHVR better fix this soon, those voice lines were so damn cool.
I wonder if 'complications' means technical issues or legal ones. It's listed in PTB changes rather than under 'known issues' :/
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I wonder if the whole "I came" meme is the reasoning for this.
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I really, really hope that's temporary, yeah. Was about to make a thread myself. Is there any chance we could get official word on if it's intended to be permanent or not?
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Yeah, I'd really like official word on it too.
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Lame. No use buying this DLC if this is permanant.
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Thats unfortunate. I was quite looking forward on hearing it in the game :( They should add more talking in the game for killers anyways.
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I hope people keep raising a stink about it 🙄🙄🙄 I didn't get to play the PTB (Steam sucks omg) so I'm really sad I'm gonna miss out on the voice lines. That was gonna be such a cool aspect to have on a killer.
Hopefully it's just related to the fact that they probably want to give different audio for different skins- the Chatterer skin is more than likely meant to have a different voice from Pinhead (similar to Claire having a different voice from Jill), so perhaps they're having a few technical difficulties with getting all that ironed out?
However, the guy on the DBD Twitter seemed relatively noncommittal with his replies to people asking about the issue, so I don't know what to hope 😕
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Good people were being way too immature.
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I complete agree, CornHub!
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So the justification is removing an incredibly iconic line from a killer we've wanted for 5 years now? The community can be immature sure, but this is a huge punch to the guts of hellraiser fans. People who WERE enjoying the awesomeness of hearing those lines in game might never get to hear them again.
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You must be fun at parties.
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Maybe if the community didn't make sexual jokes about it we'd still have it, but I can't expect any level of maturity anymore.
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I seriously don't think that's why they did it. They said it's complications with the audio files. So, it could be something to do with the voice actor or something technical or legal.
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I'm pretty sure the second guy is making fun of Corn hubs username.
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Hellraiser is BDSM-inspired horror though? Like, the full line involves tasting their pleasures?
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Oh fair enough :P
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worst change they could have done.
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I don't recall Pinhead making innuendos.
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- Lead Cenobite: You solved the box, we came. Now you must come with us, taste our pleasures.
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That isn't an innuendo he was just being direct. He means come as in come & not cum
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Respectfully, the entire movie is a freakin innuendo.
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That's like saying your username isn't a reference to a specific site.
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The irony of you being the one to say this nearly killed me.
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BRO HE CAME, BRO PLEASE, PLEASE BRO. You opened the box he came bro please.
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Just pitching in to all of these threads to show my support for the return of that line. Not because people turned it into a stupid meme, but because it's iconic.
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The entire Hellraiser universe is based around pleasure and pain mixed together. You can't take the sexuality and innuendo out of it and have it still be the same.
I'm really hoping this was just an actual technical issue, because even though I'll still main him, losing the voice lines takes a lot out of the enjoyment of playing Pinhead. Something I've been waiting for since I first started playing in 2016. He fits the Entity's Realm perfectly.