Game is Survivor Sided at High ranks

Scott jund, otzdarva and over countless good players have said this, even korean dbd agrees as far as im concerned, perks that are too strong that reward bad gameplay, such as deadhard, oh okay you got hit? hes a free dash that isnt only a dash but also makes you invulnerable even if ur animation still hit??? lol what, is the entity on the survivors side? or the killers side?. Every match, i see borrowed time, Ds, Deadhard, all these second chance perks, and i as the killer use none, these shouldnt even exist, just make borrowed time basekit and leave DS, but Dead hard should either be removed or be a once per trial use.
Here is a saying that still exists a year from today:
Just pressure the Survivors, but make sure you never slug because they'll have Unbreakable, make sure you're never near a hook when a save happens because they'll have BT, make sure you never try to chase anyone for 60 seconds after they get unhooked because they'll hop in a locker and have DS, and make sure you never make a single mistake at a loop (or try to punish their mistake at a loop) because they'll just Dead Hard to the next loop. And make sure you're pressuring extra hard because they can just bring 4 green toolboxes with BNP and finish Gens in about 30 seconds.
I mean it's 4 brains (even thought at times it does not seem like it)vs 1 brain. So yeah clearly the team with more people usually tend to have the advantage, especially in video games.
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Yes, it certainly is. The issue is we have a lot of players who don't play killer at all who think the game is perfectly balanced.
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Sadly it is but i doubt anything is done about it. Most likely Killers get to clean bones and NOED will be removed.
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I wouldnt even mind of survivors had to truly use their brains in a 4v1, thinking about à plan, what to do, loop or rescue and add more stuff from that point... but instead its more "4 x 4 strong perk (potentially) vs 1 killer that can potentially have 4 strong perk"
I dont mind having strong perk, or killers, good survivors that can use loops well, but when the game comes to à point that à playee gotta play perfectly to win, it gets frustrating, being human means doing mistakes
Beside i find it à bit BS that one team of 4 can bring 4 times à perk that can completly change the course of à game against à team of 1
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"Here is a saying that still exists a year from today:
make sure you're never near a hook when a save happens because they'll have BT,"
This saying is even now outdated, bc it doesnt matter if you are near the hook. They will always have BT. And if you just want to hit the rescuer, they will bodyblock.
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Must be Wednesday.... eyeroll.
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Imagine if Devs will hit us with something like Boon: Unbreakable or Boon: Iron will. How loud would be the screaming.
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Survivor sided in that you can't smash 4K every game? I find it hard to believe that high ranked Killers aren't winning most of their games.
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What's a rank
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It certainly is
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Thankfully, that's no longer going to be a problem for most people, including the ones on this forum.
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What is high rank? Just the regular red rank matches or are we talking about Tournament level?
If the topic is about random R1 games, the game is actually pretty ballanced. In fact i would even give many killers the advantage. The killrate at red ranks support my argument (60-70% killrate).
On tournament level, sure, survivors do have some sort of advantage, but its not nearly as much as many here think. Nurse Blight Spirit or Hag are even favourites, while the rest of the roster still has chances to win.
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They are.
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Strange argument which i never really understood. Just because 4 cooks are making a soup does not mean it will be better as if it would be cooked by 1 guy.
In fact, 1 brain playing all 4 survivors would be much superior. Thats why in "professional" comps there is always a leader aka caller who is responsible for all decisions.
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Those cooks will inherently have have an advantage however. It's just the number game. Basically in most cases more people are going to have a superior advantage vs one person. Especially in video games think about it. Think about WWE games in handicap matches the 4 are always going to have the advantage. It's just a natural thing in life, even in most asymmetrical games the team with more player usually has the advantage just because they have more players. I don't know many games were the team with less people has an advantage.
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Each of those perks can be managed as the killer, even combined. The problem i see as killer is the poor map balancing. There are too many safe pallets that must be broken by the killer, or jungle gym into jungle gym tile combos (looking at you macmillen). This allows low skill survivors to tee bag their way out the gates (assuming the team is working on gens). Playing killer takes 10x more skill than survivor.
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Ranks don't exist anymore
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Nah I didn't know that, I thought the game was balanced with all it's god pallets.
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Devs know and acknowledge this during the Depip Squad time and said so what.
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those perks exist because if they didn’t the game would be a living hell especially for solo survivors as so many killers face camp and tunnel
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Which is about 3 years and 500 survivor nerfs in the past.
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I don't care if I don't get 4k's a match, I care that just to get 1 - 2k's in high-ranked matches I have to sweat my ass off and play super dirty just to get those kills. As Survivor, I just sit back, relax, pop on some music, and if I don't play like an idiot I leave 80% of my matches. But as Killer? I have to be lucky to not only not get a 4-man SWF, but also have them mess up enough that I can capitalize on it. If I get a 2k every match I play, but the match was fun and close? I wouldn't mind. It's the sheer lengths I have to go through and the amount of bullshittery I need to endure to reach that kill count.
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I mean technically the entity is not for anyone. It wants the survivors to suffer. The more emotion, the more it feeds. So giving false hope could be seen as something the entity wants to give.
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Not only vs high rank MMR survivors, playing vs bots pre droppings pallets in giants maps too.
Then M1 killers with no movility can't to anything but people keep saying "yOu DoNt kNow hOw to PreSsuRe gEns"
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The devs that play this game are terrible players so it makes sense to ignore high ranked survivors. Also add on the fact that survivors pay more money, it's a no brainer.
No disrespect to the devs. I'm just saying, they aren't good players to understand the game.
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4man swf sure. Solo. No
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You're right,dev was horrible players.
4 survs wallet>> killer.
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This is known yes. Even competent Solo players can be hell to go against.
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Well they don't, actually they barely do 6 hooks most of the times lol.