Can we all agree?

If you are going to bring a licensed character, I do not care which one, can we make it stick to it's lore? I would've liked to see Amanda go Game Over (even tho John is the OG one saying it) when the game ends or I don't know, having a Freddy sentence, I don't care which one... It just makes me sad that BHVR has to remove or change stuff because license holders want it their damn way, I would hate to see my boy Ash without his Groovy line
I've always wanted to hear Freddy saying "B-I-T-C-H!!" whenever he gets stunned, but i guess it will never happen because Fun is NOT Allowed in this game.
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"It just makes me sad that BHVR has to remove or change stuff because license holders want it their damn way"
There is nothing you can do about that. BHVR cannot say "Nah, we dont listen to you, we do what we want". Then you can be sure that they have to pay a lot of money and most likely lose the license.
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Well, with no map tied to this one, it hardly matters for anyone but new players that don't exist yet.
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Eh, I would not say that. There will be players who are happy that Pinhead got released. Before the PTB, nobody even thought about Pinhead having Voicelines and Hellraiser-Fans still were happy.
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I agree. Freddy should say, “aw (insert b word)” after getting stunned by a pallet.
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I just want a blighted demgorgon skin, as a farewell to the chapter.
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It would be dope, badass as well.
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"Come to Freddy"
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Characters in DBD don't talk because then they'd have to pay voice actors. Most the voice actors in DBD are from the dev team themselves and thus don't get paid to do it. With exceptions like Ash, and *Pinhead*.
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Give Freddy his sunglasses back
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are we talking about the same game?
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That. Would. Be. SICK!!
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They are the same glasses.
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BHVR can't just do ######### they want, like legally, with licensed characters. We were lucky pinhead had voicelines at all and we still might get new ones. But yeah, this time it isn't actually BHVRS fault, it is the license holders
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I don't know what you mean by sticking to their lore. If license holders want things changed to better represent the character, isn't that what you want?
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who cares about "license integrities"? the hellraiser movies suck like any other hack and slash movies that follow no story.
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I don't know how licensing works but they've grabbed more than just a killer's appearance before. Mikey has his theme music. I wonder if they had to pay extra to use that? I would have loved The Pig to play the intense building SAW music when the timer for the RBT was counting down.
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BHVR signed the contract. It's their fault.
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If they didn't, we wouldn't have the characters in the first place, do you not know how licensing works lol
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Contracts are negotiable. If they were okay signing a contract that prevented them from having any kind of transparency with their consumers, then that's on them. I'm not necessarily saying they shouldn't have signed the contract. I'm sure a lot of people are still really happy to get Pinhead, even without voicelines. But if they want any of the praise from signing that contract, they deserve to get the criticism as well.
The fact that this is coming directly after the Stranger Things content just concerns me about the type of contracts they're signing.