Killers interaction with each other in the Fog

zoro4me3 Member Posts: 2

You mentioned in the last podcast that some of the killers interact with each other in the Fog; some are rivals, most are neutral. Out of curiosity, is there anyway we can see a chart of all the killers and their feelings towards each other such as who hates who etc?


  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @KillerRaccoon said:
    When I watched the stream, this actually came as a surprise to me because a very long time ago someone asked a similar question about the Killers interacting and the Devs said that The Entity kept the Killers alone and isolated. It was said they didn’t even know other Killers existed in the realm. I don’t know why the Devs changed this piece of the lore but it’s an interesting turn.

    Perhaps this will be a lead up to KWF, that is to say, Kill With Friends?

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    Would be interesting foreshadowing for a 2killer mode competing for survivors
  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237

    I think something like this would be really interesting and add a lot to the game, but sadly fleshing out the relationships between the different killers would be a complicated endeavor, so I can see why the developers gave that answer which basically translates to "Nah, we don't feel like fooling with that."

    It could be done. One way I could see it happening is if this two killers versus 8 survivors idea people keep talking about actually pitted the killers against each other. You competed with eachother to see you could sacrifice more survivors to the entity. Something like that could be really fun. You would need much larger maps, though.

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    I wonder if the some of the killers developed friendships in the fog. Or if they talk to each other about topics or other things.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    I see it more like old school monster movies: Frankenstien versus the Wolfman, or the more modern Freddy versus Jason. The brainer ones would try to manipulate the brawnier ones, the survivors would try to get them to fight while they escape.

  • Xoilicec
    Xoilicec Member Posts: 9

    @armandfm11 said:
    Terrortot said:

    Would be interesting foreshadowing for a 2killer mode competing for survivors

    6-8 survivors flashing, bodyblocking and being toxic with 2 killers ? Sign me up !  ;)

    Both should get Mad Grit. Bodyblock this you casual!

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    @Mikeadatrix said:
    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    I admire your sense of creativity

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @Mikeadatrix said:
    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    Awesome, man. Pretty fun to read.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @Mikeadatrix said:
    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    I love this waaaay to much

  • A_Crow
    A_Crow Member Posts: 193

    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    I like it!
  • rj1567
    rj1567 Member Posts: 50

    @Mikeadatrix said:
    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    Loved it!
    Also I think one of the many reasons the Wraith and Nurse could be connected is because both of their powers let them interact with the Spirit World what gives them some kind of thing only the two of them share

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,218

    @rj1567 said:

    @Mikeadatrix said:
    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    Loved it!
    Also I think one of the many reasons the Wraith and Nurse could be connected is because both of their powers let them interact with the Spirit World what gives them some kind of thing only the two of them share

    Spirit says hello (I consider her invisibility the Spirit World).

    On a note of those interactions rj made, I really like them, although this would imply that Freddy's ability is only active in trials. I mean, no evidence to say otherwise, but still.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    Love it dude just erm why not play into.freddys backstory even in the originals he had a things for young girls why not make.susie his target which leads to him and the shape fighting over her (one to.protect other because he's a ass) also unless they killed more then tecnicly not serial killers as they see the entity take them for.joey I mean
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    rj1567 said:

    @Mikeadatrix said:
    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    Loved it!
    Also I think one of the many reasons the Wraith and Nurse could be connected is because both of their powers let them interact with the Spirit World what gives them some kind of thing only the two of them sharing

     dont forgot the spirit dude lol she walks that realm 2

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    @rj1567 said:

    @Mikeadatrix said:
    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    Loved it!
    Also I think one of the many reasons the Wraith and Nurse could be connected is because both of their powers let them interact with the Spirit World what gives them some kind of thing only the two of them share

    Spirit says hello (I consider her invisibility the Spirit World).

    On a note of those interactions rj made, I really like them, although this would imply that Freddy's ability is only active in trials. I mean, no evidence to say otherwise, but still.

    Well his backstory does.say the entity pulled him and Quinton from his own.nightmare realm so seems plausible his powers negated outside a trial so.he don't murder the other's or maby he can interact in a dream but there's to.many watching him 
  • rj1567
    rj1567 Member Posts: 50
    edited December 2018

    @VolantConch1719 said:

    @rj1567 said:

    Loved it!
    Also I think one of the many reasons the Wraith and Nurse could be connected is because both of their powers let them interact with the Spirit World what gives them some kind of thing only the two of them share

    Spirit says hello (I consider her invisibility the Spirit World).

    On a note of those interactions rj made, I really like them, although this would imply that Freddy's ability is only active in trials. I mean, no evidence to say otherwise, but still.

    @redsopine01 said:
    rj1567 said:

    Loved it!

