Guide for Pinhead

First.Pinhead is not weak at all. Actually i would say he is T2 close to T1 (if he use pink add-on.) Do no judge any killer before you put at least 30 to 100 hours, you do not even know his power or his play-style, more aggressive like Oni or more passive like Pig. I would say he is around mid tier, he can be aggressive with his pink add-on, most time i would say just walk around high progress gen.

Second. The most most important thing is just do not use his power easily, you hook someone from 30 yard away or 20 yard away it is useless and waste your own time, i mean use it around pallet area and safe zone. Once u can increase your chance to hit ppl he probably will be one of best anti-pallet killer. Also his power can provide many information to help you find survivors. He is very good at block safe zone force survivor run away. but u might need Bamboozle to help u block window. He have 4.6 speed i believe it is enough to chase ppl down the ground.

Third. The box plus he have very good perk, Hex plaything plus Hex: Retribution it can give u at least 2 mins extra time to catch survivor. (i am worried BE might Nerf those perk) If u still can not find survivor, maybe skill issues? use Lethal Pursuer is u are unsure u can find anyone. Also do not teleport if you already see someone near you or u just put down someone or hook is nearby, unless you try to be nice to new player like me.

unfortunately, right now i would not recommend you put a lot time with him, i think he still have some bug issue like attack missing or accumulation attack missing. Overall he is very fun killer to play, just need fix some bug.
