My unpopular opinion about SBMM -- this is a success!

So I think MMR is good. Once you have reached some point where your killer MMR is reaching a sweaty unplayable point -- you can switch to a different killer. This adds some killer variety. 

All other issues are the same. We still have sweaty SWFs on comms. Keys... Those aren't new issues. 

The only critical issue is queue times. Yes, I understand that SBMM system wants to find a comp grade SWF for your Spirit. But waiting for 5 - 10 minutes for the match... this what can kill this game, not SBMM. I think this issue needs to be addressed. 

I've found a sweet time spot in the night, when my matchmaking is not instant but fast, maybe two minutes in average. During the day, the matchmaking time is horrible. 

This has hit twitch killer streamers really hard. They have their streaming schedule, but well, during this time in their region, the queue times are 10 minutes. The long wait times have to be addressed. 

Oh yes, people now DCs, which is super annoying after you wait for 10 minutes for the next match.

Everything else looks good. Survivors are not boring. I am playing different killers. It's fun. 


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Absolutely agreed, the actual mmr part is great, in my opinion. These queues? I am getting hot flashes from Overwatch, I am not sure it is worth it. It kind of needs to be loosened a bit, like it was during their tests, when the queues were similar.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I noticed that if I play one of my mains, it is pretty much instant.

    But if I am playing a Killer I know has low MMR, it takes a bit. Maybe that's why.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Didn't notice any difference. You face so-so survivors or good ones more so the former. Not gonna pretend like I face military squads five times in a row like the forums boys seem to insinuate.

    Same for survivor experience.

  • HumbleDwight77
    HumbleDwight77 Member Posts: 11

    same, up to now on the survivor side, I haven't noticed a difference.. like I still get both good and bad killers and good and bad survivors my experience has been almost identical.

    can't really comment about the killer side yet but maybe people because they know SBMM exists subconsciously people are blaming their bad games on that.. I dunno just a theory.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,112

    I've really enjoyed my experience overall on both sides. Matches have been tough, but fair.

    One thing I've noticed is that every match I bring in random builds. Before SBMM I could almost blindly guess what everyone was bringing in, perk-wise. Now it's more varied and am being matched with some experimental and unusual builds!

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I wouldn't call my experience a success.

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    Yeah it's been going well for me on both sides honestly.

    I think most people are just exaggerating and not giving it a proper go but I know some people are genuinely struggling which sucks so I understand their frustration.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    I don't see many différences , it's almost the same thing to me.

    Only difference is that i usually get 2 potatos and either 2 decent solos or a 2 man SWF playing way better than both me and the potatos, which makes no guess is that SWF taking the average of all players might impact the system alot more than it should.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    Queue times is probably something that's going to be hard to solve without somewhat throwing out sbmm.

    Like we could shorten the time the system says " whatever, I'll just put in anygame" but then why even bother with the rework in the first place

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Yup, since the testing MMR which i found good this live version is awful from survivor side.

    Always seems to be a mix of 2 red ranks with 2 silver against a rank 1 red killer.

    I know rank isnt directly tied to it but the disparity between silver and red is quite large. I dont know what BHVR has done but their 'average' level doesnt work. Having even one potato makes you effectivly a 3 man team which is almost always a 4k loss so far in the games ive had playing soloQ.

    I just played 5 games and 3 of them were the same rank 1 blight who got a 4k everytime and was matched every time with 2 red and 2 silver- if the MMR is working why would i get the same setup so many times even though everytime was a total loss (2 gens done max in each of these games).

    Total rubbish and have to say im really disappointed in the live version.

    Has anyone else only been getting the same killers too? Seems to be so fad only blight , pin head and nemesis in every game. Had 1 spirit and 1 wraith and an afk bubba out of about 30 games since yesterday

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462
    edited September 2021


    It really feels like SBMM is as random as it has been before, but with additional wait time.

    Before SBMM I could play killer with almost instant queues starting at 8 PM, now the queues are long until 10 PM.

    Regarding the promise of SBMM to have a lower rating on killers I usually don't play and a chance to learn them -- does not work.

    Occasionally I getting matched with potatoes survivors, but during the past 3 days: My baby nurse has been bullied and gen-rushed 4 times in 5 games. Clown, whom I haven't played for a while got all sweaty matches, same for Death Slinger, same for Pig.

    SBMM matching does not let me learn a new killer. I see the same Dead-Hard-Try-Hards almost every match on killers a barely played.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687
    edited September 2021

    I only played one game as killer during the new SBMM. I played Pyramid Head who is not my main and I'm incredibly new with. My queue time I believe was like four minutes? Not as quick as it normally is but not horrible.

    They were decent survivors. Not god tier but not babies. Probably where I should've been. I didn't do well because I did chase too long but for me personally, it was more target practice than a match. I want to get better at using his power so I didn't take the match seriously. I also still can't hear 100% out of my left ear because I'm sick and I use my ears a lot as killer so having one out of commission is bad for me.

    That's been my only experience as killer so far. I'll return to my usual 50/50 play of both sides when I'm well again but for now that's my only killer story since this SBMM activation.

    As survivor, it's a mix bag. It feels like the same old teammates as before SBMM. Sometimes I get competent teammates. I got camped by a Doc reasonably so when he couldn't get a down, I was the unlucky soul to get caught with noed because he randomly decided he wanted me and bad, even neglecting an injured Nancy to get me the whole duration of the last 2 gens. My team did try to find it but my time on second phase was running out so they left. I didn't blame them and I wasn't salty, they made the right decision. Wasn't even salty with the Doc - he was just confirming a kill. On the other end of the spectrum of teammates, a similar situation happened earlier before the Doc match with a Myers who also just wanted me in the duration of the last gen which I don't understand why these killers want me so bad sometimes I'm not god tier or even good lmao I don't teabag or anything but I digress; so my teammates threw themselves at Myers with noed... It was wild.

    The killers I'm going against as survivor though has been a lot easier I admit that. Sometimes I get owned though lol But que sera, sera my friends. XD