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My Thoughts On Pinhead.

So hello again guy's and this time I am back with my thoughts about what I think about Pinhead, and maybe the chapter as a whole, but with all that out of the way lets begin.

You know what let's just go over the Nemesis buffs first. So I really, really, do like his buff to tier 3, but it really doesn't solve the issue with his power, which in my opinion, the issues are giving a survivor a speed burst when using your tentacle, and the zombie speed and AI, and tier 3 needing an overall buff in general, but I still really like the change. And as of right now, I'm kind of finding myself enjoying Nemesis's gameplay a lot more, like I know he's kind of weaker than Pyramid Head but idk, it's weird.

So now on to Pinhead, which in my opinion, besides Pyramid Head, has the most innovative licensed power in the game, and is probably in my top 5 of most innovative powers in the game tbh, but that's just my opinion.

Pinhead's power, I would say, even though it's no yet their yet, has potential to be the next Blight, in a good way, but just like Blight, The environment could be an issue to Pinhead's chains, but I think the only buffs Pinhead needs is to buffs the chain he controls so like the survivors would take a little longer to get out of, but ya that's probably all I have to complain about.

Now on to bugs: yes.

But overall, I just really love the addition of Pinhead, and I'm really glad we got a/ or felt like we got an innovative power ever since Twins, But we don't talk about that.

Oh and I do like his perks as well.

But ya that's basically all I have to say as of right now, my opinion could change like an blink of an eye, so ya that's basically all I have to say.


  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @Mattie_MayhemOG Exactly!

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,442

    The devs already said that Nemesis not giving a speed boost to survivors when infecting them was not fun to go against. And I agree that shouldn't be changed. There should be enough incentive to get vaccinated against Nemesis. And he is already pretty damn strong in chases.

    I think it's the Zombie Ai that needs to be improved, allowing for more map pressure. I feel like that would be enough to make him perfectly balanced and viable.

    Pinhead I personally still disagree. It's still early though, but I feel like he is already pretty strong. Buffing his chains in any impactful way I feel would make him too oppressive in chases. Which would be a shame in my opinion, because we don't need more killers like that.

    His chains aren't always a net benefit, but their average use case is strong enough in my opinion. Being able to break chains on objects is nice counterplay for survivors in my opinion. the only thing they could maybe do is increase the chain break animation from 1 second to 1.2 seconds, but I fear like that could already end up being too strong in open areas.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @ad19970 Ya I can really agree with you on improving the Zombies for more map pressure, and that possibly could make Nemesis perfectly balanced and viable, and I would have to agree with you on Pinhead being a bit too oppressive to go against with buffed chains.

    All I just think Nemesis Needs if those buffs were to happen are some tier 3 buffs, but I'm fine either way.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Um...nevermind I don't want to poke all the bears out there.

    yes I do I personally believe Nemesis is stronger than PH....Whew glad I got that off my chest.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @chargernick85 Ya I'm finding myself leaning more towards Nemesis a lot lately than Pyramid Head, and idk why, but Nemesis is just awesome, not to say that Pyramid Head isn't awesome, but the animations, the sound, the music, like holy cow.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    They are both very good. I personally just find Nemesis easier and harder to deal with. Vaults are damn near useless on him in chase he gets his tentacle up so fast and it can be flicked. PH is animation lock so much easier for the survivor to juke/anticipate.....not to mention how loud his sword is when planting the ground.

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    And I'll reiterate that the speedboost is his problem. His chase power is nowhere near strong enough to warrant such a weakness. No other killer has a power that acts as free chase extension for the survivor. His anti-loop only becomes good at tier 3, the pallet breaking being the only good thing about him until then. The speed boost should be tuned down at the least.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @chargernick85 Ya I agree with that, Nemesis in a way is like a more lethal Pyramid Head In chase and up close while Pyramid Head Is a lot more lethal from more distance and through walls. And lets not forget to mention how scary it is when Nemesis's Zombie's are positioned right in chase and Pyramid Head's Trials in chase as well, it's just kind of funny that the 2 biggest icons in horror gaming act so similar to each other in game yet so different.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @MarcoPoloYolo Ya there is a possibility of that being tuned down to a bit of a 1-2 second sprint burst, it could work well.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Pinhead chain are too loose to control.

    a slight touch and it goes too far toward the direction you move it too.

    also it too easy to dodge it and even if it they got it it take seconds to break all of the chains.

    The only thing good about his power is chain hunt and it puts pressure on all survivors but you need to find the lament configuration which is impossible. I know it make a sound but it not directional to me or you can only take it when the chains around the survivors are full, I don't really know.

    and for the nemesis buff, it fine. It doesn't make him more stronger then he was before.

    Where did they say that. I doubt people was hate going against him they they remove the speed boost, I would rather have it in the ptb instead of being afraid to make those kind of changes (I think they don't like the change which is valid but they need to give us the chance to play it ourselves to see how it is even if only a small percentage is able to play it).

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @zombitehdeath Ya the chain hunt is pretty good, even has some 1v4 potential as well.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 628

    I have tried to ply about 20 games so far and i can see the potential but the lung bug really kills him right now and makes it pointless even practicing with a T1 Myers lunge. Means that half the loops and pallets he should be able to get hits in conjunction with his power, he can't.

    Or survivors now know they can 360 and avoid a hit against him most of the time too, or just force you to hit an object or the wall.

  • I agree they should of buffed the ability summon of pain like either do away with summoning the gateway part of it because summoning the gateway and then shooting the chain lets the survivors gain too much distance and feels awkward in chase or let me quick scope it. Why can Clown move around just fine while throwing a bottle but I have to stop with Pinhead to shoot my slow down? I get it would be too strong during chain hunt but i'd rather chain hunt be nerfed if the main ability was made better.

    As a survivor in solo, chain hunt is just dreadful nobody wants to get the box so i'm forced to every time just about it even when i'm already on second hook state and it's hard to solve when chain hunt actually begins. As killer and survivor i'd rather the main ability summon of pain to get buffed, I like to feel like the killer is actually working by using his main ability rather than relying on a passive ability to get downs. Chain hunt should just be a nice little extra to slow down survivors a bit not something to be relied on all the time.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,442

    I do admit that it would be nice to feel like getting to Tier 3 is more impactful. But I do have to say, I feel like I get a fair amount of hits with Tier 3 Nemesis that I wouldn't have gotten with tier 2. I think that 1 meter range can definitely make a difference at times.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,793


    He no longer comes when you touch his box :(

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,442

    Well they've already said they won't change that. Of course they could still change their opinion, but I doubt it, and I personally hope they won't.

    I think the sprint burst is good, it gives survivors more incentive to vaccinate. I hope they buff Nemesis in other ways.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Honestly, zombie AI is fine. It's easy to say it needs to be improved when you don't actually see the value it provides. It forces survivors off of generators/totems/chests/etc all the time for no other reason than you are playing Nemesis. His kit already outmatches several other killers without the zombies. I feel like they were added in for no other reason than to have zombies in the game because Resident Evil.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,442

    I mean, the main reason as to why I think that zombie AI needs to be improved is because I see them get stuck often. That and sometimes when they find a survivor, instead of chasing them, they just go in the exact other direction.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @ToastfaceKilla Ya the lunge bug is greatly annoying.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @ad19970 Let's just give Nemesis his rocket launcher at tier 3 at this point, that sounds like a fair and balanced buff.

    I'm still kind of disappointed they didn't included his rocket launcher as some ability or something like that.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @Pulsar I mean, I absolutely love the voice lines, I would say that what makes him very unique, but for me it was all about the gameplay, and the same could be said for every other killer, But It's still awesome.