Dead by Daylight is not fun...prove me wrong
Unless you are a troll and part of the problem, Dead by Daylight is not fun to play right now. I have played 3 trials today as survivor and all matches have had people DCing, sandbagging, and just being overall terrible at the game. Today I have been camped when a survivor disconnected ...and sandbagged:
Maybe I should just start sandbagging and trolling other survivors so I can enjoy the game too. 🤔
I guess I'm a troll then
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that's probably just a mistake on their part. I'm sure people don't mean to be rude.
my trick is to assume that people are just doing an archive or something.
additionally, I find getting in character is more fun than getting angry at the people playing.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
I find it fun. You are proven wrong
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You want people to prove to you it's a Fun game? Okayge good luck with that. IT's not fun you simply just accept the fact that ######### happens and then you vent about it.
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Killers don't have fun camping, or tunneling. They get forced to do it.
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Lmao I find this game to be fun, both as survivor and killer, and I sure am not a troll.
But you got to love how you call everyone who disagrees with you a troll right from the get go. Why even post to these forums if you don't want to hear any other opinions?
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DbD has the mechanics to be a fun, challenging 4v1 game for both casual and competitive players. But right now it's a game that caters to people who feel good when they can destroy and leave scorched earth as long as they feel they accomplished something. People who will furthermore go and demand the devs giving them an iwin button because they are about as far from any kind of skill as earth is from the edge of the universe.
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Sometimes unfun is fun.
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Also seeing that chain hunt on you missing almost every chain makes me question whether the chains should attack survivors just a bit faster so it's not quite as easy to avoid. But perhaps it's just because it's an indoor map.
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Watched both videos. All I see is someone dropping pallets when not needed, running in circles, and self caring. Think we found your problem.
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There's better chances of Earth being closer to an edge of the Universe than DbD ever satisfying both audiences.
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If you personally don't have fun playing a game, that's just your opinion... I have fun in both roles despite plenty of trollers, bad teammates, sweaty Survivors and horrible map RNG. It's enjoyable to use the powers of Killers I enjoy and to make fun perk builds for Survivor and succeed (or not) with them. However, my fun is just my opinion too. Enjoying games is mostly subjective and that goes for DbD as well.
Don't focus so much on individual game experiences, if you're having a bad game just move on to the next one. If you're having problems with your teammates then use perks that can help you be more independent and always be looking to improve your own personal skill, rather than expecting teammates to hold up their end.
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I know I'm probably taking some bait right now but this is one of my favorite games to play both solo and with my SWF. I've also met a lot of really sweet people through this game and I'm actually considering becoming a DBD streamer. Sometimes I've laughed the hardest when me and my SWF are losing terribly because we're all screaming and being loud and making jokes. So it's fun to me 🤷🏻♀️
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Here's the thing: Once you define what constitutes 'skill' in this game, genuine skill, you'll find there a great overlap in casuals and competetive players. They only circle on this venn diagram not overlapping with the other two is 'toxic brats', the kind of players that tunnel, camp, slug and use stretch res and wallhacks etc and still act as if they have any skill.
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You sir...are a master debater.
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This is not a competitive game, it's a casual game.
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I think we versed the same Pinhead. 😳
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I find it fun for most part. I wish there was more to do (Single player, Bot matches, or just more objectives) but when I am not having fun then I play something else...Really that simple.
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I agree. It's not fun.
Not going to lie.
Hence the big break I have planned. Can almost hear the steel drums and take the cocktails.
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Before MMR, my matches were okay. Nothing special, but nothing to remember.
After MMR, my matches have almost exclusively been fantastic. Tense, lots of back and forth, good chases, pretty solid team mates overall (few outliers, but you'll have that no matter what), and they've given me a reason to improve my play. Really, really fun stuff the past two days.
Hoping MMR stays around and levels me out in whatever Ranking this area is, cause my matches have been the best since I first bought the game, when Hag was new and fresh and I had no clue ######### I was doing. Solo queue ftw!
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I’m having fun playing DBD.
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Three whole matches?? Wow. I mean if that's all we are using for the basis of an opinion - DBD is flawless for me then.
Last three matches (solo survivor) I played I got a total of 10 Iri emblems, a buttload of bloodpoints, and escaped every time, completed 1 daily challenge, and finished my last rift challenge. I must be a frickin pro at this game!
Now the three before that - yeah we aren't gonna talk about those....
Just because you aren't having fun - doesn't mean those who are...are trolls. What a weird leap of "logic."
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You're here making threads.
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I'm a bit tired so my math might be off? If the killer was only focusing you down, and that chase lasted 4 minutes and 30 seconds, that means the other survivor had the time to complete 3.125 generators during the duration of that chase. The entire 4 if they didn't self care at the start.
That is kind of tilting
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Fun is subjective.
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All my matches since MMR have been awful. Teammates DC constantly (which I have never seen in this game before to such an extent) and are often rank 16-20. And yet we get rank 1 killers that almost all exclusively facecamp.
Haven't played killer yet, though. Plan to later tonight.
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I have fun with the game. Get proven wrong, son.
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I have a lot of fun with the game since I turned off the end game chat. I also go into it expecting to die most matches so there's that too. Setting realistic expectations helps tremendously.
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DBD was never fun to begin with for me. SBMM on or not, this game is simply frustrating, there is no way around. atleast for me, thats why i stopped playing it regularly.
