Pinehead Tips?
Just had my first pinhead game and I was like really overwhelmed. Me and my friends are ranks 12-9 and the entire time ALL of us were just constantly trying to remove chains off of ourselves. Like I had time for NOTHING else. I'm running just trying to find a gen, then the chains come out of nowhere and as I'm running I'm pulling off chains--and the box is like across the entire map. Then all of a sudden 3 chains hook into me and I gotta remove those, then Pinehead appears behind me outta nowhere. Like.... Pinhead to me seems a little EVERYWHERE. Like he gets to have all 4 survivors instantly chained from anywhere on the map? Plus he gets to phase, plus he has this box we gotta find--it feels like a pig, mixed with nurse, mixed with deathslinger...
so what do I do? Like this was so much for me we didn't get a SINGLE gen done at MacMillan estate
And when I say we were constantly dealing with chains--I mean within FIVE SECONDS of the match start, ALL of us were getting hooked with chains. Like I didn't even see the killer for the first 2 min of the game, but I was still constantly harassed by his chains. Like is this normal? It seems a little unfair that a killer doesn't even have to see the survivors and they get map-wide harassment instantly at the start of the game on ALL survivors?
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You just need someone to constantly solve the box to remove the chain hunt. Unless he's running an ultra rare add on, you can see it once it's activated. He can't. The chains he shoots himself, unless the portal is right on top of you there are pretty easy to dodge. Changing directions can really mess with pinhead and missing a chain is really punishing.
As for the first 5 secs we all got chained. Did pinhead find the box? I had that happen at the start of a match and it was amazing. Pure luck and won;t happen often
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I hope so. Like I dont wanna call him OP I'm sure there's an easy play around but for my first time it was just massively too much to deal with.
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I've played like 10 matches as him. Not a final verdict but I can say he is not OP. His passive is pretty nice but the chains he himself shoots are easy to dodge, easily broken, don't feel like they do much and missing is very punishing for him.
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If you have teammates that go for the box, he turns into a worse version of clown. As long as the box is held by someone else or gets solve when it spawns, just play against him like a clown that shoots deathslinger harpoons through nurse portals, because that's all he is.
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Ok so I've had 5 games with pinhead and I'm not seeing the "its easy to dodge his chain" thing. Because Ill legit be behind him and his chain will still hit me... and on top of that theres a puzzle box spawning every 30 seconds so theres literally a constant need to finish the puzzle box, and even if oyu find it he just teleports right to you so whoever DOES do the puzle box is kinda scrwed. IDK. this just seems like 10,000 perks built into 1 killer
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If you're actually behind him, then that's a chain hunt chain hitting you and not the ones he personally summons unless it's spawning ahead of him and then flying back behind him. Pinhead has to be looking at the portal he creates for chains due to the mechanics of placing them.
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