    Also I think one of the many reasons the Wraith and Nurse could be connected is because both of their powers let them interact with the Spirit World what gives them some kind of thing only the two of them sharing

     dont forgot the spirit dude lol she walks that realm 2

    Nowhere is it stated that the Spirit uses the Spirit World the only thing that is mentioned what she uses is the Ethereal Plane and also the wiki says the Spirit world is only used by Wraith and the Nurse and the Ethereal Plane is only used be the spirit

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    rj1567 said:

    @VolantConch1719 said:

    @rj1567 said:

    Loved it!
    Also I think one of the many reasons the Wraith and Nurse could be connected is because both of their powers let them interact with the Spirit World what gives them some kind of thing only the two of them share

    Spirit says hello (I consider her invisibility the Spirit World).

    On a note of those interactions rj made, I really like them, although this would imply that Freddy's ability is only active in trials. I mean, no evidence to say otherwise, but still.

    @redsopine01 said:
    rj1567 said:

    Loved it!

    Also I think one of the many reasons the Wraith and Nurse could be connected is because both of their powers let them interact with the Spirit World what gives them some kind of thing only the two of them sharing

     dont forgot the spirit dude lol she walks that realm 2

    Nowhere is it stated that the Spirit uses the Spirit World the only thing that is mentioned what she uses is the Ethereal Plane and also the wiki says the Spirit world is only used by Wraith and the Nurse and the Ethereal Plane is only used be the spirit

    I stand corrected then sorry
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,218

    @rj1567 said:

    @VolantConch1719 said:

    @rj1567 said:

    Loved it!
    Also I think one of the many reasons the Wraith and Nurse could be connected is because both of their powers let them interact with the Spirit World what gives them some kind of thing only the two of them share

    Spirit says hello (I consider her invisibility the Spirit World).

    On a note of those interactions rj made, I really like them, although this would imply that Freddy's ability is only active in trials. I mean, no evidence to say otherwise, but still.

    @redsopine01 said:
    rj1567 said:

    Loved it!

    Also I think one of the many reasons the Wraith and Nurse could be connected is because both of their powers let them interact with the Spirit World what gives them some kind of thing only the two of them sharing

     dont forgot the spirit dude lol she walks that realm 2

    Nowhere is it stated that the Spirit uses the Spirit World the only thing that is mentioned what she uses is the Ethereal Plane and also the wiki says the Spirit world is only used by Wraith and the Nurse and the Ethereal Plane is only used be the spirit

    Yeah, I noticed that after posting.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    @redsopine01 said:
    Mikeadatrix said:

    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    Love it dude just erm why not play into.freddys backstory even in the originals he had a things for young girls why not make.susie his target which leads to him and the shape fighting over her (one to.protect other because he's a ass) also unless they killed more then tecnicly not serial killers as they see the entity take them for.joey I mean

    You have a good point. I'll alter it slightly to give off some off the perv vibe just like Craven originally intended. Like I stated above, full on #########/paedo Freddy is just not my cup of tea. He doesn't even crack jokes!

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    Wait beside she go gets the clown is a cannible as well so why does he stay away from bubba and the hag when they all share a commons taste (plus lol can you imaging him arguing with the hag and bubba about what bits best or for trying to steal a finger)
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    Wait beside the fingers the clown is a cannible as well so why does he stay away from bubba and the hag when they all share a commons taste (plus lol can you imaging him arguing with the hag and bubba about what bits best or for trying to steal a finger)

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Mikeadatrix said:
    The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    The doctor part....I have so many questions on why nurse would do that, is it so he does not try to fix it or completely destroy everything

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    @Mikeadatrix said:
    The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    The doctor part....I have so many questions on why nurse would do that, is it so he does not try to fix it or completely destroy everything

    Because he would right of the bat ask her how she died why she's cut up why she clinics how her sword works which could lead to her lashing out at him or phasing away then stabbing him breaking the entitys laws of it's realm
  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Mikeadatrix said:
    The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    The doctor part....I have so many questions on why nurse would do that, is it so he does not try to fix it or completely destroy everything

    He's a terrible guy. Perhaps one of the most sadistic killers in the Entity's realm.

  • Nebiros
    Nebiros Member Posts: 17

    @Mikeadatrix said:
    Trapper-Reserved but isn't opposed to having a brief conversation with the chattier killers. Will never initiate it though. Also acts as the "Mouth of the Entity". Probably dislikes the Doctor and the Legion. Doc because he's a handful, Legion because he thinks they're unworthy of the "honor" of being killers for the Entity. However, he shares a strange bond with Amanda. The two can be seen talking and building traps and strange contraptions. The Doctor swears that he saw the Trapper laugh once when he was with the Pig but no one believes him.