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I uninstalled.
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Just like that, it's fun for the OP. Good job!
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This game is fun because you can bully a guy by 4v1 legally, what you can't do in school.
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Part of the problem is Killers, and no doubt Survivors, who have intentionally dropped their MMR. There are also a lot of people in Ranks they should not be playing. Too many boosted Survivors, too many Killers who have learned the easy way to play and just suck up overly altruistic Survivors into their camping web rather than chasing and earning the kill. Rank used to be almost purely based on time played, there was no skill involved at all. Now, it's going to show skill levels as they really are, not just because you played for X number of matches or hours.
That's just a part of Rank 1 (or it's MMR equivalent) gameplay though. It will be sweaty, full of tryhards on both sides, and full of completely unbalanced gameplay. Simple fact is, if you don't want to play at that level, and realistically who would unless you really enjoy being competitive, then you can just drop your MMR rank. They have been collecting it for months though, so it won't be an overnight thing. It'll take a week or two, I am assuming this though. I definitely could be, and probably am, wrong about MMR works.
I've always played in the same fashion as a Survivor and a Killer. I play to win of course, but I do not sweat it. Fun, little competitive, but I'm not out to escape or 4k. I'm out to have some fun. If Killers want to camp and tunnel, I'll take the death and move on. Same with my team mates. If they're helping and we're doing good co-op stuff, I'm down to play all night in the same match. If they're being selfish pricks and doing stupid things like unhooking me in the Killer's face without BT, I'm probably just going to let the Entity take me. You have to adjust how you are playing to how everyone else is playing. Decent, fun team mates, try to max out every score category. Bad ones, well BP as much as you can and then you die. There's always another match to come.
Killer side of things, it's exactly the same. If they are sweaty tryhards, I'll focus on one aspect of my gameplay. Right now it's chases. I'm not very good with them, so I'll take opportunities to fix that as they come. If I get kills, that's great. More BP = a win to me. I've got 4 P3 Killers to max out right now and the Cenobite will be a 5th. I'm not going to sweat the kills though, that just isn't fun to me. Huntress/Slinger/Trickster shots, where to put traps for Hag/Trapper and push Survivors into them, effectively stalking and downing Survivors with Myers, and every other aspect of specific Killers and their powers. I generally get at least 1 person who is interested in doing this with me as well, so I can let the other 3 do their gens and leave and still reap some nice BP rewards at the end.
Overall though, I am legitimately high purple -> low red in Rank, and that seems to be where MMR stuck me. Not so low that my team mates are potatoes, but not so high that I have to sweat just to safety on my Grade. More like a pickup football game between friends, or something similar. You get competitive a bit, but it's not professional. Just a group of people having fun doing something they like. You get the occasional game that is tryhard from one side or the other, but those from my experience are outliers. Just random chance giving you the bad end for a minute or so, then it's back to the good stuff.
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The way you went about your post is just cringe, people aren't gonna have any sympathy for you really.
Most people are immature on these forums, I get the frustration but anyone who finds dbd fun is not just a troll or sweat.
Some of us just remember it's a game, move on to the next and if it's that frustrating? Take a break then come back.
Oh and not to take it so serious.
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I have absolutely zero proof that DbD is fun. You have won this round.
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Lmao thank you thank you *takes a bow* now please hi5 my face
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Let me prove it to you: I played today and had fun
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Looks normal 😂
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well said
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The game is fun. The attitudes and infantile reactions of some players aren't.
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I agree. It's not fun.
Surviovr always toxic and rush gen to destroy this game.
Killer always have bug like this patch shadowborn and pyramid head .
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You are still here, and still playing the game, so it must be fun. Proven. Any game I find to not be fun, I leave and don't look back. Since you can't change the way other people play, that is something you will have to learn to live with, or move on to something else. Just think of it as an added challenge.
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I'm having as much fun with the game as I ever have, maybe more so. In this case the onus is on YOU to prove to ME that the game isn't fun.
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It seems to have placed my killer better than my survivor. Which is weird, because I play more survivor since I only really play this game when friends want to.
That said, I felt it was too high for killer. I had 5 games in a row against rank 1 sweaty SWFs. I've never had more than maybe one or two of these types of groups in a 20 game streak. Don't get me wrong, i still had the slightly higher than 50% winrate so technically it placed me correctly. But it just wasn't that fun; for the most part I was playing pinhead and learning his bugs etc, and there was a ton of survivors intentionally trying to harass me knowing they were in a position I couldn't do anything about it.
Meanwhile, facecamping rank 1 killers with low skill teammates for me as survivor. Again, technically it works out because I survived more than half of the time, which is what I worried about:
people said it would get rid of bad teammates for higher skilled/more experienced players. What I feared, and what appears to have happened, is that the devs focused only on making the games 50/50 win/loss chance for both teams in every game. And in order to balance out games for some survivors that generally survive a lot, it means giving them teammates for whom the game is fresh. I have almost 2.2k hours in this game. Under no circumstances should an MMR based matchmaking system be putting me in games alongside players with maybe 2 or 3 hours in the game.
On the flip side, idk what happened for me to get a baby Huntress player for the one game that I grouped up with 3 friends. Something is really broken and I get the feeling that they're hiding this fact. I guess we'll see next week if they decide to do something.
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I have fun playing Dbd. Case closed your honour.