Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

The key RNG is OFF THE RAILS right now

In the span of 2 days, I've had 5 games in which I'm absolutely nailing on the survivors, get it down to just 2 survivors left, and then all of a sudden one of them escapes through the hatch because they found a key in a chest WITHOUT Plunderer's. Rinse and repeat for 5 games with different variations of the survivor getting the key and escaping through the hatch. I had 3 games IN A ROW where that happened just the night before. I have the matches recorded on my PS4, and every time I view them, I can't help but laugh at how AWFUL the RNG has gotten lately. You thought Pig's RNG was bad? This is a whole other level of BS. I understand that RNG is the core of any game ever made, but wow. I really can't help but feel like it has gotten worse. Imagine playing fairly, not playing toxic, rightfully earning your 4k, you got a solid 3 gen because the survivors screwed up in their coordination of completing the gens, you get it down to 2 survivors left, and then they magically get a key from a random chest they decide to search and get a cheap escape. That's what it's been like for me these past couple days. I can't even have fun anymore because I'm too busy worrying about the freaking chest RNG screwing me over after working hard to get my 4k. It's ridiculous. I know it sounds like I'm complaining, and I might be, but I don't care because this situation for me is both hilarious and making me lose my mind. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Don’t worry about kills tbh. Rng can lead to things like this and it’s not fun stressing over it

  • RangerDanger
    RangerDanger Member Posts: 21

    Run Hoarders or Hoarders and broken coin. Youll see those sneaky survivors searchin for a chest miles away.

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    I don't think thats what OP is talking about I think its more the fact of they were right there and had the game on lock then the survs found an escape and it wasent just one survivor that escaped. Over all its just bad RNG for OP. Also gens don't need to be completed for certain hatches. At five gens a single survivor can escape and If im not wrong at four 2 can escape. Very few killers can stop the survivors from doing a single gen. You don't have to be good at the game to get a gen done you could be sitting in a different room with your headset and still get it done eventually. Finally just cause every killer is balanced around a 2k why is it that getting a 2k runs you even on ranked. You can't even move up the ranked ladder by getting a 2k you'd have to focus on getting points in so many other places just to single pip.

  • Money_Mike
    Money_Mike Member Posts: 22

    I never claimed I was “in the right.” I am simply stating that a killer who is maintaining a perfect strategy in a match, such as managing gens to be building up into a 3 gen on the FAULT OF THE SURVIVORS, getting it down to 2 survivors left, and then getting cucked by a key, can be frustrating. It throws the flow and balancing of the match WAY out of proportion. Why should pure dumb luck (bad RNG) be prioritized over the balancing of the match? It’s like the game is going, “HEY! YOU’VE BEEN SCREWING UP THIS WHOLE MATCH BECAUSE YOU WERE CARELESS IN THE ORDER OF COMPLETING THE GENS. HERE’S A FREE KEY! FIND THE HATCH AND YOU WIN!” It’s freaking stupid and ridiculous. And the survivor not having Plunderer’s is just adding salt to the wound for the killer. It’s like the game just said “F YOU FOR BEING STRATEGIC AND CAPITALIZING OFF THE SURVIVORS’ SCREW UPS!” So yeah, maybe I AM in the right, but I’m not claiming it as such.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    There is no such thing as "perfect strategy" nor there will be one ever. As long as human factor is present. Even if survivors are not good, they are still capable of doing things. You think they are obligated to be the best to get decent end-game results? No, because even these people did what they could towards their task and have the same rights to be rewarded with escape for their time and struggle.

    At least you, as a killer main, can get enough points with 2-3 kills, while survivors either escape, or die trying getting bits of BP effectively wasting their time. So yes, keys were never a problem, and you are overreacting.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    Key escapes can suck, but it's just RNG.

    Happens to me all the time against players I'm already struggling to keep pressure on.

    I'm a pretty good killer, play them all, etc, but I don't feel entitled to any outcome in the game.

    Play to win or whatever, but like map selection, vault spawns, totem spawns, presence of DS/NOED, etc, it's just part of the game's RNG factor.

    The whole game is based on RNG and huge momentum swings - May as well be mentally prepared when you queue up.

    Keys are on the chopping block, but for now they're in the game as is.

  • LinkToReality
    LinkToReality Member Posts: 115

    Keys wouldn't be bad if it wasn't for the salt you get if you tunnel the person you see holding the key.

    To not be a douschebag as a killer I generally make sure I split my downs as much as possible, and I can't even count the times that's led to 3 or 4 survivors escaping through the hatch using keys in the late game.

    The one time I managed to down the key holder right before they opened the hatch, and slugged their teammates waiting nearby, ending with a 4k for me I was wished cancer on me and my family...

  • PhantomChimera
    PhantomChimera Member Posts: 668

    Personally when I am playing killer I don't think it is something to worry about that much. If they have found a key and manage to use it then they deserve the escape. If you are that concerned about it then you can bring Franklin's Demise.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited September 2021

    I took in plundered, searched all three chests and each had a flashlight. Another game I did the same, three toolboxes. Barely found medkits that I wanted over roughly 10 games with plundered and definitely never found anything more than a broken key lol.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612

    Adept doesn't require a 4k - it's based on pips (2 pips), which are grade dependent. I've gotten adepts with 1-2 dc's, adept where last person got hatch in (formerly) green ranks.

    I agree in theory what you are saying, I think, is that if you don't get an adept with that killer having low mmr (despite this thread not being about mmr) it will be a lot tougher to get, but certainly not impossible.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Assuming you play at red ranks, you have to get a 4K. All iri

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612
    edited September 2021

    To get a iri in devout you need 9+ hooks, so essentially a 3k regardless of red rank/grade or not. The other emblems aren't really based on hook states or kills except malicious, which you should still get iri with a 3k + 2 hook state on a 4th survivor.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    I'm so jealous of those survivors, I have literally found a key once in all my time playing and it was broken key

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited September 2021

    Iri Devout is a 4K.

    10% for hooking all survivors once

    10% for getting at least 9 hooks

    20% for each sacrifice/mori/DC

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I run plunderers so I get them literally all the time. Sometimes I get 2, I hate when that happens. I have so many key escapes and I have only brought a key into a game once, it was also a broken key. Everyone in the lobby had a key and I felt left out... Anyways, at first I thought it was weird the killer seemed eager to accept a 4 key game. Once I got in, the reason why was oh so obvious. He loved slugging us. You could tell by all the nodding and bing bonging.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,070

    It is very much a problem with keys and RNG. Bringing a key significantly increases your chances of escaping, because instead of doing 5 gens y'all can just do 4 and wait for someone to die, then find hatch real quick and press the "I win" button. You almost make it sound as simple as "You're the killer, so if you didn't kill the survivors, that's your fault." No factors taken into account.