    Wraith- Very reserved. Shares a strange bond with the Nurse, which explains the bandages on him. Used to refuse to cooperate with anyone other than her but he's come around to the Spirit. She seems to sense fragments of a good soul in him and the Nurse. Shattered entirely and nearly impossible to find, but there. Just dormant. No issues with anyone since he doesn't go near anyone he doesn't feel comfortable around.

    Hillbilly- Peculiar. Has fits of rowdiness and has fits of isolation. Just like a child throwing a tantrum, he can swap emotions very quickly. Mumbles incoherent nonsense but basic words and phrases are able to be comprehended if you spend enough time with him. Nice to those who show him affection such as the Nurse and the Cannibal and the Hag, who has become his "new" family. Whether or not he "dines" with them is up in the air. No issues with anyone because everyone is a bit scared of him.

    Nurse- Doesn't speak due to her... condition. Still makes an effort to visit everyone in the Killers' side of the Fog. As stated above, most fond towards the Wraith for reasons unknown. Feels a great deal of pity for the Spirit, knows that she doesn't belong here. No qualms with anyone.

    Shape- Don't expect to get a word out of him and do not approach under any circumstances. Does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. He's gone as far as attempting to kill almost every killer that showed up before him. He's "calmed" himself but still, extremely competitive. Detests the Trapper especially. Has had numerous altercations with the Nightmare but the two seem to tolerate each other now. Enough to warrant spending time waiting for trials near each other. It's unclear if the Shape enjoys listening to the Nightmare but it wouldn't be stupid to assume he does.

    Hag- Spends the majority of her time with the Cannibal. Not because the two like each other but because of well... the predicament that the two share. An eternal hunger for human flesh. Very barbaric and barely human, the Hag shouldn't be approached by anyone other than "Bubba". The Pig, the Nightmare, and the Legion all stay very far away because of this. She's not intentionally malevolent, that's just the way she was forced to be.

    Huntress- Also very reserved (notice a trend?). Keeps to herself and preps for each trial after completing one. Enjoys the company of the Nurse but always is surprised that she's able to get away so easily. Likes the Legion because they're small and a bit taller than the kids she used to "take care" of. The Legion is very creeped out by her, other than Susie that is. Everyone else that's cognisant finds her peculiar, the others don't give a damn.

    Doctor- An outlier amongst the Killers.Very loud, very obnoxious, and very interrogative. After each trial, he pesters the Killers for details and this leads to a large number of quarrels. The Entity would step in but they find the in-fighting quite entertaining. Writes down the information he obtains in a thick and grisly looking journal. Reading it would be a huge mistake. Trust me. Don't. It wouldn't be fun. Doesn't hate anyone but everyone basically hates him, to one degree or another.

    Cannibal- Mute aside from grunting and squealing like a pig, the Cannibal is an interesting case. He can actually cook, despite there being no need to eat in the Entity's realm. The Hag appreciates him greatly for this but still, her stomach is bottomless. Enjoys tinkering on his saw with the Hillbilly when not eating/cooking. No one messes with him because everyone feels a bit bad for him and his mental state. The Nightmare stays away because he worries about what that chainsaw can do to him.

    Nightmare (I like to think of this Freddy as Englund despite the facts. I just detest the remake, okay?)- Basically a toned down Doctor. Aggressive, obnoxious, charismatic, and narcissistic. Insists that he's simultaneously better than everyone at killing and just a poor soul who was framed during his life as a human. Makes an effort to mess with all the killers. The thing that sets him apart from the Doc is his ability to make a few of the killers chuckle with garbage jokes and puns (Frank enjoys having quip/roast wars with the Nightmare. The winner of these fights is usually a tie since both parties end up laughing til they cry). Hangs out with the Shape the most due to him having infinite patience when he wants. Would never say it, but he has a certain liking for Frank.

    Pig- This is where it gets interesting. The Pig is one of the most human/sane killers. She has a journal and writes in it frequently, documenting a plethora of things. Think Benedict Baker from the other perspective. There are slivers of remorse in her, but they're quickly snuffed out every time she puts on the mask. She isn't obnoxious but she does enjoy conversations. She's the only person to reach the Trapper other than the Entity. Besides the Trapper, she enjoys hanging out with the Legion since she's into the same aesthetic and music and she's only a handful of years older.

    Clown- Despite being a clown, the Clown is very reserved. He occasionally shares a conversation with the Nightmare or the Trapper but other than that, he keeps to himself. No one knows why but it's because the Clown is deeply disturbed mentally and fears that if he opens himself up to anyone they'll ruin everything he's worked for (feathers, fingers, etc.). No qualms with anyone but greatly dislikes the Doctor and Huntress. The Doctor because of his insistence that the Clown tell jokes and dance and the Huntress because she's one of the fingers he desires for his collection but knows he can never have. Weird stuff, man. Weird. Stuff.

    Spirit- A truly sad case. The Spirit is one of the most innocent killers and is very reserved. She spends most of her time doing a mix of seething and sobbing. The Nurse helps her and makes sure the Doctor comes nowhere near her. She's like a daughter to her. The Wraith understands her grief and tries to comfort her as best he can. Just because they're murderers doesn't mean they don't have regrets and their fair share of grief.

    Legion (Since there are four individuals here, they'll each be split up, all references to the Legion above applies to all of them though):

    Frank: A smartass and someone who grew up a bully, Frank has had some trouble behaving himself in his new home. He originally tried the "tough guy" approach but quickly realized he was fresh meat and the only thing stopping the others from killing him is the "spider crab thingy in the sky". Spends a lot of time with Julie, because, well, they're dating. Enjoys listening to the Nightmare speak and tell stories and he also spies on the Shape (who's fully aware of Frank by the way) because he thinks he's awesome. Spends his private time daydreaming and listening to his walkman and the strange punk mixtapes that he keeps finding. He's got a theory that they're a gift from the Entity. Has no beef with anyone.

    Julie: A preppy girl who wanted to be punk so bad she fell in with the wrong crowd and eventually became the wrong crowd, Julie became far more stoic and stalwart once she entered the Entity's realm. She loves Frank still and still loves spending time with her friends but she's become far more serious. She has a notebook she draws in that has caught the attention of the Doctor and the Pig. Surprisingly, she can put up with the Doctor to a certain degree and enjoys the spare literature he has. No issues with anyone.

    Joey: Just as bold and brash as before, Joey enjoys causing a ruckus and has done his best to prove his worth to the others. Whether this is through attempts at intimidation or blatant showboating, Joey persists on being a "badass". Deep down inside, he's a bit terrified at the fact that he's a serial killer and surrounded by others like him. Spends a lot of time talking to the other Legionnaires and has attempted conversation with the Trapper multiple times (Joey assumes he's the leader) which was met with replies that were more akin to a "leave me be, kid" than an actual answer. When all else fails, hanging out with Frank and causing a commotion is always an option. He's tried to start fights with the others but has gotten nothing from anyone.

    Susie: The shy and naive girl from Ormond has surprisingly found her place. She thinks all the killers are awesome and spends most of her free time away from the Legion attempting to start a conversation. The Shape even lets her ramble to him but picks her up and puts her near the other Legionnaires when he gets sick of her. Enjoys spending time with the Pig since the two have similar music tastes. The Pig really does like Susie and is considering making her a protege of hers. No one has any issues with her because everyone practically likes her.

    Jesus Christ... That took ages to write down. Hopefully, you guys like it and hopefully, @not_Queen or any other dev agrees with some aspects of this!

    You are just, the best. Until the devs give us something else imma just keep this on a note and count it as canon since they aren't to good at giving us some major lore that goes anywhere. If they are going to stick with that habit they should add SCP's as a new set of killers, since they fit the game and would be easier to obtain for use and their lore is just as open and undeveloped as the developers seem to maintain their own lore at.

    You have made a masterpiece here.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    @Nebiros said:

    You are just, the best. Until the devs give us something else imma just keep this on a note and count it as canon since they aren't to good at giving us some major lore that goes anywhere. If they are going to stick with that habit they should add SCP's as a new set of killers, since they fit the game and would be easier to obtain for use and their lore is just as open and undeveloped as the developers seem to maintain their own lore at.

    You have made a masterpiece here.

    I appreciate the kind words! I've always had a habit of telling stories to myself ever since I was, like, eight. Kinda stuck with me and writing has become a huge hobby for me, so it's always nice to hear that someone actually likes my gibberish!

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    UPDATED Wanted to correct a few things and add some more L O R E .

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    Terrortot said:
    Would be interesting foreshadowing for a 2killer mode competing for survivors
    6-8 survivors flashing, bodyblocking and being toxic with 2 killers ? Sign me up !  ;)
    Freddy+doc team?
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @KillerRaccoon said:
    When I watched the stream, this actually came as a surprise to me because a very long time ago someone asked a similar question about the Killers interacting and the Devs said that The Entity kept the Killers alone and isolated. It was said they didn’t even know other Killers existed in the realm. I don’t know why the Devs changed this piece of the lore but it’s an interesting turn.

    They probably decided to change the lore, maybe for something that is about to come. Killer vs Killer gamemode confirmed? ;)